Tech Dirt – by Tim Cushing

When NYPD Chief Ray Kelly said “privacy was off the table” following the Boston bombing, we all knew this was a one-way “exchange.” It was always going to be average citizens losing out on their privacy. The NYPD would remain unaffected and continue to operate the way it has for years: behind the thin thick blue line of opacity.

Salon’s CJ Ciaramella takes a detailed look at the NYPD’s track record on Freedom of Information requests. The results are unsurprising. The public entities that demand the most from their constituents are often the most reluctant to give anything back.    Continue reading “NYPD Chief Ray Kelly And Mayor Bloomberg Still Think Privacy Is A Good Thing — Just Not YOUR Privacy”

NORML Allen St PierreBusiness Insider -by Walter Hickey

With marijuana legal or medically available in 16 states, a new industry is rising to capitalize on the new commodity.

Interestingly, many of the entrepreneurs in the cannabis industry are finding a way to run their business without even touching the drug, which remains federally illegal.   Continue reading “Meet The Guys Who Want To Do For Marijuana What Michael Bloomberg Did For Finance”

Huffington Post – by David Moye

Police in Port Angeles, Wash., have arrested a man accused of stealing a bulldozer and using it to destroy two homes and power lines.

“A person with a piece of heavy equipment that was very upset, struck two homes in the area and also a truck,” Jim Borte with the Clallam County Sheriff’s Department told KOMO-TV.   Continue reading “Man In Stolen Bulldozer Destroys 2 Homes, Power Lines In Port Angeles, Wa.”

Nicotine Peppers ParkinsonsHuffington Post – by Amanda L. Chan

Eating peppers, tomatoes and other vegetables from the Solanaceae plant familymight help to lower your risk of Parkinson’s disease, a new study suggests.

Published in the journal Annals of Neurology, researchers from the University of Washington found that the higher the consumption of vegetables in this plant family — especially peppers — the lower the risk of Parkinson’s disease. They noted that a possible reason for this is the nicotine that is naturally present in this plant family; nicotine and tobacco smoking has been shown in past research to be associated with decreased risk of Parkinson’s disease.   Continue reading “Nicotine In Peppers, Other Plants Linked With Lower Parkinson’s Risk: Study”

This is not about alarmism …but about common sense. Only God knows what’s in our future and we only know what He’s revealed to us in His word. What we learn about our surroundings will help us to become better prepared, for whatever comes our way.

Facing the facts, and not ignoring them, is being a REALIST, which is a much better term than being a prepper or survivalist. The video below is designed to make people think. The events occurring now are warning signs of things to come in the days a head.

We know this much, for God’s word tells us this. (Luke 21. 5-38) Whatever happens, may or may not happen this year, or even at all, in our lifetime. But the question remains. What would you do, if and when it does?   Continue reading “Being a Realist”

karl-rove-tampa-580.jpgThe New Yorker – by ANDY BOROWITZ  [Satire]

LAS VEGAS (The Borowitz Report)—News that Karl Rove’s PAC, American Crossroads, has bought ads attacking Hillary Clinton has sent the Democrat’s stock soaring in Las Vegas, where oddsmakers now say she is virtually guaranteed to be the next President of the United States.

“People were bullish on Hillary before this,” said Tracy Klugian, a leading Las Vegas oddsmaker for over forty years. “But the Rove thing makes it a lock.”   Continue reading “Vegas: Rove Attack Ads Seal Victory for Hillary”

Cody Wilson tests Liberator 3D printed gunTech News Daily – by Lisa L. Kirchner

With the announcement this week that a handgun made from a 3D printer fired successfully, 3D manufacturers may soon find themselves in a gray area when it comes to liability. From the looks of it, these companies aren’t ready for the new wave of customers and responsibility this might bring.

According to the BBC, designs for the Liberator plastic pistol have been downloaded more than 100,000 times already — before the U.S. government ordered that the designs be taken down for fear they may violate arms-exporting laws.    Continue reading “Who’s Liable for Crimes Committed With 3D-Printed Guns?”

Common Dreams – by Rebekah Wilce, May 6, 2013

Wisconsin ranks 44th in the nation for new job creation. Rather than rolling up their sleeves and finding new and innovative ways to help create jobs, the Wisconsin legislature is spending its time telling people needing food assistance what they should be eating. AB 110, which will be up for a vote in the Assembly on Tuesday, May 7, is geared toward limiting “the amount of food stamp benefits that could be spent on junk food.” But some of the fine print of the bill, bizarrely, would ban people from choosing more healthy and less expensive options for their families. The bill is one of many being considered that are unduly punitive of the poor.    Continue reading “Wisconsin Bill Would Treat Organic Milk, Sharp Cheddar, Brown Eggs as “Junk Food””

Before It’s News – by Alexander Higgins

As the end game is in sight for Uncle Sam’s post-911 war plans the CIA begins planting seeds of propaganda to for the next phase in America’s global conquest – the occupation of Saudi Arabia.

