A Russian cruiser came within 30 miles of the British coast but the Navy only had one ship to respond (file image)Daily Mail – by MARK NICHOL

A fully armed Royal Navy warship was scrambled to challenge a missile-carrying Russian vessel  in the waters off Britain just days before Christmas, defence sources revealed last night.

In a calculated test of Britain’s reduced naval capacity in the North Sea, the Russian warship came within 30 miles of the coast.

It was detected nearing Scotland, but the only ship the Royal Navy had available to respond after Ministry of Defence cuts was in Portsmouth, resulting in a delay of 24 hours until it was in position.   Continue reading “Battle stations! Navy scrambles destroyer to challenge Russian warship off British coast”

natsSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

The dream of many Americans is to get out of the hustle and bustle of the daily city grind. And what better dream to have then to move your family outside of city limits to the countryside so that you can grow your own food, produce your own electricity with solar power, and live outside the purview of an ever expanding government apparatus?   Continue reading “Gov SWAT Teams Target “Rugged Individuals” Who Grow Their Own Food, Produce Their Own Electricity”

Information Clearinghouse – by Pete Sisco

I’m not talking about the bank holding the mortgage on your home. Even if you think you own your home free and clear, you really don’t own it at all. You lease it from the State and it sets the terms and conditions that allow you to occupy the house or sell it to another lessee. The State owns the house and land in perpetuity and you can not alter this arrangement.

When I was a kid my dad bought a new four-bedroom house in 1964 for about $28,000. He had a good job and stuck his financial neck out by taking on a whopping monthly payment of $190 on a twenty-five year mortgage. He and my mom would talk about how when they got the house paid off they would not have to pay the $190 every month and that would basically put them on Easy Street.  Continue reading “You Don’t Own Your Home and Never Will”

This Functioning Pickup Truck Is Carved From 11,000 Pounds of IceThe Atlantic – by STEPHANIE GARLOCK

Canadian winters are cold. Some days, they’re even Mars-level cold. All this chill and snow can be tough on cars. To prove the cold weather mettle of their batteries, Canadian Tire‘s ad team put them to the ultimate test. They put them in a pickup truck made of ice.

Sculpted by Ontario-based Iceculture, the final truck clocked in at a whopping 15,000 pounds.The 11,000 pounds of ice were joined to a specially welded truck bed, designed to minimize cracking and prevent the exhaust from melting the icy body.   Continue reading “This Functioning Pickup Truck Is Carved From 11,000 Pounds of Ice”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Enrico Caruso performed the opera Carmen on Tuesday, April 17, 1906 in San Francisco.  In the morning his hotel, the Palace, was destroyed along with the homes of at least 227,000 of 410,000 people. The city had been the 9th largest in America and the largest on the coast. Enrico Caruso vowed never to return. A road in Marin county immediately north of the city was moved 20 feet. Over a hundred miles down the coast the Salinas river was moved 6 miles further south. 80% of San Francisco’s buildings were destroyed by fire and quake.   Continue reading “2014: Earthquakes. California And New Madrid?”

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Bill de Blasio is not the only red coming to power in New York City. He will also be joined by a “progressive” majority City Council. Here is a sampling of three of those he will be working with:

Melissa Mark-Viverito, top contender for City Council Speaker, went down to Bolivia to campaign for that nation’s marxist dictator, Evo Morales, in 2009. Records of the infamous red narco-terrorist organization FARC show that ties between that organization and Morales stretch all the way back to at least 2003, with meetings organized in Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela between senior FARC operatives and Morales. That was two years before Morales’s Chavez-bought “election” in 2005, and the collaboration continues unabated.    Continue reading “NYC Painted Red”

Jim BeardenMail.com

SEATTLE (AP) — Under pressure from national union leaders, machinists in Washington state took a late-night vote that defied their local union bosses by narrowly approving a new labor contract that secures a coveted plane project for the Seattle area but moves workers away from pensions.

The tight count exposed deep rifts in the once-powerful union, but with plenty of states lining up to give Boeing exactly what it wanted to get work on the 777X, the aerospace giant had a tremendous advantage.   Continue reading “Local labor influence takes hit in Boeing contract”


BEIRUT (AP) — An al-Qaida linked group claimed responsibility on Saturday for a suicide car bombing last week in a Shiite-dominated neighborhood in Lebanon, as its fighters fought other rebels in neighboring Syria in the most serious infighting since the uprising began.

