Year: 2014
Police One – by Jeff Reinitz, Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier
WATERLOO, Iowa — A Waterloo man rammed his SUV into a police car, injuring two officers during a disturbance investigation Tuesday.
The driver, Kelvin Plain Jr., originally left the scene at police request, threatening officers as he pulled away, police said. Plain drove down Niles Street, but returned a few minutes later, hitting his Saturn sport utility vehicle’s accelerator and ramming one squad car into another and hitting a neighbor’s passenger car at a high speed, said Daniel Trelka, Waterloo director of safety services. Continue reading “Iowa cops hurt after suspect rams squad”
By Randy Conway
Can anyone tell me where has America gone?
I can’t seem to find her. Has she gone away?
Can anyone tell me where America has gone?
All that was familiar seems now so far away.
I remember learning of integrity and courage
I remember men of honor held in high esteem
I remember when hard work and ethics flourished
I remember when the unsightly was kept unseen. Continue reading “Can anyone tell me where America has gone?”
Dissident Voice – by Martha Rosenberg
There is good news and bad news when it comes to conflicts of interest (COI) between the drug industry and clinical medicine. The good news is the “Sunshine Act,” part of the Affordable Care Act, has been implemented and many drug company web sites now list the payouts–including to “grassroots” groups that are actually Pharma fronts like the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).
The bad news is that editors and publishers sill cooperate with pulling the wool over the public’ eyes when it comes to conflicts of interest. Here are some ways that transparency about pharma payouts is blocked, even though it greatly affects the drugs that doctors recommend and prescribe. Continue reading “Is Your Doctor Paid by Big Pharma?”
The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday declined to extend a stay sought by Florida officials defending the state’s ban on same-sex marriages, allowing gay marriages to proceed in Florida next month.
Weddings would be allowed to start on Jan. 6 under an order by the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta earlier this month. Continue reading “Supreme Court allows marriage equality to proceed in Florida starting in January”
Despite warnings, Woodrow Wilson signed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. A few years later he wrote:
“I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. Continue reading “Woodrow Wilson”
Car and Driver – by Benjamin Preston
If you live in Arizona, Louisiana, New York, or one of more than a dozen other states, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has bad news for you. Come January 19, your driver’s license will no longer allow you access to certain federal facilities. Unless DHS changes its mind. Again.
In 2005, Congress passed a bill called the Real ID Act, based upon recommendations made by the 9/11 Commission. Whether or not you’ve heard of the law depends largely upon how in tune you are with conspiracy theories. Where you live matters, too, because nearly a decade after the law’s passage, only 19 states actually comply with its standards. Continue reading “The Feds Want to Replace Your Driver’s License with a National ID Card”
Intellihub – by SHEPARD AMBELLAS
WASHINGTON D.C. (INTELLIHUB.COM) — The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, now formerly known as ISIS, is nothing more than an excuse for a “slush fund” created by the C.I.A. and Pentagon to finance their private armies, war machines and weapons producing factories around the globe, as pointed out by Rep. Barbara Lee, D-California.
“It’s a gimmick to avoid the budget cuts that are punishing other critical areas of the budget like education and health. Fundamentally, it is a black box of unchecked federal spending that needs to be eliminated. All DOD programs should be funded from the base-budget which is more than sufficient.”, Lee said in a statement to CBS. Continue reading “Pentagon rebrands ISIS to “Daesh” after alternative media kicks establishment’s ass in information war”
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Children as young as 13 will be actively encouraged to fire real guns with live ammunition when America’s newest theme park opens this weekend.
Machine Gun America boasts high-tech simulators which offer thrill seekers the chance to play at gunning down zombies and bad guys – and participate in wild west style shootouts. Continue reading “‘Machine Gun America’ theme park where kids fire deadly weapons to open this weekend”
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North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has been invited to Moscow, the Kremlin confirmed to Russian media.
Kim has been invited to attend the Victory Day celebration in Red Square in May, which next year will honor the 70th anniversary of the Soviet defeat of Nazi Germany, TASS reported. Continue reading “Kim Jong-un Invited to Russia for Victory Day Celebration”
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AccuWeather – by Alex Sosnowski
A storm bearing strong winds, heavy snow, torrential rain, thunderstorms and fog will converge on the Northeast and Midwest on Christmas Eve and will likely create major travel delays, both on the roads and at airports.
The early stages of travel problems from patchy rain and fog will develop on Tuesday. The most widespread travel disruptions and the worst weather conditions in terms of windswept rain and travel-impairing snow will be centered on Christmas Eve. Continue reading “Holiday Travelers to Face Delays as Christmas Eve Storm Eyes Two Dozen States”
Google is now more valuable than the entire Russian stock market. Russia’s stock market is now worth $325 billion while Google is valued at more than $340 billion, according to Bloomberg.
The news comes as Russia’s currency, the ruble, continues to stumble under pressure from declining oil prices and western sanctions. Russia’s gold reserves have also declined to their lowest point since 2009. Continue reading “Google Is Now Worth More Than the Entire Russian Stock Market”
Very few people understand what Putin is doing at the moment. And almost no one understands what he will do in the future.
No matter how strange it may seem, but right now, Putin is selling Russian oil and gas ONLY for physical gold.
How long will the West be able to buy oil and gas from Russia in exchange for physical gold? Continue reading “Checkmate: Is Russia Selling Oil For Gold?”
On December 17th, President Obama surprised the world by reestablishing diplomatic rellations with Cuba, a bloody dictatorship which tortures dissenters, destroyed the lives of millions of Cubans and spread Marxist totalitarianism around the continent. If ever there was a country which deserved to be invaded by the Marines and have its sick government replaced, this is it.
Instead, supposedly encouraged by Jesuit Pope Francis, Obama gave a Christmas gift to the murderer Raul Castro in the form of diplomatic relations, travel and commerce, and even a new embassy. Continue reading “Cuba Recognition Signals Marxist Hemospheric Trend”