Huffington Post – by RAMIT PLUSHNICK-MASTI

HOUSTON — The Federal Emergency Management Agency is refusing to provide money to help rebuild the small Texas town where a deadly fertilizer plant explosion leveled numerous homes and a school, and killed 15 people.

According to a letter obtained by The Associated Press, FEMA said it reviewed the state’s appeal to help West but decided that the explosion “is not of the severity and magnitude that warrants a major disaster declaration.”   Continue reading “FEMA Denies Funds To Rebuild West, Texas After Fertilizer Plant Explosion”

phonebillDvorak Uncensored – by Eideard

In researching the stunning pervasiveness of spying by the government (it’s much more wide spread than you’ve heard even now), we ran across the fact that the FBI wants software programmers to install a backdoor in all software…Digging a little further, we found a 1999 article by leading European computer publication Heise which noted that the NSA had already built a backdoor into all Windows software:   Continue reading “Our government has been building spy-access into the Windows Operating System since the late 1990′s”

Rand PaulCNS News – by Terence P. Jeffrey

In his prepared text for a speech he is delivering today at the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, Sen. Rand Paul (R.-Ky.) said to illegal aliens who want to live and work in the United States: “[W]e will find a place for you.”

Paul also said he envisions today’s illegal aliens becoming additional “taxpayers.”   Continue reading “Rand Paul to Illegals: ‘We Will Find a Place for You;’ Envisions 12 Million ‘New Taxpayers’”

A Closer Look at the Stars and Stripes

American war correspondents in France had greater freedom to observe the military actions of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF) than was permitted the journalists of the other Allied armies. In the area under General Pershing’s command, correspondents could go to the front lines without military escorts, they could follow fighting troops as they advanced, and they could roam the rear areas, sheltering where they chose. This was not the case for correspondents with the British, French, and German forces in the early years of the war.   Continue reading “The Stars and Stripes, 1918 – 1919: Military Censorship”


PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — The U.S. Justice Department has found that a Providence vocational school ran what amounted to a sweatshop involving developmentally disabled students.

WPRI-TV reports ( ) the department’s Civil Rights Division sent a letter to Rhode Island’s capital outlining violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act at the Harold H. Birch Vocational School.   Continue reading “School for disabled accused of running sweatshop”

Workers tend to a field at a Earthbound Organic Farm in San Juan Bautista, California. (AFP Photo / David Paul Morris)RT News

An appeals court ruling handed down Monday is being largely viewed as yet another victory for biotech giant Monsanto.

The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled this week that an earlier ruling favoring Monsanto would stay intact, despite mounting concerns voiced by farmers and agriculturists bothered by the biotech company’s reputation for litigation.   Continue reading “Monsanto secures victory over organic farmers”

RT News

South Carolina may give authorities direct access to anyone’s vehicle license plate as it considers switching to new electronic plates called e-tags. New technology allows the DMV to post messages across the license plates anywhere, anytime.

The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will have complete access to all e-tags to flag vehicles with expired insurance or suspended license plates and write messages such as “Suspended”“Uninsured”,“Amber Alert”, or “Stolen” across license plates.   Continue reading “Shameplates: E-tags on license plates let DMV show your ‘suspended’ or ‘uninsured’ status”

War is a Crime – by David Swanson

If we think at all about our government’s military depopulating territory that it desires, we usually think of the long-ago replacement of native Americans with new settlements during the continental expansion of the United States westward.

Here in Virginia some of us are vaguely aware that back during the Great Depression poor people were evicted from their homes and their land where national parks were desired.  But we distract and comfort ourselves with the notion that such matters are deep in the past.   Continue reading “How the Pentagon Removes Entire Peoples”

GMONatural News – by Mike Adams

If you have stomach problems or gastrointestinal problems, a new study led by Dr. Judy Carman may help explain why: pigs fed a diet of genetically engineered soy and corn showed a 267% increase in severe stomach inflammation compared to those fed non-GMO diets. In males, the difference was even more pronounced: a 400% increase. (For the record, most autistic children are males, and nearly all of them have severe intestinal inflammation.)   Continue reading “GMO feed turns pig stomachs to mush! Shocking photos reveal severe damage caused by GM soy and corn”

AOL Weather

Severe weather, including a possible derecho, could affect 64 million people in 10 states.

WASHINGTON (AP) – A gigantic line of powerful thunderstorms could affect one in five Americans on Wednesday as it rumbles from Iowa to Maryland packing hail, lightning and tree-toppling winds.   Continue reading “Massive Line of Dangerous Storms Take Aim at Midwest, Northeast”

Activist Post – by Ginger Jane Hammack

This cage has had societies under a spell for decades. The light from the lamp post is softly glowing. We’ve been starring at it for years. Our feet wet from random sprayings through the bars. Our spirits have been provoked to hunt inner truth and we wait.

