For Denise Acosta, it was being laid off for the first time. For Diana Martinez, it was the death of her mother, leaving her as the sole carer for her severely disabled younger brother. For Johnny Hill, it was having to take responsibility, a year away from retirement, for her two young granddaughters.
Each of these hard-working women from San Antonio, Texas, have fallen victim to circumstances that turned their lives upside down, robbing them of their full-time jobs, the paychecks they once enjoyed and, in Acosta’s case, her home. Their stories vary, but they all belong to a growing group, America’s working poor, for whom the journey from getting by to hunger can be brutally short. Continue reading “Demand for food stamps soars as cuts sink in and shelves empty”
There’s been a fair amount written about the Obama Christmas card. It’s a pop-up card, which has an expensive look that’s unseemly as millions lose their insurance and millions more have joined the ranks of the perpetually unemployed. It’s colors are cool, not warm, which seems to refute the warmth that Christmas brings to people in the dark of winter. It shows a vacant building, which seems symbolic when one considers that Obama invariable answer to all the scandalsrevealed in the past year is to disclaim knowledge or responsibility. And lastly, despite going out at Christmas time and despite Obama’s claims to be a Christian, the card makes no mention of Christmas. Keep in mind with this last point that the card ostensibly comes not from “the government” but from a man and his family. George and Laura Bush were not ashamed that they celebrated Christmas and always sent out cards that included Biblical verses. Continue reading “The Obama Christmas card reveals the zero at the center of our government”
“As a Congress we need to step up and point out and take charge and point out when the President is going beyond his constitutional powers, which is frequent, and we have got to do something about it …” – Rep. Justin Amash
While the legislature dithers, the hematophagic minions of the Left are swooping down upon our defenseless hatchlings. Get ‘em while they’re young; there’s no such beast as a natural-born socialist: Continue reading “Serf City”
Barack Obama had a bombshell dropped on him by his own signature legislation, Obamacare, which was unable to verify his identity as shared in this story below from Gateway Pundit and the video from Fox News. Is THIS more proof that Barack Obama is not even a legal US citizen while masquerading as ‘president’ of the USA? Dig deep here…what are they REALLY trying to tell us? Continue reading “ Unable To Verify Barack Obama’s Identity”
In the aftermath of 9/11 and the 2001 anthrax attacks, the federal government decided not to let that crisis “ go to waste.” Allegedly to “better protect” civilians and troops against biochemical attacks, germ warfare, or pandemics (including normal, seasonal flu), it put the Pentagon squarely in the vaccine business.
The following video was taken today with an Inspector Plus geiger counter by ‘Dave’ giving readings on a Northern California beach due West of San Mateo. The beach is south of Princeton Harbor which in turn is just south of Pillar Point where ‘Mavericks’ big surf comes in. The best description is the San Mateo Coast. Just south again from Princeton Harbor begins the City of Half Moon Bay.
COLORADIO SPRINGS, Colo (KRON) — Everyone is excited about tonight’s arrival of Santa Claus but not everyone is stoked about the visitors Jolly Ole St. Nick is bringing with him, some U.S. military fighter jets.
This is a recipe handed down to me by my mom. It’s been in my family since I was a kid (back when dirt was new). I’ve tweaked it slightly to my own satisfaction, but will also provide the original specs. I’ve yet to come across a store-bought cookie that equals them.
Even after months of stories exposing the breadth and depth of National Security Agency (NSA) spying on Americans’ communications, the Obama administration insists federal courts should stop hearing cases challenging the agency’s warrantless surveillance on grounds that they might expose the existence of this spying.
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture has issued a movement permit to S. Claus to “allow reindeer to enter and exit the United States between the hours of 6 PM December 24, 2013 and 6 AM December 25, 2013, through or over any northern border port.”
Many of us reading this carry firearms on a daily basis, but how many are maintaining situational awareness in their daily routine? This question is aimed primarily towards those of us who have chosen to accept the responsibility of being armed, but it also applies to situations where you’re not armed (either by choice or due to local laws & other prohibitions).