Newt Gingrich broke down in tears on Friday in an effort to enact the Hilary Clinton cry strategy in order to put a halt to his fall in the polls.  I guess this little act was designed to make him seem more human.  I say “act” because this is essentially what it was.  It is common knowledge that the student in acting school is taught the technique of bringing up an old painful memory in order to induce tears on cue.  Though the emotion is real, the assertion is ingenuine.  (Newt was probably thinking about his fall in the polls, rather than his mother.)

I think everyone knows by now that the mainstream candidates employ acting coaches as a status quo course of action.  And as the people have become aware of this situation, the genuine honesty of Dr. Ron Paul shines as does the truth in his words.  I think at this point in the game the majority of those who have recently become awakened to the lie of the false left-right paradigm are saying to themselves, “Thank God for Ron Paul.  He is the only chance this country has.”  In that being the reality, this fight is just heating up.
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