While opening the King James Bible and turning to Proverbs 28:1 the most inspirational verse reads, “The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.” While it is daunting to wake up the caged, I’m encouraged somehow to show them they can be bold as lions.   Continue reading “Humanity Roars Like Lions Caged Inside the Agenda 21 Matrix”

Sample of a Tom Francois Obama CartoonExaminer – by HARRIET BALDWIN

After you read this- you will wonder what country we are in.

Tom Francois is an outspoken critic of Barack Hussein Obama- and has a robust Twitter presence. He also likes to dabble with his “paint” program to create funny cartoons. He has never threatened the President in any way, manner or form.

On April 11, 2013, he heard relentless pounding on his door shouts of “Police!” The officers introduced themselves as members of The Secret Service and asked if they could “take a look around.”   Continue reading “Secret Service “Visits” Outspoken Critic of Obama – Because of Twitter?”


Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, in a sharp escalation in the battle over gun control, is seeking to punish Democratic senators by taking away the one thing they most need from New Yorkers: money.

On Wednesday, Mr. Bloomberg will send a personal letter to hundreds of the biggest Democratic donors in New York urging them to cut off contributions to the four Democratic senators who helped block a bill in April that would have strengthened background checks on gun purchasers.   Continue reading “Bloomberg Asks Donors to Shut Wallets Over Senators’ Gun Votes”

gunwiscap.jpgFox News

MADISON, Wis. –  Wisconsin police would be forbidden from enforcing any new federal gun and ammunition restrictions, bans or registration requirements under a bill a Republican lawmaker is circulating.

Rep. Michael Schraa of Oshkosh, a first-term legislator and a member of the National Rifle Association, sent out an email Tuesday to his fellow lawmakers seeking co-sponsors for the proposal. He also issued a statement to the media saying the bill is meant to send a message that Wisconsin won’t help the federal government restrict the public’s constitutional right to bear arms.   Continue reading “Wisconsin bill would bar police from enforcing any new federal gun restrictions”

Crazy Eddie’s Motie News


The Weather Channel posted two videos warning of severe thunderstorms along with scattered tornadoes and even a derecho developing this afternoon and evening.  Here’s the first: Possible Storms & Tornadoes Wednesday.   Continue reading “Severe weather and possible derecho in the Midwest today”

**FILE** Police in Chandler, Ariz., respond to a report of copper theft from a shopping plaza roof on Jan. 18, 2012. (Associated Press)Washington Times – by Stephen Dinan

The Senate is moving to make metal theft a federal crime, with the Judiciary Committee poised to take action later this week on a bill that would impose a 10-year prison sentence on anyone caught stealing metal from telephone or cell towers, highway equipment or other critical infrastructure. Copper theft is a particular problem, with the average annual price on global markets quadrupling over the past decade.   Continue reading “Senate moving to make copper theft a federal crime”

last roundupInformation Clearinghouse – by Christopher Ketcham, Radar Magazine,  28/04/08

In the spring of 2007, a retired senior official in the U.S. Justice Department sat before Congress and told a story so odd and ominous, it could have sprung from the pages of a pulp political thriller. It was about a principled bureaucrat struggling to protect his country from a highly classified program with sinister implications. Rife with high drama, it included a car chase through the streets of Washington, D.C., and a tense meeting at the White House, where the president’s henchmen made the bureaucrat so nervous that he demanded a neutral witness be present.   Continue reading “The Last Roundup”

American Everyman – by Scott Creighton

UPDATE: Booz Allen releases his records, he made $122,000 a year, not $200,000. Girl friend is a flake performance artist “pole dancing super hero” with a “fringe theater” company. She did one dance in March to the 007 theme song “Diamonds are Forever”. Cute huh? Experts pointing out one person can’t “shut down the NSA tomorrow”.  he’s now in hiding with Robert Baer saying he’s probably a Chinese double agent. Great right? Go ahead… Stand with Edward Snowden. Have fun. Good luck with the new job search Glenn.   Continue reading “Manufactured Hero Edward Snowden: Why? and Why Now?”

Pentagons ProtestSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

The catalyst for the next great war will likely occur somewhere in the middle east. The Americans know this. As do the Russians and the Chinese. And as with the last two ‘great wars,’ the groundwork is being laid well ahead of time.

A large American military force disembarked Tuesday, June 4, at the southern Jordanian port of Aqaba – ready for deployment on the kingdom’s Syrian border, DEBKAfile’s exclusive military sources report. The force made its way north along the Aqaba-Jerash-Ajilon mountain road bisecting Jordan from south to north, under heavy Jordanian military escort.   Continue reading “Pentagon Blackout: “Large American Military Force” Deployed to Syrian Border”

Paratus Familia Blog – by Enola Gay

Our government is trying to pull a fast one.  They are trying to convince us that their most pressing mandate is to provide the American citizens with the greatest measure of safety possible.  Forget the freedoms mandated by our founding fathers and entrusted to us in the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights – SAFETY is the guiding principle of our new Keepers.  Our Keepers are not alone in their carefully conceived deception – they have entreated willing accomplices in the media and the marbled halls of  academia to perpetuate the lie that safety can be bought for the piddling sum of freedom.    Continue reading “I Don’t Want Safety – I Want Freedom”