With a mere ten companies controlling the worlds food supplies it should give a a person pause regarding, not only what we are actually eating, but what makes up what we put into our bodies. When we think of food, our minds, automatically, revert to nutritional items that sustain our lives and keep us healthy. Some of you may think of vegetables or grains or a well marinated steak. What ever pops into your mind, rest assured it probably is not on this list. Well, it may be on the list, just not how you may be thinking of it in terms of nutritional value, wholesomeness and advancing or maintaining your overall health. Continue reading “Control The Food, Control The People”
Month: September 2014
Washington DC – -(Ammoland.com)- On September 4 2014, The Indianapolis Star ran a column mocking Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America’s current Kroger gun ban campaign.
Breitbart News reported that Moms Demand launched the Kroger campaign on August 18 2014 and renewed efforts on September 4 2014, after Kroger refused to change its policy on firearms. Continue reading “Moms Demand Action’s Hometown Paper Mocks Its Kroger Gun Ban Campaign”
Two Russian strategic bombers conducted practice cruise missile attacks on the United States during a training mission last week that defense officials say appeared timed to the NATO summit in Wales.
The Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers were tracked flying a route across the northern Atlantic near Iceland, Greenland, and Canada’s northeast. Continue reading “Russian Strategic Bombers Near Canada Practice Cruise Missile Strikes on US”
Perhaps signaling that he will soon enact executive actions to ease even more deportations, President Barack Obama said on Friday that illegal immigrants should not have to “look over their shoulder” while in the country illegally.
At a press conference at the NATO Summit in Wales, Obama said he would act “fairly soon” on executive amnesty after going over proposals and recommendations that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Attorney General Eric Holder have provided him. Continue reading “Obama: Illegal immigrants should not have to ‘Look over their Shoulder’”
(left, SS Sturmbannfuehrer Horst Kopkow,1910-1996. This account mentions 300 agents killed.)
Wonder why NATO is trying to start a war with Russia? Or why the West created ISIS?
All wars are really between the Illuminati on one hand,
and all combatants on the other.
This is why they finance both sides of every war. Continue reading “MI-6 Hired Nazi who Killed 100-300 British Agents”
Israel is refusing to accept New Zealand’s ambassador because he will also have contact with Palestinian officials.
While Israel insists it is upholding a long-established protocol, diplomats in Wellington say New Zealand’s ambassador to Israel has had contact with Palestine since 2008 with no issue being raised.
Foreign Minister Murray McCully has confirmed that Israeli officials had advised in recent days that they would “not accept as ambassador a person who was also a representative to the Palestinian Authority”. Continue reading “Israel rejects NZ ambassador”
Fellowship of the Minds – by Dr. Eowyn
Wakey, wakey, sleeping heads!
It’s Monday!
Time to go to work!
Oops. I forgot.
37.20% of adult Americans no longer work for a living — nearly 4 of 10 Americans! — U.S. labor force participation rate having dropped to a historic low of 62.80%, thanks to that “Hope ‘n Change” POS. Continue reading “Cat Alarm Clocks”
(Reuters) – Police officers in Ferguson, Missouri, have begun wearing body cameras after weeks of unrest over the shooting death of an unarmed black teen by a white officer and sharply differing accounts of the incident, officials said on Sunday.
Michael Brown, 18, was shot multiple times by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9, sparking nearly three weeks of angry protests in the St. Louis suburb and drawing global attention to race relations in the United States. Continue reading “After Unrest Over Shooting, Ferguson Police Now Wear Body Cameras”
With the Russian/Ukraine conflict now going hot, we really need to return to the topic of radiation, since both of these are nuclear armed countries, with nukes pointed at us. In part one of this article we covered the basics of inexpensive Geiger counters and the basic need to have one. Radiation is silent. Without a way to measure it where you reside, you will never know if you are being bombarded by a nuclear event, or whether that mushroom cloud you saw in the distance was just a conventional explosion. Dirty bombs, nuclear reactor accidents, suitcase nukes and of course ICBMs are scary things, but with your own Geiger counter you will instantly know if you are in danger or if, for now, you are not in danger. In this article we will use the $80 Version II MyGeiger kit that I ordered pre-soldered ($12), and the $20 SBM-20 Geiger tube. We will take a look at the actual numbers when it comes to radiation, as well as the free logging software. And most importantly, we will discuss the only preventative measure that you an take to protect you from radiation poisoning. It worked on nearly 100% of those treated after Chernobyl. If a nuclear event is coming, those without this key inexpensive ingredient on hand will not be happy campers. Continue reading “Prepping 101: Surviving a Radiation Event”
FLINT, MI — A retired Flint police sergeant is accused of using his position as a police officer to have sex with children while on duty.
