COVID Noncompliance Now Labeled Top ‘Terror Threat’

Global Research – by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Opposing COVID measures now tops the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s list of potential terror threats.

Public officials and media pundits are seemingly intentionally fanning the flames of unveiled hatred against those who choose to not participate in the COVID jab experiment

The rhetoric now hurled at unvaccinated people would under normal circumstances be considered hate speech. Now, it’s promoted as virtuous, while reporting a statistic or medical finding that counters the official narrative is considered hate speech

By convincing everyone that unvaccinated people are to blame for the never-ending pandemic, the pandemic industrial complex prevents the masses from identifying and turning on the real culprits

The World Health Organization is working with an artificial intelligence tool called EARS. It mines blogs, news articles and online forums in 20 countries, analyzing narratives and anticipating information spread. In all likelihood, it can also predict which narratives would most effectively counter the concerns people express. These propaganda narratives can then be disseminated through bot farms


When you think of potential terror threats, what comes to mind? Did opposing irrational and/or illegal COVID measures make your list? Well, it recently got top billing on the Department of Homeland Security’s list of potential terror threats as we approach the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

Read the rest here:

5 thoughts on “COVID Noncompliance Now Labeled Top ‘Terror Threat’

    I wonder what I got to say about that?
    Someone at the Trenches used to say…
    “Start the ball, Tector”

  2. This is really stupid

    Wouldn’t the vaxxers want us non vaxxers dead anyways ?

    Makes no sense to me
    You would think they would be fine all the non compilers dying

    I mean
    If we’re all going to die anyways
    Why would they care that we didn’t comply ?

  3. In other words, those of us who choose to remain fully human (whether one believes God made us or not) are really really really a threat to the criminal psycho elites whom would prefer us true humans join their slavery “borg” AI-enchanced “robot” “workforce” to their satanic “ends justify the means” crapola.

    Well guess what you psychos? Your kind tried it once before (Days of Noah…Genesis 6 “giants” and all) and that didn’t work. And it won’t work this time either. Enjoy satan gnashing his teeth on your bones forever in the outer darkness….

  4. Seems to me the EFIO
    Has been making it business as usual to negotiate with terrorists

    I’m all ears , fckers !

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