edibleNatural News – by Carolanne Wright

Imagine strolling through your town and finding the post office surrounded by raised beds, lush with produce that is free for the taking, 24/7. Or a police department with a gratis community vegetable garden, complete with curly kale, carrots, lettuces and onions. And orchards, as well as berry bushes, lining public walkways that offer up fresh fruit — on the house. Sound too good to be true? Not in one innovative hamlet where a veritable paradise of edible landscaping has taken root. What’s more, the community is working towards absolute food self-sufficiency by 2018.  
Continue reading “Enterprising community aims for total food self-sufficiency with free edible landscapes”

Activist Post – by Amanda Warren

Chicago rides on the coattails of a created solution – a quick, crackdown on gun crime via a new special federal unit to deal with violence after this past Easter weekend’s shooting spree which injured at least 35 people and killed 9, including children as young as 11 years old.

This is not an in-depth analysis of information of the new measure – perhaps you, the reader will catch more than meets the eye? A few important points arise upon the news:   Continue reading “A New Federal Crime Unit in Wake of Chicago Shootings”

imagesA big part of the food shortages and food price increases are directly related to the government, through agencies like the EPA and BLM, driving producers out of business by imposing insane regulations on small farmers and ranchers. The Cliven Bundy ranch episode is a case in point. The BLM has driven 52 of the 53 cattle ranchers out of business in the Gold Butte area of Nevada, just so corrupt politicians can make millions of dollars off solar energy and real estate deals. And environmentalists who claim concern for the lands and animals turn the other way, so the hypocrisy in it all is palatable. If you don’t think this is happening all over the West, then you haven’t been keeping up with current events.   Continue reading “Government will blame you and me for food problems”

download (2)The Rich Ten

Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest tropical cyclones date, struck the Philippines in early November 2013, leaving behind a trail of mass destruction. With thousand dead, call for help has been raised by several NGOs and organizations worldwide. Donation requests have been posted on different social networks as well as some popular websites. Meanwhile, spammers have started taking advantage of the situation by sending email containing fake donation requests.   Continue reading “Top 10 Misleading Charities and their Scams”

download (1)IRD – by David Kranzler

By now most if not all of you are varying degrees familiar with the stand-off between the Federal Government/Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Cliven Bundy.  I had been observing the developments with a mixture of amusement and disgust until Harry Reid very publicly labelled the large group of citizens helping Bundy defend his cattle as “domestic terrorists.”  That’s  a pretty strong statement from someone who has a history of abusing his power for the benefit of himself and the business interests who put him in office and filled his bank account with a lot of money.   Continue reading “Harry Reid Is The Real Domestic Terrorist”

downloadLive Leak – by Veni

Busted! Congress Catches the President Sending Russia Free Military Aid!
This is NOT Conspiracy or Propaganda.
Letter and Video From members of the Congress of the United States provided.

I wonder what pleases Obama’s supporters more – the fact that he gave Russia this military aid after it invaded Ukraine, or the fact that he tries to keep it a secret.  Continue reading “Congress: Why is the President giving military equipment to Russia after it invaded Ukraine?”

Nevada-ProtestZero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

QUESTION: Is it true that nearly 80% of Nevada is still owned by the Federal Government who then pays no tax to the State of Nevada? This seems very strange if true as a backdrop to this entire Bundy affair.

Via Martin Armstrong of Armstrong Economics,   Continue reading “Martin Armstrong Asks “Do The Feds Really Own The Land In Nevada?””

Shane Red Hawk of the Sioux Tribe from South Dakota, center, rides a horse with other Native Americans, farmers, ranchers and cowboys, during “Reject and Protect” rally to protest against the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline, Tuesday, April 22, 2014, looking toward the Capitol in Washington.   (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)Politico – by Erica Martinson

Cowboys and Indians rode on horseback onto the National Mall on Tuesday to show President Barack Obama that opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline extends to the U.S. heartland.

“We’re here to show Obama, to show Washington, D.C., the very faces of the people that the decision on the KXL pipeline affects,” protester Dallas Goldtooth told a crowd on the Mall, where the group erected teepees that will remain through Saturday.   Continue reading “Anti-Keystone XL protest rides in”

Reuters / /Andreas ManolisRT News

News that a powdered version of alcohol, marketed as ‘Palcohol’, was recently approved by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Bureau (TTB) left many scratching their heads. Now, the government has admitted the controversial approval was issued in “error.”

An industry blog run by Robert Lehrman first broke the story about the TTB approval, including marketing language from its producer touting Palcohol as a good way to sneak alcohol into venues.   Continue reading “Feds accidentally approve, then retract, powdered alcohol with snorting potential”

Image from flickr.com/photos/76308385@N03/RT News

A 19-year-old woman was shot and killed by police in Albuquerque, New Mexico early Monday after being suspected of stealing a truck. This week’s death of Mary Hawkes now marks the third time in five weeks that Albuquerque cops have killed a civilian.

