Dark Winter 2021

Sep 26, 2021
We keep hearing the term “Dark Winter” from the media, from Biden, from Fauci, etc. Is Dark Winter 2021 what Fauci means if people don’t roll up their sleeve? Is this War how they are going to do to implement their agenda?

One thought on “Dark Winter 2021

  1. Thanks, Deon. Yeah, long, long time they’ve been planning our captivity, our compliance, our death. They just didn’t know what they’d be coming up against in meeting a pissed off populace who have lost nearly everything to their evil tyranny and have almost nothing to lose. In terms of our rights… they’re messin’ with the sacrosanct and that is sacrilegious. You don’t tamper with that or THE WRATH OF FREE EXISTENCE will hammer you and your lie. I see now that fighting is spiritual and to not choose it is to choose to help EVIL remain in power.

    Aside: Hear that, Alex, Adam Green, and all the others who repeatedly say, “I’m not calling for any violence?” Deserters!! Go move to Australia. You’ve two choices there: accommodate your comfort zone and join Camp Compliance, or grow a pair and learn about fighting back from those Aussies who are actually killin’ it. I don’t think you’re safe in remaining here. Seems those “two choices” exist everywhere. Comply or Fight. In other words, BE A SLAVE or BE FREE.




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