Month: January 2014
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) has published the list of senators who so far have agreed to co-sponsor the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2013, aka the Wag the Dog Act of 2014. You’ll recall that the initial list, which was introduced by its principal engineers, Sens. Mark Kirk and Robert Menendez, Dec 19, included 26 co-sponsors equally divided between Democrats and Republicans, to which newly elected New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker quickly added his name. Since then, 20 other senators — all Republicans, unsurprisingly — have added their names, for a grand total of 47 — still short of a majority, let alone one that could survive an Obama veto that the White House has already committed the president to cast if the bill is passed in its present form. Continue reading “47 Senators Take AIPAC’s Word Over U.S. Intel Community”
International Business Times – by David Kashi
As the United States and Western Europe struggle to find a resolution to the bloody civil war in Syria, Russia has undertaken another geo-strategic gambit in the Eastern Mediterranean by boldly claiming a stake in a huge oil and gas field off Syria’s shores. Last week, a Russian state-controlled energy group, Soyuzneftegaz, struck a deal with the Syrian regime for rights to develop and produce oil and gas off Syria’s coast.
Under terms of that deal, Soyuzneftegaz will be permitted to perform offshore drilling, development and production activities in Syria’s territorial waters. The agreement covers 2,190 square kilometers in the Mediterranean waters, at an initial cost of some $90 million, all assumed by Soyuzneftegaz. Continue reading “Moscow Enters The Eastern Mediterranean Gas Fields: What’s Really Behind Russia’s Energy Deal With Syria?”
Ah, the sweet smell of Agent Orange in the morning.
Our benevolent agricultural guardians at the USDA have announced that they are allowing the introduction of new corn and soybean seeds that have been designed specifically to withstand a dousing with 2,4-D, a key ingredient in the infamously deadly Agent Orange.
Now we get to be the unwilling guinea pigs while USDA-approved test fields are planted. Continue reading “USDA-Approved Agent Orange: It’s Coming to a Farm Near You”
The New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.
Allen West, former congressman and self-proclaimed “Guardian of the Republic,” is the latest “conservative” to publicly demonstrate an unacceptable misunderstanding of nullification.
In an article published January 3 on his website, West asks his readers whether state nullification of ObamaCare is “possible.” His uncertainty isn’t the worst of it, however. Continue reading “Allen West Wrong on Nullification and Supremacy Clause”
Current through Pub. L. 113-36. (See Public Laws for the current Congress.)
No individual, company, business, nonprofit entity, or health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage shall be required to participate in any Federal health insurance program created under this Act (or any amendments made by this Act), or in any Federal health insurance program expanded by this Act (or any such amendments), and there shall be no penalty or fine imposed upon any such issuer for choosing not to participate in such programs. Continue reading “42 USC § 18115 – Freedom not to participate in Federal health insurance programs”
My husband, as I have mentioned many times in posts, is in a federal prison for the crime of not filing federal tax returns. A non crime for us plebs and a requirement for those on the federal dole.
This fight went back as far as 1999, where my husband and brother in-law went to the tax authorities and begged them to show them where in the tax law were they liable to pay a tax on their labor. The bastard authorities could not come up with an answer, and 10 years later came after them with a vengeance. That included bringing me into the vengeance against the uppity “citizen” and trying to convict us all into a “conspiracy against the US government”. Continue reading “The Faces of Justice Need to be Smeared, Shamed, and Brought to the Gallows”
Recent misconduct investigations of deputies of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department included rape, smuggling heroin into jail, stealing money from a narcotics arrest and misuse of a department helicopter, an oversight report details.
The Office of Independent Review’s new report on misconduct investigations pertaining to the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department (LASD) outlined administrative discipline cases resolved through Sept. 30, 2013. The Office of Independent Review (OIR) is a civilian oversight body charged with monitoring LASD’s internal investigations. Continue reading “LA Sheriff’s Department misconduct includes rape, drug smuggling, kidnapping – report”
The Obama administration has touted the White House website’s ‘We the People’ section as a powerful platform for the American public to petition their government. According to a new report, however, those solicitations are all too rarely acknowledged.
“When I ran for this office, I pledged to make government more open and accountable to its citizens,”United States President Barack Obama wrote on back in September 2011. He was unveiling at the time the website’s new ‘We the People’ feature, and said the addition of it would be“giving Americans a direct line to the White House on the issues and concerns that matter most to them.” Continue reading “White House ‘We the People’ petitions unanswered two years later”
A small, elite group of US citizens has already met their 2014 financial obligation for Social Security two days into the New Year, and will no longer be required to contribute any of their income to the federal program.
Nearly all working Americans will continue to pay the social security tax through the duration of 2014. The 900 wealthiest, however, have fulfilled their responsibility for the whole year on Thursday by earning $117,000 – the maximum total social security is allowed to take from an individual income each year – on the first and second days of the month. Continue reading “900 wealthiest Americans exempted from paying 2014 Social Security past Jan. 2nd”