Albuquerque Police Chief Gordon Eden told the Associated Press this week that an officer was pursuing the suspect on foot Monday morning when the woman reportedly “stopped, turned and pointed a handgun at close range.” Recently retired Valencia County Magistrate Danny Hawkes identified his daughter Mary as the victim later that evening, and the Albuquerque Journal reported the next morning that the woman had two previous run-ins with police as an adult, in addition to charges lobbed at her as a youth.   Continue reading “Albuquerque police kill third person in five weeks”

The National Rifle Association of America logoRT News

The tides may be turning within the National Rifle Association: according to a new report, America’s largest gun-lobbying group has helped advance three bills recently that limit firearm ownership, and more could soon be added to that list.

On Tuesday this week, reporters Laura Bassett and Christina Wilkie wrote for the Huffington Post that the NRA has all but abandoned earlier efforts by the group to halt state legislation that attempt to impose restrictions on legally owning guns. Instead, the HuffPost reporters wrote, the organization’s lobbyists have worked directly with lawmakers in order to craft rules agreeable by both sides that force gun owners with domestic violence records to surrender their weapons.   Continue reading “NRA surprisingly credited with crafting new anti-gun laws”

Breitbart – by Bob Price

After Breitbart Texas reported on the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) intent to seize 90,000 acres belonging to Texas landholders along the Texas/Oklahoma line, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott questioned the BLM’s authority to take such action.

“I am about ready,” General Abbott told Breitbart Texas, “to go to the Red River and raise a ‘Come and Take It’ flag to tell the feds to stay out of Texas.”   Continue reading “Texas AG Abbott to BLM: ‘Come and Take it’”

Courtesy DraganflyRT News

Research drones will begin flying over North Dakota the week of May 5, the Federal Aviation Administration announced Monday. North Dakota is the first of six unmanned aerial systems (UAS) test sites to begin flight operations.

The first flights will take place over North Dakota State University’s Carrington Research Center using a Draganflyer X4ES, the Associated Press reports. A second set of missions will fly over Sullys Hill National Game Preserve this summer. The mission will be run by the North Dakota Department of Commerce. None of the scheduled flights will be over private property.   Continue reading “North Dakota to start first US drone flights in May”

download (2)First Principles

Neoconservatism is a right-wing branch of American liberalism that emerged in the late 1960s and early 1970s, largely as a reaction to liberal utopianism and the irrationality of the new Left. Most neoconservative writing has been concerned with social issues, such as the inefficiencies and unintended consequences of the welfare state, the problem of equal opportunity, and the amelioration of racial tensions. In foreign affairs, neoconser-vatives have consistently advocated strongly internationalist policies to contain communism and promote democracy abroad. Neoconservatives allied themselves with the traditional Right in the early 1980s, thereby increasing their own influence within the Reagan administration but also causing some resentment among those who saw them as latecomers to the conservative movement.    Continue reading “Neoconservatism”

William James VaheyMail.com

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — The FBI asked for the public’s help Tuesday to identify at least 90 potential victims of a suspected child predator who worked at 10 American and other international schools abroad for more than four decades before committing suicide last month in Minnesota.

William James Vahey, 64, killed himself in Luverne on March 21, the FBI said. That was two days after agents in Houston filed for a warrant to search a computer thumb drive that belonged to Vahey, a U.S. citizen with residences in London and Hilton Head Island, S.C. An employee of the American Nicaraguan School in Managua, where Vahey had recently taught ninth-grade world history and geography, gave the drive to the U.S. Embassy there.   Continue reading “FBI investigates suspected serial child molester”

BHO Communist 1The Liberty Beacon

Have you noticed the similarities between Barack Obama’s platform and that of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA)? The correlations are undeniable to anyone who is being honest.

Americans voted for this man not once, but twice! Al Sharpton did say that the American people knew they were voting for socialism when they voted for Barack Obama.   Continue reading “Obama’s Platform Is Eerily Similar to the Communist Party USA’s”

gun control sign SCWestern Journalism – by William J. Olson P.C.

President Obama announced that his Administration would do all in its power to stop gun violence. By that, he seems to have meant reducing private ownership of firearms. Now, it turns out that he is not just doing things within his presidential power to achieve that objective – he is usurping legislative power to amend statutes unilaterally.

On January 7, 2014, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (“ATF”) issued Proposed Rules designed to vastly increase the number of Americans prohibited from owning firearms, including many U.S. Veterans, by changing the meaning of words contained in laws passed by Congress.   Continue reading “Obama Might Have Just Figured Out How To Take Your Guns Away”

Gun Watch – by Dean Weingarten

A hat tip to joehuffman.org for pointing out the absurd in this article from ABCnews.   It quotes Shannon Watts as saying the following:

“I think the NRA should be very afraid of Americans, who’ve had enough of the gun violence in this country and in particular moms,” Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action and a board member for Everytown for Gun Safety, said. “Moms are afraid our children will be taken away and in the end, I think that’s the emotion that will win the debate.”  

Continue reading “Moms Demand Action: Emotion Wins Debates”