Police in Massachusetts offered some words of wisdom Monday night: Getting drunk and chasing bears through the woods with a dull hatchet is “not advised.”

The North Adams Police Department posted on Facebook that a “Davy Crockett” wannabe was taken into “protective custody” after police found him chasing a bear through the woods with a hatchet.   Continue reading “Police: Don’t chase bears with hatchet while drunk”

Verizon buying AOL for $4.4 billionAJC

If you get your cell phone service from either Sprint or Verizon, then you may be due for a refund.

The two companies have agreed to settle complaints that they charged customers for services they did not order, PIX11 reported.

As WTIC reported, Sprint and Verizon partnered with vendors that sold premium text services that delivered horoscopes, trivia and scores.  The problem is that some customers who had not signed up for the service were being billed the nearly $10 monthly charge.   Continue reading “Refund may be in order for Verizon, Sprint customers”

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The Captain’s Journal – by HERSCHEL SMITH

Salt Lake City:

HOLLADAY, Utah – Unified Police are looking for four suspects in a home invasion robbery overnight.

Police said four Polynesian men dressed in all black kicked the door in at a basement apartment in Holladay. Continue reading “Criminals Perpetrate A No-Knock Raid Claiming To Be Police”

Washington’s Blog

Is America Still a Nation of Laws?

The Department of Justice claimed that it:

reviewed the [Senate intelligence] committee’s full report [on torture] and did not find any new information that they had not previously considered in reaching their determination [not to prosecute anyone for torture].

Continue reading “Department of Justice Refuses to Even READ Torture Report”

635666845359722433-thirdWLTX 19

Columbia, SC (WLTX) — Richland County deputies will take place in training exercises along with the 3rd Special Forces Group out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The late-night and pre-dawn exercises will run from Friday May 8 through Friday, May 15.

Military and sheriff’s department vehicles will be traveling in the Lower Richland County community near Eastover and Hopkins, in Elgin near Screaming Eagle Road, and North Richland County in the Monticello Road area. The sheriff’s department says people in those areas may also hear ordinance being set off or shots being fired. They say those will be simulations or blanks and do not pose a risk to the community.   Continue reading “Special Forces, Deputies Plan Week Long Exercises”

still from vimeo video/SelectaDNART

A Subway restaurant in Knoxville, Tennessee is now equipped with a product known as SelectaDNA, which aims to tag anyone who breaks in with an identifying spray containing a DNA code viewable only under ultraviolet light.

The “intruder spray,” as it is nicknamed, contains “a unique DNA code which can be used to uniquely mark and trace both items of property and criminals,” according to its manufacturer, SelectaDNA.   Continue reading “‘Intruder spray’: Subway restaurant armed with traceable synthetic DNA mist”

The Guardian

The officer who shot dead biracial 19 year-old Tony Robinson in Madison,Wisconsin will not face criminal charges it was announced on Tuesday, more than 10 weeks since the teenager’s death.

Following an inquiry by Wisconsin’s state division of criminal investigation [DCI], the Dane County district attorney Ismael Ozanne declined to prosecute Madison police officer Matt Kenny, who responded to a number of 911 calls on6 March reporting Robinson was acting erratically and had allegedly assaulted at least one person in the street outside his shared apartment.   Continue reading “No charges for Wisconsin police officer who killed unarmed teenager”

Activist Post – by Catherine J. Frompovich

Earlier this year I started to research what’s known as the “Vaccine Injury Trust Fund,” a “stash” of cash collected on every vaccine sold and given to children and adults in the USA.

That Trust Fund is “financed” by a $0.75 excise tax on each vaccine active recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. On multi-valent vaccines, i.e., those containing more than one disease active e.g., trivalent vaccines like MMR, DTaP, etc., then 75 cents is paid for each valent, or a total of $2.25 for a 3-valent vaccine.    Continue reading “What Does U.S. Treasury Do With Vaccine Excise Taxes It Collects?”

AP Photo/Jeff RobersonPirate’s Cove

I’ve been remiss in covering the latest Freak Out by the anti-gunnites here in North Carolina, which extends to the Typical Liberal Media here in Raleigh, in Charlotte, and other news outlets. Let’s see what this is really, really about

(Breitbart) Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety is fighting the repeal of a law that requires North Carolinians to acquire a permit to purchase a handgun before they can actually purchase one. They are doing this by equating the permit to purchase with background checks and suggesting that if the permits are repealed, background checks will be repealed as well. Continue reading “Bloomberg Backed Anti-Gun Group Takes On NC Gun Law They Don’t Understand”

NBC Philadelphia – by David Chang and Sarah Smith

At least six people were killed and over 140 people hurt after an Amtrak train, carrying 238 passengers and five crew members, derailed and rolled onto its side in the Port Richmond section of Philadelphia Tuesday night, according to officials.

