Screen Shot 2013-10-27 at 8.16.22 AMClash Daily – by Doug Giles

Hey, reader: have you ever noticed the lack of men in our culture nowadays?

You haven’t?

Well, then allow me to be the first to tell you that you’re either…   Continue reading “God’s Judging America: He’s Giving Us Gutless Leaders and Effeminate Men”

Guns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

According to the NRA-ILA, the last primary lead smelter in the United States will close down its operation in December.

This means the US will lose its capability to produce lead ammo completely within its borders from the process of mining to production of commercial cartridges.   Continue reading “Last U.S. Lead Smelter to Close in December Due to EPA – Might Affect Ammo Production”

An officer competes during the Best in the West 2013 Invitational S.W.A.T. Competition (Reuters / Josh Edelson)RT News

Military personnel are increasingly turning to liposuction in order to pass the Pentagon’s body fat test in an effort to maintain future prospects amid a budget-cutting environment.

US service members say that the test used by the Defense Department measures the neck and waist to estimate body fat, which can easily lead weed out muscular or bulky physiques in addition to flabbier ones.   Continue reading “US military personnel increasingly choosing liposuction to beat body fat tests”

Oakland police officers stand in formation during a protest in Oakland, California. (Reuters / Josh Edelson)RT News

An Oakland, CA activist says local police officers sent surveillance footage of him participating in a protest last week to his employer, resulting in his firing Monday.

The activist, who goes by @Anon4Justice on Twitter, tweeted the details Monday morning in what appears to be police use of surveillance footage in combination with private and public records that identified @Anon4Justice and led to his employer.   Continue reading “Oakland activist allegedly fired after police tracked him at protest, alerted his employer”

obama_with_militaryWND – by F. MICHAEL MALOOF

WASHINGTON – President Obama this year alone has fired some nine generals and flag officers, on top of at least four similar dismissals during his first term, suggesting that a purge may be the real reason behind the removals, which are being described as cases of personal misbehavior.

Retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, an outspoken critic of the Obama administration, claims it is part of Obama’s strategy to reduce U.S. standing worldwide.   Continue reading “Obama ‘gutting military’ by purging generals”

US Sen. Rand Paul (Mark Wilson / Getty Images / AFP) RT News

Senator Rand Paul doesn’t want government officials to receive any sort of special treatment, and a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution courtesy of the Kentucky Republican could accomplish just that.

Sen. Paul’s office announced on Monday that the lawmaker introduced a Constitutional amendment in Washington last week “that would hold government officials to the same standard as the American people.”   Continue reading “Rand Paul proposes constitutional amendment barring government officials from being above the law”

Breitbart – by JON DAVID KAHN

Whoever believes that Britney Spears’ music isn’t powerful, need think again. Chart toppers like “Hit Me Baby One More Time” and “Oops I Did it Again” have proven to be effective weapons when blasted at approaching Somali Pirates who reportedly retreat at the mere sound of the songstress.

Rachel Owens, 34, a merchant navy officer on huge super tankers off the east coast of Africa says music is a really effective way of deterring the pirates and their high-speed skiffs: “Her songs have been chosen by the security team accompanying our tankers because they thought the pirates would hate them most. These guys can’t stand Western culture or music, making Britney’s hits perfect.”   Continue reading “Britney Spears Music Used To Scare Off Somali Pirates”

Before It’s News – by Susan Duclos

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) put a notice in the federal register on Friday that announces the creation of a new division which would take total control of state and local pandemic response.The CDC also plans plans to “Federalize State and Local Health Department employees and  add 1000 medical officers to the Commissioned Corps of the United States Public Health Service,” according to the details of the video below from Potrblog.

Ostensibly the US Government / Centers For Disease Control is taking this action in preparation for the expected H7N9 Hemorrhagic Avian Influenza Pandemic. In the thought of letting no good crisis go to waste, the situation smacks of the kind of Centralized Planning and Control that all good commies and corporatists love; it also forebodes the systemic failures which injures all but the political connected.   Continue reading “CDC Prepares For H7N9 Pandemic, Creates New Division For Total Control”

aspartameNatural News – by Michael Ravensthorpe

In 1999, The Independent published an article entitled “World’s top sweetener is made with GM bacteria,” which revealed that Monsanto was knowingly adding aspartame to soft drinks in the United States – and that aspartame is made from GM bacteria. This report, which remains one of the earliest disclosures on aspartame in a mainstream newspaper, received little attention after its publication – possibly because its implications were underestimated at the time – and it has long been forgotten.   Continue reading “Patent confirms that aspartame is the excrement of GM bacteria”

I thought we were broke.


SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Some four-footed military heroes will be honored at a South Texas installation where many of the animals are trained.

Dedication ceremonies are scheduled Monday at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland for the first national monument honoring war dogs that died in service to America.   Continue reading “Military dogs honored with monument in San Antonio”

Science Daily

Dendrites, the branch-like projections of neurons, were once thought to be passive wiring in the brain. But now researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have shown that these dendrites do more than relay information from one neuron to the next. They actively process information, multiplying the brain’s computing power.

“Suddenly, it’s as if the processing power of the brain is much greater than we had originally thought,” said Spencer Smith, PhD, an assistant professor in the UNC School of Medicine.   Continue reading “Neuroscientists Discover New ‘Mini-Neural Computer’ in the Brain”

Palestinians throw stones towards Israeli troops during clashes near the city of Nablus, the occupied West Bank, on December 21, 2012.Press TV – by Kevin Barrett

On February 1st, 1958, Egypt and Syria merged to become one country: The United Arab Republic. Though the brief political marriage ended in divorce on September 28th, 1961, it set a precedent for potential future Middle Eastern liaisons.

Today, a budding romance between Israel and Saudi Arabia is the talk of the Middle East. The Saudis and Israelis are working together to destabilize Syria and prop up the al-Sisi regime in Egypt. The Saudis and Israelis both strongly oppose letting the “Arab spring” bring democracy to the Middle East. The Saudis and Israelis both want corrupt Arab dictators to rule Bahrain and other countries in the region. The Saudis and Israelis work together whipping up sectarian tensions in a divide-and-conquer strategy aimed at preserving their respective regimes. And both the Saudis and the Israelis are angry at the US for refusing to bomb Syria and then attack Iran.    Continue reading “Will Israel merge with Saudi Arabia?”

Newsmax – by Jim Meyers and Kathleen Walter

Sen. Ron Johnson tells Newsmax he is prepared to sue the “lawless” Obama administration over its decision to grant members of Congress and their staff special treatment under Obamacare.

The Wisconsin Republican also warns that the real concern, above and beyond the dysfunctional Obamacare website, is the damage Obamacare will do the country’s healthcare system and personal freedoms.   Continue reading “Sen. Ron Johnson Prepared to Sue ‘Lawless’ Obama Administration”

Extremism Online – by J B Campbell

This writer and the Obama gang want violent revolution.  On that goal we are agreed.  Obama wants it because he’s a Communist.  I want it because I’m an anti-Communist.  Only violence will determine anything because Communists and anti-Communists cannot co-exist.  One must kill the other or be killed by the other.  We saw that in Russia and we saw it in Germany and we saw it in China, Korea, Vietnam and Cambodia.  I saw it in Rhodesia.  The Communists defeated the anti-Communists everywhere because America was on the Communist side.  America is Communist and has to be destroyed by American anti-Communists.     Continue reading “Communist America”

Right Side News – by Matt Barber

Benjamin Franklin famously quipped, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

Franklin evidently failed to envisage today’s postmodern left. For the conservative, there exists at least one other certainty, and it is this: The degree to which “progressives” attack you corresponds precisely to the degree with which you challenge any among their assorted, distorted and sordid sacred cows.

What would you call a 33-year-old man who both had and axiomatically acted upon a deviant sexual appetite for underage, drug-addicted, runaway boys? (No, not Jerry Sandusky.)   Continue reading “Sexual Predator Honored With U.S. Postage Stamp”

Story Leak – by Mikael Thalen 

Troopers from the Iowa State Patrol have joined the growing number of departments across the country arming their police cars with a new launchable GPS tracking device, aimed at stopping dangerous police chases.

Referred to as a pursuit reduction technology, the StarChase system launches a miniature GPS tracker from a compressed-air cannon mounted on the police vehicle’s grill. Once attached, an officer can end a pursuit and track the vehicle at a later time.   Continue reading “Police Cars Fitted With Launchable Tracking Device Technology”

Chicago Number One In Gun ViolenceAmmoLand

BELLEVUE, WA –-( Frustration must be mounting for the gun control crowd because now states are going after law abiding gun owners.

A man was arrested in New York for having 3 too many rounds in his legally registered 9mm. Another infringement is a proposed law in Illinois that could land you in jail if you forget your firearm’s paperwork.   Continue reading “Innocent Gun Owners Behind Bars”