Screenshot from YouTube user R GonzoRT

The Colorado Department of Corrections will pay $3 million to the family of a mentally ill inmate who died after guards and nurses at the facility for several hours watched his fatal seizures without helping him.

Christopher Lopez, 35, who had bipolar schizoaffective disorder, died at San Carlos correctional facility in Pueblo in March 2013.   Continue reading “$3mn awarded in lawsuit to family of prisoner who died as guards watched laughing”

ISLAMABAD (AP) — Pakistani officials say authorities have hanged two convicted militants in the first executions following the reinstatement of the death penalty in the wake of this week’s Peshawar school massacre.

Two officials and Pakistan’s state television say the executions were carried out late on Friday in the central city of Faisalabad. There was no official confirmation of the executions. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to media.   Continue reading “Officials: Pakistan executes 2 convicted militiants”


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama on Thursday capped a swift and forceful response to an Associated Press investigation by signing into law a measure that bars suspected Nazi war criminals from receiving U.S. Social Security benefits.

The AP’s investigation, which was the impetus for the No Social Security for Nazis Act, found that dozens of former Nazis collected millions of dollars in retirement benefits after being forced to leave the United States. Recipients ranged from the SS guards who patrolled the Third Reich’s network of camps where millions of Jews died to a rocket scientist who helped develop the V-2 rocket that Nazi Germany used to attack London.   Continue reading “It’s law now: ‘No Social Security for Nazis’”

The New American – by William F. Jasper

“We need federal intervention without delay,” declared the “Reverend” Al Sharpton, in his December 8 column for the online Huffington Post. Capitalizing on the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and other black men to centralize police powers, Sharpton announced that his National Action Network had organized a series of demonstrations, to culminate in a national march on the U.S. Congress in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, December 13.   Continue reading “Federalized Police and a Police Czar?”

Dripping WaterPreparing for SHTF

Water that has become contaminated by human waste and by other means can create over time as many deaths as the crisis itself.

First, let us start out with a few facts. The following facts are gathered from around the world.

  • Roughly, 783 million people do not have access to safe water on a daily basis, which is more than 2.5 times the population of the United States
  • Approximately, 3.5 million people die each year because of a limited water supply, and from contaminated water, there are numerous deadly diseases present in untreated water  
  • Eighty percent of the sewage discharged in developing countries is discharged, without being treated, directly into water bodies, the same bodies of water that people draw their daily water supply from (, 2014)

Continue reading “Water Can and Will Kill You Once the SHTF”

 Paul Pluff of Smith & Wesson with Julianna Crowder of A Girl & Gun Women's Shooting LeagueAmmoLand

AUSTIN, Texas –-( Julianna Crowder, President and Founder of A Girl & A Gun Women’s Shooting League, announced that the legendary American firearms maker Smith & Wesson will once again be the presenting sponsor of the A Girl & A Gun National Training Conference which is scheduled to take place in the beautiful Hill Country of Texas this coming April 15-19.   Continue reading “Smith & Wesson Sponsors 3rd Annual A Girl & A Gun Training Conference”

Pirate’s Cove

The cause of doing away with the name “Washington Redskins”, primarily the “Redskins” part, became a Big Issue for liberals, a cause celebre, because someone told them that the Redskins name was mean and evil and racist and bigoted and stuff. So, for months and months they worked to do away with the name “Redskins”, including petitioning to have a radio station license pulled

(The Hill) The Federal Communications Commission on Thursday ruled the name “Redskins” is not profane or obscene. Continue reading “PC Loons Lose: FCC Refuses To Deem Redskins Obscene Nor Profane”

Officer James Knapinski of the Milwaukee Police Department talks to a man he recognized to make sure he is all right. Knapinski has been trained in crisis intervention to help people with mental illness.Journal Sentinel – by Meg Kissinger

Milwaukee is ramping up mental health training for all 1,867 police officers, in response to a push from the family of Dontre Hamilton, Mayor Tom Barrett announced Thursday.

Hamilton, 31, was shot and killed April 30 by a Milwaukee police officer at Red Arrow Park. Hamilton, who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia and active hallucinations, was sleeping in the park that afternoon when employees at the nearby Starbucks called police to complain.   Continue reading “Milwaukee to require mental health training for all officers”

I’m sure we’ll find a good use for those too.