Lawrence B. Woods, 66, was arraigned Friday morning in Flint’s District Court on 16 counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct stemming from incidents that authorities claim occurred from 1996 until 1999 while Woods was a sergeant with the Flint Police Department. Continue reading “Retired Flint police sergeant accused of sexually assaulting children while on duty”
OAKLAND (CBS SF) — Oakland Mayor Mean Quan said Friday that a disaster preparedness conference and training exercise that drew protests Friday evening will not take place in Oakland next year.
The Urban Shield Conference, an event that brings together local, state and federal agencies as well as private equipment vendors and companies, drew several hundred protesters concerned with increasing police militarization to downtown Oakland Friday evening. Continue reading “Mayor Says ‘Urban Shield’ Won’t Return To Oakland Next Year Amid Police Militarization Debate”
A Bronx man has accused a half-dozen NYPD officers of taking turns beating and kicking him after he asked an officer why he had been searched when she was responding to a noise complaint, according to ABC7.
According to Santiago Hernandez, 23, he was standing in front of a home in the Melrose section of the Bronx on August 18th when a uniformed NYPD officer stopped and asked to frisk him. Continue reading “NYPD officers take turns beating Bronx man after search turns up nothing”
Most usCrow articles encourage preppers to bug out if they’re in the city, but what if you can’t? This article will give you plenty of tips on how you can survive in the city. As with all our articles we suggest you evaluate your situation. Reality is – most people will be unable to leave the city. Many preppers have to stay in the city, and rely on it for their livelihood. Others might have family members with physical disabilities inhibiting their ability to bug out.
Regardless of your individual situation you should be fully aware of the risks associated with bugging in so that you may be adequately informed. No matter the disaster your city faces – the result will be the same for one simple fact; American cities are incapable of sustaining themselves. Cities across the nation will succumb to a systematic breakdown… Continue reading “How Preppers Can Survive in The City”
Tell us again, Moms Demand Action, why we shouldn’t have the right to defend ourselves from brutal and senseless assaults like this when we go out in public.
A Kroger employee tells WMC Action News 5 that the attack happened at the Kroger near Highland Street and Poplar Avenue. Continue reading “This, Shannon Watts, Is Why We Need Guns To Go Grocery Shopping”
Despite knowing that he had symptoms of the Ebola virus, a Nigerian diplomat boards a plane in Liberia and flies from that small country to his nation’s capital city of Lagos, a city with 21 million people. The man was fleeing a quarantine meant to contain the Ebola virus. Instead, his body — now a host for the disease — was transporting the highly contagious and deadly, single-strand virus to Nigeria’s largest city.
It sounds like a plot from a medical sci-fi thriller, but it is not fiction.
This is quite real. Continue reading “Doctor: Ebola virus cases may be underreported by as much ‘double or triple’”
The BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) at their summit in Brazil said they would give the United States until the end of 2014 to reform the world monetary system including the IMF and the World Bank. The Obama administration has since decided to up the ante and pass more toothless sanctions against Russia. The US had fined BNP Paribas $9 billion for daring to trade with Russia and Iran.
The facts left out of the above in most media accounts are that the Rothschilds own BNP Paribas. and that their Parisian bank is technically bankrupt. In American parlance we are at the point where the rubber meets the road. Do the economic experts running the United States actually know what they are doing? Continue reading “Jim Willie: Saudis to Kill Petrodollar. Germany to Scuttle the EU And Wall Street.”