Realizing Saudi Arabia will not voluntarily maintain its current relationship supporting the petrodollar monopoly as we move closer everyday to the Peak oil, the shadow government is positioning itself to sack Saudi Arabia in an attempt to perpetuate the relationship by force.   Continue reading “WW3 – CIA Plants Seeds To Invade Saudi Arabia”

Before It’s News – by Alexander Higgins

The United States and the corporate media continues to blame Syria for the use of chemical weapons while ignoring the a UN investigation blaming the terrorists because in reality the WMDs used by the terrorists came through CIA bases in Turkey.

As confirmed in an exclusive interview by BeforeItsNews reporter Alexander Higgins, western backed terrorists are waging war against Syria through the use of military bases inside Turkey where they are trained, supplied with weapons and then smuggled into Syria.   Continue reading “Syria Chemical Weapons Came From CIA Through Turkey”

scamalertbigFreedom Outpost – by Karen Schroeder

The federal government is planning to spend another 16 billion dollars to implement programs that are basically the same as those paid for during the 1950s. Many legislators, parents, and taxpayers have been given the false impression that Common Core State Standards and the International Baccalaureate programs will reform and improve education. However, these two newest educational policies are an extension of old policies that created weaknesses in the American educational system and destroyed its international reputation for excellence.   Continue reading “The Federal Government’s $16 Billion Education Scam”

Bryce Reed, a paramedic in West, Texas, is shown in a McClennan County Sheriff's Office booking photo taken on May 10, 2013. McClennan County Sheriff's Office/Handout via ReutersYahoo News

The arrest Friday of a first responder to the deadly April 17 fertilizer plant blast in West, Texas, on explosives charges, is a new wrinkle that may call into question whether the incident that killed 14 people – including 12 firefighters and paramedics – was in fact a tragic industrial accident, as most people in the area believed.   Continue reading “Unexpected twists in case of deadly blast at Texas fertilizer plant”

Sgt. Report

We can all do our part when it comes to defeating tyranny, and we need your help on this one. Sue in New Jersey, a friend of SGT Report, sent us this memo moments ago. Sue tells us that “several NJ legislators were recently caught on an open mic at one of these “fake” gun control hearings here in NJ. You know where they pretend to listen, but pass the legislation anyway…. It exposed their real agenda.” Continue reading “NJ GUN CONFISCATION BOMBSHELL: NJ Senators’ Disdain For Lawful Gun Owners Revealed By Hot Mic Following MAY 9th Gun Debate Hearing”

It is encouraging beyond words to see our people exiting the Matrix, literally in swarms across our country, and as sure as we can see this phenomenon, so can our enemies who are currently pushing to re-implement every facet of divide that has been used against us for the past hundred years.

It is crucial that we understand our enemy but we will not allow ourselves to be diverted through fanaticism that attempts to divide us through past conflicts of which we were not a party to.    Continue reading “Zion in the US Implementing Old Strategies – No Sale”

Once one puts the trails of thread together, it leads to the obvious. The destruction of our America has been in the works for quite some time. Our founding fathers warned us of these possibilities….but we fell asleep. We, as a nation, have put too much trust in our elected officials to protect us from evil. But how can a society protect itself from the “machine”?

When the machine continually turns out, and allows enemies to educate our children. Working covertly then, but now openly, against the well being of the family, and its core values. They know they can ultimately win….after several generations.   Continue reading “Night before the Dawn”


The immigration reform measure the Senate began debating yesterday would create a national biometric database of virtually every adult in the U.S., in what privacy groups fear could be the first step to a ubiquitous national identification system.

Buried in the more than 800 pages of the bipartisan legislation (.pdf)  is language mandating the creation of the innocuously-named “photo tool,” a massive federal database administered by the Department of Homeland Security and containing names, ages, Social Security numbers and photographs of everyone in the country with a driver’s license or other state-issued photo ID.   Continue reading “Biometric Database of All Adult Americans Hidden in Immigration Reform”

JeffBliss.jpegDallas Observer by Eric Nicholson

We learned a little bit more yesterday about Jeff Bliss, the Duncanville High School student whose blistering classroom rant against uninspired teachers seems to have struck a nerve. He’s 18, but he’s only a high school sophomore, having dropped out of school for a year. He’s new to, and not yet very good at, Twitter. His mom is proud.

We also learned something about Duncanville ISD, which has dealt with the situation in a surprisingly measured way. They initially released a statement reading, “We want our students and teachers to be engaged, but the method by which the student expressed his concern could have been handled in a more appropriate way.”   Continue reading “Jeff Bliss, Duncanville Teen Whose Classroom Rant Went Viral, Escaped Punishment. His Teacher Has Not.”