It was the first time at the al-Qaida linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant claimed responsibility for an attack in Lebanon, underscoring how the ever more complex Syrian war is increasingly spilling over into its smaller neighbor.   Continue reading “Al-Qaida group says responsible for Beirut bombing”

Jeffrey SinclairMail.com

FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) — With a single star studded on each shoulder of his immaculate dress blues, Brig. Gen. Jeffrey A. Sinclair waited his turn to go through the metal detectors at the federal courthouse at Fort Bragg, just like everyone else.

He smiled broadly at one of the armed military police officers posted at the door and asked: “How many jumps do you have?” The young soldier, wearing the wings of a paratrooper with the elite 82nd Airborne, stood a little straighter as he confidently answered 28. Sinclair nodded in approval, not mentioning the 217 jumps listed in his own log. After a few more pleasantries, Sinclair put his arm around the man and smiled again as another MP snapped a cellphone photo.   Continue reading “Rapid fall for Army general accused of sex crimes”


BAGHDAD (AP) — The city center of Iraq’s Fallujah has fallen completely into the hands of fighters from the al-Qaida-linked Islamic State in Iraq and Levant, police said Saturday, yet another victory for the hardline group that has made waves across the region in recent days.

ISIL is also one of the strongest rebel units in Syria, where it has imposed a strict version of Islamic law in territories it holds and kidnapped and killed anyone it deems critical of its rule. Also on Saturday, it claimed responsibility for a suicide car bombing in a Shiite-dominated neighborhood in Lebanon.   Continue reading “Iraq city falls fully into hands of al-Qaida group”

1013018_151475898375878_1653905854_nA. J. MacDonald, Jr.

“These perturbations allow for the immediate and lasting ability to create localized fog or stratus cloud formations shielding critical assets against attack from energy based weapons.” – Operational Defenses through Weather Control in 2030

VIDEO – Fox News Reporting on Chemtrails (Make Viral) – http://youtu.be/EuZCFikZYyo  Continue reading ““Chemtrails” shield targets from space-based Directed Energy Weapons (DEW)”

U.S. spying controversyYahoo News – by STEPHEN BRAUN and KIMBERLY DOZIER

WASHINGTON (AP) — A secretive U.S. spy court has ruled again that the National Security Agency can keep collecting every American’s telephone records every day, in the midst of dueling decisions in two other federal courts about whether the surveillance program is constitutional.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court on Friday renewed the NSA phone collection program, said Shawn Turner, a spokesman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Such periodic requests are somewhat formulaic but required since the program started in 2006.   Continue reading “US spy court: NSA to keep collecting phone records”

Sen. Bernie Sanders is not going to like this. (Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images)Washington Post – by BRIAN FUNG

“Has the NSA spied, or is the NSA currently spying, on members of Congress or other elected officials?”

That’s the question Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) put to the National Security Agency’s chief in a bluntly worded letter Friday. It seems, however, that the agency cannot categorically say no.

Sanders didn’t use the word “spy” lightly. He was careful to define his terms, indicating he meant the collection of phone records from personal as well as official telephones, “content from Web sites visited or e-mails sent,” and data that companies collect but don’t release to the public.   Continue reading “The NSA refuses to deny spying on members of Congress”

ABC News – by ROD McGUIRK Associated Press

A U.S. Coast Guard heavy icebreaker will leave Australia for Antarctica on Sunday to rescue more than 120 crew members aboard two icebreakers trapped in pack ice near the frozen continent’s eastern edge, officials said.

The 122-meter (399-foot) cutter, the Polar Star, is responding to a Jan. 3 request from Australia, Russia and China to assist the Russian and Chinese ships because “there is sufficient concern that the vessels may not be able to free themselves from the ice,” the Coast Guard said in a statement.   Continue reading “US Icebreaker to Rescue 2 Ships in Antarctica”


A single-engine plane made an emergency landing on the Major Deegan Expressway in the Bronx on Saturday afternoon, officials said. No one was seriously injured.

The plane landed in the northbound lane of the expressway around 3:20 p.m. near East 233rd Street, fire officials said.

The plane, which had flown from Danbury, Conn., on a tour of the Statue of Liberty, landed in the northbound lane around 3:20 p.m. near East 233rd Street, officials said. The pilot and his two women passengers were taken to St. Barnabas Hospital with minor injuries.   Continue reading “Small Plane Makes Emergency Landing on Bronx Highway”