The Organic Prepper

The number one thing that could stand between you and freedom just might be your food supply.

Have you ever been really, truly hungry?  I don’t mean the kind of hunger triggered by a juicy steak on a TV commercial.  I don’t mean the “Dang, I skipped breakfast and it’s an hour until lunch” type of hunger.  I mean the kind of hunger where you haven’t eaten a full meal in a week and your cupboard is now down to a dented can of green peas and 6 stale saltines…for a family of four. Continue reading “How Many Buckets of Freedom Do You Have?”

Fox News Insider

In the latest twist and turn to take place on the issue of gun control in the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court may decide to hear a case that could make it illegal to carry a concealed weapon.

This comes after a Federal Appeals Court in Illinois decided that a person’s right to carry a concealed weapon is not protected under the Second Amendment. Colorado, however, recently refused to reconsider a previous ruling that the state’s ban on concealed carrying is unconstitutional. Because of the contradiction, it’s predicted that the country’s highest court will be forced to rule on the constitutionality of it once and for all. Continue reading “Supreme Court May Be Forced to Rule on Americans’ Right to Carry Concealed Weapons”

Cop Block

CA- San Diego Police Chief, William Lansdowne said in an interview that the implementation of new gun laws will take guns off the streets of America within a generation.

According to San Diego 6, Lansdowne said that it may take a generation but guns will eventually be taken off the streets through new laws like Senator Dianne Feinstein’s proposed assault weapons ban: Continue reading “Police chief: All guns will be banned within a generation.”

Gibiru Uncensored News

A United Nations (UN) scheme to surreptitiously seize property rights from people worldwide and pack the world’s populations into tiny micro-cities controlled by a centralized government has a new ally, Monsanto, which recently joined the so-called World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in pushing for the widespread implementation of the infamous “Agenda 21.” Continue reading “Monsanto further unveils its true evil nature by signing on to UN Agenda 21 ‘sustainability’ scam”

Department of Justice

Greg Ridgeway, Ph.D.
Deputy Director
National Institute of Justice

January 4, 2013

On average there are about 11,000 firearm homicides every year. While there are deaths resulting from accidental discharges and suicides, this document will focus on intentional firearm homicides. Fatalities from mass shootings (those with 4 or more victims in a particular place and time) account on average for 35 fatalities per year. Policies that address the larger firearm homicide issue will have a far greater impact even if they do not address the particular issues of mass shootings. Continue reading “DOJ’s Summary of Select Firearm Violence Prevention Strategies”

Next gig: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has signed up with a talent agency and is commanding $200,000 per lecture, each of which will only last between one and two hours


Hillary Clinton has wasted no time cashing in on the lecture circuit as it was revealed today that she will be charging $200,000 per speech.

The massive fee means that she will be making more from a two-hour lecture than she did in a year as Secretary of State.  Continue reading “Hillary Clinton to charge ‘$200,000 a speech’… which is more than her whole YEAR’S salary as Secretary of State and the same fee that Bill charges”

International Man – by Jeff Thomas

Recently, Ed Steer of Ed Steer’s Gold and Silver Daily received a letter from a reader, Harry Morgan, describing a problem that he encountered in selling ten ounces of silver to a local jewelry store.

Mr. Morgan was successful in selling his silver to the store, but before the transaction could be made, he had to submit to mandatory fingerprinting. He then found that payment for precious metals in excess of $600 must be by cheque, necessitating a deposit into a bank account.’ Continue reading “The Shearing of the Sheeple”

Schools Locked DownTrip Lively

1984 Enters Elementary Schools:

Today, the hallways were filled with a crew of unknown workers, busily making their way up and down their ladders.  Scurrying throughout the hallway, I paid them only little attention as I finished my morning duties.  I walked into the classroom, thinking only of how great it felt to be Friday.

But, in a school full of women, it doesn’t take long for gossip to spread; especially, juicy information such as this.  Continue reading “The Post 9/11 Police State Indoctrination of Our Youth”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

This Government has all ready had a trial run on gun confiscation to see how the rest of America would react. They trial was successful, America said and did nothing. Did this give them the confidence they need to confiscate weapons on a much larger scale?

