Month: April 2014
BELLEVUE, WA – -( Senator Feinstein’s semi-automatic firearms importation ban is picking up steam. Since she sent her letter to Obama calling for the importation ban, 82 anti-gun members of the House of Representatives have signed off on their own letter demanding for an importation ban.
Feinstein and her posse were responsible for the ant-gun movement in Congress for the first half of 2013. It is imperative we thwart the efforts of Feinstein and the anti-gunners she has recruited in the latest effort to push her personal agenda. Continue reading “Feinstein’s Recruits Pushing Anti-Gun Agenda”
The New Yorker – by Andy Borowitz [Satire]
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a landmark decision, the Supreme Court of the United States declared on Tuesday that lying by politicians is protected by the First Amendment because it is an expression of their religion.
By a 5–4 majority, the Court struck down an Ohio law that would make it harder to lie in political ads, arguing instead that “any attempt to restrict or punish lying by politicians is an unconstitutional infringement on a religion they have practiced for decades.” Continue reading “Supreme Court Calls Lying By Politicians An Expression Of Their Religion”
New York City – The NYPD News tweeted earlier today that they wanted people to share their photos of themselves with NYPD. They asked people to use the hashtag #myNYPD. They hoped to have a lot of smiling faces showing the nice side of the NYPD. However, it did not take long before the feed filled up with images and videos of police brutality. Continue reading “NYPD Twitter #myNYPD Campaign Goes Horribly Wrong”
So today I just got fired from my job because the trainer at my company and a new girl decided to snitch on me because I was frustrated with a sales order that I was forced to take the other day which I had no training and no experience in handling and management told me to just go with it. So mind you, I’m a regular worker and not a new hire and this order would cost both the company and the customer thousands of dollars if it was handled incorrectly. So why would you allow someone who was never trained on how to handle it, to take the order and tell him to just “go with it”?
In any case, I got frustrated as any sane person would and said, “Ugh! I could just shoot someone right now”. Continue reading “Living In A “See Something, Say Something” World”
Before It’s News – Live Free or Die
If the Department of Homeland Security didn’t already have enough ammunition, they’ve decided to place an order for 25 million more 12 gauge shotgun shells soon after an explosion at a shotgun shell producing facility in Tennessee. Is this more proof that the DHS is seemingly preparing for war here in America or is this to prevent Americans from getting this ammunition with talk of civil war in the air and soon after the recent ‘showdown’ at Bundy Ranch? You can see the Federal Business Opportunity in screenshot below video which shows a May 23rd response date. Continue reading “DHS Preps Summer War In America? Huge New Ammo Order With May 23rd Response Date”
The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges
The NFL preseason is just over two months away. The NFL’s actions in this past season dictates that all freedom-loving Americans will boycott this globalist serving organization. This article demonstrates how the NFL is an extension of the TSA, DHS and the globalist agenda in general.
The new NFL policies are something right out of the Pol Pot regime. In some stadiums, women cannot enter the same entrance as men and children. This is FEMA camp training. The American public is being conditioned to the fact that the state owns your bodies and your freedoms. In addition, the NFL is promoting various globalist agendas such as gun control, and they are doing so with our money. The NFL has come to represent a new era of in-your-face-tyranny. Soon, the following picture will be played out in American stadiums all across our country. Continue reading “The NFL’s Role In the Coming FEMA Camp Incarcerations”
The former child model who’s accused X-Men director Bryan Singer of sexually assaulting him as a teenager has now revealed shocking allegations against three more Hollywood power players.
Days after filing suit against Singer, 31-year-old Michael Egan has filed additional suits against former BBC Worldwide America president Garth Ancier, former Disney TV president David Neuman and theme park design firm head Gary Goddard.
Continue reading “Top Hollywood bosses – including former Fox head, top BBC executive and Disney TV president -accused alongside X-men director Brian Singer of abusing young boys”
If you are a gun owner in the United States, you may have experienced ammunition shortages at big box firearms retailers and local gun stores in the past few years. While some industry experts claim the shortages are simply due to a normal increase in consumer demand, Keith Jacobs, the founder of, says “secret gun control” tactics are also to blame.
According to Jacobs, the United States government has created false scarcity in ammunition markets by driving down the supply of ammo through major federal agency ammo purchases. Continue reading “Are Ammo Shortages in the United States Part of a Federal Secret Gun Control Plan?”
The “Tortoise and the Hare” is an Aesop fable about a hare who ridicules a slow-moving tortoise and challenges him to a race. The egotistical, pompous hare takes off and is so confident he will win, the hare decides to take a long nap. When the hare awakens he finds out, much to his dismay, that the slow moving, patient tortoise has won the race.
While the Nevada “endangered” desert tortoise has slowly been winning the Bureau of Land Management race in Nevada, a napping “Harey Greed” has been mysteriously becoming a multi-millionaire on his $193,400 Senate salary. Could it be that Harey is using his position of power to regulate the Nevada law to benefit himself, his family and his political crony capitalists; rules and regulations that enable the government to seal off public land that has been used agriculturally for decades? Continue reading “Who Will Win the Race? The Tortoise, the Hare, the Chinese, or the Americans?”
RED RIVER RUMBLE? BLM Wants to Seize 90,000 Acres of Texas Ranchers’ Land!
Looks like Harry Reid’s BLM is getting ready for a really big land grab. The next target appears to be 90,000 of acres of Texas Ranchers’ Land near Red River. Continue reading “Harry Reid’s BLM’s Next Victim: Red River Land Grab Happening Now, First Bundy Ranch Now This!”
The two largest private prison providers in the U.S. each rake in tens of millions of dollars every year. How do they make their money, and what agreements are in place to protect their profits? Continue reading “Private Prisons: The Injustice League”
Real Clear Science – by Ross Pomeroy
In February, reports filtered in from Germany that two men died of cardiac arrhythmia triggered by marijuana intoxication. At a headline’s glance, the tragic deaths seemed to spoil cannabis’ unblemished track record: Until that point, no cases of fatal overdose were known to science.
It should be noted, however, that these two men — aged 23 and 28 — did not overdose. The researchers who reviewed their deaths in the journal Forensic Science International reportedthat “the younger man had a serious undetected heart problem and the older one had a history of alcohol, amphetamine and cocaine abuse.” Since all other causes of death were ruled out, the researchers assumed that marijuana spiked their heart rates and blood pressures, causing their hearts to fall out of rhythm. Continue reading “It’s Easier to Die from Drinking Too Much Water Than Smoking Too Much Pot”