The death toll from the crash rose to six Wednesday morning when Temple University Hospital officials confirmed one patient had died of their injuries overnight. Eight patients remain in critical condition at Temple, and 25 have been released, chief medical officer Dr. Herbert Cushing said at a briefing.   Continue reading “6 Dead, Over 140 Hurt After Amtrak Train Derails, Rolls on Side in Philadelphia”

Homeland Security said that detaining the families was a necessary response to the number of migrants who tried to cross into the US having fled violence in Central America.The Guardian – by Ed Pilkington

One thousand undocumented mothers and children currently detained in immigration centers in Texas and Pennsylvania could be freed imminently at the order of a federal judge, unless the US government can avert the crisis in its immigration policy over the next 10 days.

Emergency talks were under way in Washington on Monday between US immigration officials and attorneys representing hundreds of children who are being held in detention allegedly in violation of child protection laws. Unless agreement can be reached between the two sides by 24 May, the families are likely to be released upon order of the courts, punching a large hole in the Obama administration’s deterrent approach at the border.   Continue reading “Many migrant families held by US could soon be free from detention ‘nightmare’”

sorostaxbill.jpgBATR – by James Hall

Hedge Fund schemers are the modern version of robber barons. At the top of the list of unscrupulous manipulators is the Nazi collaborator, George Soros. With reports like in Forbes that George Soros May Owe Billions In Taxes, an alarm should go off to all investors.

“By the early 2000s, hedge funds were considered de rigeur for sophisticated investors willing to take a risk in exchange for potential wealth. As that potential wealth grew, so did the potential tax bill, and managers began looking at other options. The solution? Investing in offshore hedge funds. Hedge fund managers are generally taxed on income in the country where the fund is located making relocating to the usual offshore suspects such as the Caymans, Bermuda and Ireland attractive. Tax was essentially deferred on fees from these funds until it landed in the hands of those in the U.S.”   Continue reading “George Soros $6.7 billion tax bill”

The Anti-Media – by Carey Wedler

Buffalo, NY — Last week, a former Buffalo police officer was awarded nearly $200,000 after being fired for running a cannabis grow operation. You read that correctly.

Jorge L. Melendez was terminated in 2012 after a year-long investigation found that he was supervising a grow operation with over 100 plants. Last August, he plead guilty in a U.S. district court and is currently serving four years in prison for his violations (the minimum sentence is 5-40 years).   Continue reading “Cop Caught in Weed Growing Operation Awarded $200,000 by Department”

Public Intelligence

The following documents were produced by the U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC)Assessing Revolutionary and Insurgent Strategies (ARIS) studies program which features research conducted by the National Security Analysis Department of The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.  The research follows along the tradition of the “Special Operations Research Office (SORO) of American University in the 1950s and 1960s.”  Along with these casebooks and studies, individual histories of revolutionary and counterrevolutionary activities in Greece, Guatemala, Algeria and Cube are also available from their website.   Continue reading “U.S. Army Special Operations Command Revolutionary and Insurgent Strategy Studies and Casebooks”

shutterstock_108664646Threat Post – by Michael Mimoso

In the three years since its inception, the Open Smart Grid Protocol has found its way into more than four million smart meters and similar devices worldwide.

And like its SCADA, industrial control system, and embedded system brethren, it’s rife with security issues.   Continue reading “Weak Homegrown Crypto Dooms Open Smart Grid Protocol”

Police Misconduct Reporting Project

Here are the 12 reports of police misconduct tracked for Saturday, May 9 through Monday, May 11, 2015:

  • Washington County, Oklahoma: A deputy was arrested for aggravated DUI after colliding with another vehicle while off duty. His BAC was more than twice the legal limit. http://ow.ly/MM0Hq
  • Weld County, Colorado: A deputy was arrested for aggravated incest. He allegedly sexually assaulted his daughter who is under 10 year old. http://ow.ly/MM172
  • Loveland, Colorado: An officer was arrested for domestic violence against a child. http://ow.ly/MM1P0

Continue reading “National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Recap 05-09-15 to 05-11-15”