UPI – by Richard Thomkins

OSHKOSH, Wis., Dec. 19 (UPI) — The U.S. Army has ordered hundreds of trucks and trailers from Oshkosh Defense, with deliveries to begin next year through 2016.

The 256 trucks and trailers ordered by the TACOM Life Cycle Management Command are from the Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles, or FMTV, which is composed of 17 models and 23 configurations ranging from 2.5-ton to 10-ton payloads.   Continue reading “Army orders hundreds of Oshkosh trucks, trailers”

Science Daily

In the shadow of the two year anniversary of one of the worst mass shootings in American history, at Sandy Hook Elementary School, an extensive new study by two Vanderbilt University researchers challenges common assumptions about gun violence and mental illness that often emerge in the aftermath of mass shootings.

When a mass shooting occurs there seems to be a familiar narrative that untreated mental illness is the primary cause for the terrifying act. But a new study published in the American Journal of Public Health by Dr. Jonathan Metzl and Kenneth T. MacLeish finds that an isolated focus on mental illness is misguided.   Continue reading “Mental illness is the wrong scapegoat after mass shootings, experts say”

The Boston Globe – by Clarence Roy-Macaulay and Boubacar Diallo

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone — One of Sierra Leone’s most senior physicians died Thursday from Ebola, the 11th doctor in the country to succumb to the disease, a health official said.

In neighboring Guinea, a fire destroyed medicine crucial to fighting Ebola. The fire engulfed a warehouse at the Conakry airport, said Dr. Moussa Konate, head of logistics for Guinea’s Ebola response.   Continue reading “Eleventh Sierra Leone doctor dies from Ebola”

boysThe Tap

2,4-D has been evaluated by the European Union and included on the list of permitted herbicides.


What is 2,4-D?

2,4-D is an herbicide that kills plants by changing the way certain cells grow. 2,4-D comes in several chemical forms, including salts, esters, and an acid form. The toxicity of 2,4-D depends on its form. The form also affects what will happen to 2,4-D in the environment and what impacts it may have, especially on fish. 2,4-D is used in many products to control weeds, and it is often mixed with other herbicides in these products.   Continue reading “Agent Orange in use in the UK – Increased risk of birth defects.”

painkillers-deathsNatural Society – by Anthony Gucciardi

Yes, prescription painkillers do in fact take more lives per year than two of the hardest illegal drugs in the nation — surpassing both heroin and cocaine in their total related deaths. It all has to do with how these prescription pharmaceuticals work in the brain, and how many individuals around the country are easily acquiring them to feed their deadly habits.

Because after all, who said legal drugs were all that different from illegal drugs in many cases?   Continue reading “Painkillers Kill More Than Heroin and Cocaine Combined”

ABC News

The parents of Colorado theater shooting suspect James Holmes are pleading for him to be spared the death penalty.

In a letter to The Denver Post published Friday, Robert and Arlene Holmes say they have always loved their son and do not want him to be executed.

“He is not a monster. He is a human being gripped by a severe mental illness,” they wrote.   Continue reading “James Holmes’ Parents Plead Against Death Penalty”

Fox News

It’s the ultimate dog-shoots-man story.

A Wyoming man was recovering from a gunshot wound to the arm after his loyal dog accidentally stepped on his gun and discharged it Monday. Johnson County Sheriff Steve Kozisek said Richard Fipps, 46, of Sheridan was working with two employees to move a vehicle and that Fipps was standing beside the truck when the mishap occurred.    Continue reading “Dog shoots man: Pet owner recovering after freak gun accident”

Janet PoseyNOLA

JACKSON, Miss. — A north Mississippi resident has been arrested after authorities say she created a fundraising scam by pretending to be related to a 19-year-old woman who was burned to death earlier this month.

Janet Posey, 39, of Blue Springs, is charged with one count of attempted false pretense and one count of communications fraud, Attorney General Jim Hood said Thursday.   Continue reading “Mississippi woman accused of charity scam to profit from burning death of Jessica Chambers”