(credit: CBS)CBS Denver

A group of Hispanic custodians at the Auraria Campus in downtown Denver are claiming they are victims of discrimination.

They’ve filed a complaint against the campus operator that could be reviewed by a federal judge.   Continue reading “Janitors in Colorado Sue Over Having to Speak English”

Several explosions have hit the southern province of Hatay’s Reyhanlı district on the Turkish-Syrian border. DHA photoHurrieyet Daily News

The death toll from suspected twin car bombs that hit the southern province of Hatay’s Reyhanlı district on the Turkish-Syrian border has risen to 43, Turkish Deputy Prime Ministrer Beşir Atalay said today. More than 100 were injured, 56 of whom are still being treated, he added.

The town center of Reyhanlı, which is hosting many Syrians fleeing the conflict in the Arab republic, was the target of deadly explosions at around 1:45 p.m. local time. Bombs were set off near the municipality, causing major damage to buildings in the town center. A wooden building close to the municipality collapsed following the explosions, while power has reportedly been cut in the town. Police took heavy security measures after the explosions.   Continue reading “Death toll rises to 43 as explosions hit Turkish town on border with Syria”

logo-faa-federal-aviation-administrationNow the End Begins

QUINCY (CBS) – A mystery in Quincy continues to deepen: Who is flying around the city from dusk to dawn, for the past ten days or so?

“It’s frightening, not just weird, but frightening,” said one resident of the Wollaston section.  

Every night for nearly the last two weeks, residents have spotted a low-flying aircraft doing loops over the city. WBZ has learned the FAA knows what’s going on, but the agency isn’t telling.   Continue reading “Obama Gov’t Terrorizing Massachusetts Residents With Mystery Aircraft”

The Home for Survival – by Survivor Mike

Burglars usually look for lightweight, high-priced items that they can steal quickly without attracting much attention. If you leave these 4 items in sight, you will increase the risk of someone breaking in and taking more than what they came for.  These are the items burglars want.   Continue reading “4 Items Burglars Want: Are You Flashing Them Around?”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Several huge explosions have struck a Turkey town on the border of Syria. Initial reports have said that at least 18 and possibly more than 30 people have been killed as a result of the latest carnage to strike the Middle East.

Several explosions shook a Turkish town on Saturday near the border with Syria where mortar fire has in the past spilled over from the Syrian civil war, a local official said.   Continue reading “Huge Explosions Hit Turkey – Video Report From Border Of #Syria”

CNet- by Declan McCullagh

Apple receives so many police demands to decrypt seized iPhones that it has created a “waiting list” to handle the deluge of requests, CNET has learned.

Court documents show that federal agents were so stymied by the encrypted iPhone 4S of a Kentucky man accused of distributing crack cocaine that they turned to Apple for decryption help last year.   Continue reading “Apple deluged by police demands to decrypt iPhones”

childrenNatural News – by Michael A. Bedar, MA

A conscious parent may be described as one who would like to raise a child who is fully alive to their choices to live free, intelligent, healthy lives, in tune with themselves and connected to nature.

Compare that conscious parental aspiration to these proven facts about behavior in youth in relation to using and viewing media:   Continue reading “Are children being zombified?”

AFP Photo / Jonathan AlcornRT News

A California father of four died Wednesday shortly after a group of police allegedly beat him with batons as he lay defenseless on the sidewalk. Cops, before confiscating witness’ cameras, also reportedly unleashed a canine unit on him.

David Sal Silva, 33, allegedly resisted when police approached him to ask if he was who neighbors called about to complain of an intoxicated man in the area. The officers called for backup and, witnesses told the Bakersfield Californian, Silva was soon being beaten in the face and upper body by as many as nine policemen and their batons. At least one of the cops reportedly held a German Shepherd on a leash nearby.   Continue reading “California dad ‘begged for his life’ as police beat him to death – witnesses”

Breitbart – by Tony Lee

On Friday, the IRS apologized for singling out conservative groups, especially organizations that had “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in their names, for additional reviews during the 2012 election.

According to the Associated Press, Lois Lerner, who “heads the IRS unit that overseas tax-exempt groups,” said such groups were targeted and scrutinized excessively to see if they were in violation of their tax-exempt status.   Continue reading “IRS Apologizes for Targeting Tea Party Groups in 2012”

Bahraini riot police try to disperse anti-regime protestors in the village of Jidhafs, west of Manama, on May 10, 2013.Press TV

Bahraini riot police try to disperse anti-regime protestors in the village of Jidhafs, west of Manama, on May 10, 2013.

Bahraini regime forces lay siege to Bani Jamra village, west of the capital Manama, amid the continuing crackdown on anti-regime protests in the county, Press TV reports.   Continue reading “Bahraini forces lay siege to village”

(Image credit: KN6KS/Flickr)End the Lie – by Madison Rupert

According to a new report, the United States government is now in fact the single largest buyer of malware in the world thanks to the shift to “offensive” cybersecurity and is leaving us all vulnerable in the process.

Speaking of the government’s new focus on offensive cybersecurity, former White House cybersecurity advisors Howard Schmidt and Richard Clarke both told Reuters that the government is putting so much emphasis on offensive measures that it ultimately leaves people in the U.S. at risk.   Continue reading “Report: US government now buys more malware than anyone else in the world”

The Vatic Project

Pretty soon we won’t know who to trust,  but then,  is that the point? Is firefox causing the spies such problems that they are putting this out to chase us all back to microsoft?   I don’t know, but we are warned and can watch for such indicators that will tell us one way or the other.  Don’t act until confirmed.   Continue reading “Mozilla to FinSpy: stop disguising your “lawful interception” spyware as Firefox”

Before It’s News – by Tom Dennen, the Paranoid Historian

Einstein, when asked “what is the most powerful force in the Universe?” is reputed to have answered, “Compound Interest.”

Today’s mantras, “Everybody’s Lying to You” and “It’s all About Control “ and ”There is a Global Conspiracy” are quite true, but not instigated by ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ on The Internet, no, they were clearly identified by several of the last century’s greatest Statesmen, again and again, into the silence of history ‘written by the winners’.   Continue reading “Let’s Get This ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Crap Cleared Up Once And For All – Roosevelt, Churchill and JF Kennedy Were Not Bullsh*tting!”