The DOJ memo (downloadable here as a PDF) states the administration “believes that a gun ban will not work without mandatory gun confiscation,”. Continue reading “Don’t Forget The First Time They Came And Violated Americans 2nd Amentment Rights”

As more US troops are being moved into the Middle East and Africa, the prevailing question seems to be, “When will World War III get under way?” and the short answer is that it has already began.  January 30, 2013, an Israeli fighter jet attacked inside Syria.  By international law, this was an overt act of war and as the United States is a party to an absolute binding defense/offense treaty with Zion, we were a part of that aggressive act and did in reality enter into a state of war with the sovereign country of Syria as a result.

The US has financed an Al Qaeda mercenary force which is presently engaged in open conflict with the government of the sovereign country of Syria, again, an act of war.  The US treasonous government has several times via drone, invaded the sovereign airspace of Pakistan and Yemen and in bombing the people of those countries the US has committed acts of war.  Continue reading “Death for the Love of Money”

We here at From the Trenches have been chronicling the foreign invasion from the south and sounding the warning for a good long while now, and it is truly amazing how far the invasion had to reach before the average American was able to grasp the idea that the invasion was indeed an invasion for the conquest of our nation and its wealth.

Last week at a town hall meeting in Arizona, the traitor John McCain was confronted by a group of Americans who had come to see the invasion for what it is.  McCain met the objections of his constituents to the ongoing invasion with unbridled contempt, sneering hatefully at those who refused to accept his shoddy presentation of the shoddy con that has been used, time after time, year after year, decade after decade, to facilitate this foreign invasion. Continue reading “Insurgents from the South Growing Bolder”

Sequester, austerity by any other name, is the word being repeated again and again in the mainstream propaganda as we close in on yet another deadline foreshadowing doom.  Oh what shall we do?  In reality everyone on both sides of the false left/right paradigm wants to cut programs while at the same time they increase spending.  The fact is they want to cut spending on the contracts of the competitors of their masters, while increasing spending for the contracts for their masters.

The only diversity in this one party socialist system is in reference to the different international contractors vying for possession of the wealth of our resources, which are being stolen as the general operation of the status quo.  The whole operation has become as blatant as a flash mob in a convenience store, with everyone in the criminal mob grabbing as much as they can, as quick as they can, while the fellow who owns the store and hence the property being stolen, is not even considered in the melee.  Continue reading “The Final Stages of the Dagger War”

The Daily Caller – by Patrick Howley

The liberal organization Progressive USA Voters, which is housed in the same progressive Denver office building as a chapter of the infamous left-wing astroturf group ProgressNow, is offering an hourly wage of between $9 and $11 to join its gun-control campaign in Chicago, according to a flyer that was photographed and posted to Reddit Friday. Continue reading “Liberal astroturf group offering $9 to $11 per hour to join its gun-control campaign”

WND – by Nick Adams

SYDNEY, Australia – In the country that has some of the most restrictive firearms legislation in the world, law-abiding citizens must obtain police permission before purchasing a gun and subject themselves to public ridicule, surprise searches without warrants, arbitrary confiscation and burdensome government regulations.

It’s a fate that could befall America, some warn, if citizens willingly surrender their firearms – and with those guns, an entire nation’s hard-won freedom. Continue reading “Catastrophe When America’s Twin Gave Up Guns”

Waking Times – by Kris Gunnars

There is a lot of misinformation circling around inmainstream nutrition.

I have listed the worst examples in this article, but unfortunately this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Here are the top 11 biggest lies, myths and misconceptions of mainstream nutrition. Continue reading “Top 11 Biggest Lies of Mainstream Nutrition”

Once the flu virus has inserted its DNA into the healthy cell and replicated, it would remain stuck to the cell via its hemagglutinin if it were not for the neuraminidase enzyme, which severs the connection to the infected cell’s receptors.Now I’m REALLY worried. This has all the earmarks of a setup. I ain’t fallin’ for THIS banana in the tailpipe. Their agenda does NOT include saving lives.

Before It’s News – by Alton Parish

The days of using the flu as your favorite sickie excuse could be over. Continue reading “Flu Cure Found! Pandemic Threat Ended: New Breakthrough Drug Stops Virus Spread Dead In Its Tracks, Works On Lethal Drug Resistant Strains”