Hot Air – by Bruce McQuain

Federal Judge Andrew Hanen, who previously issued an injunction against further enforcement of President Obama’s unilateral executive actions on immigration, has issued an order directing the defendants (to include the HHS secretary) appear before him in court in August to attempt to explain to him why they shouldn’t be held in contempt of court. From his order:   Continue reading “Federal Judge orders Obama administration to court to explain why it has ignored his immigration injunction”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Communist Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called for more gun control following the murder of Kathryn Steinle at the hands of an illegal alien using a federal agent’s gun. She even said that it is a “moral responsibility” that Congress has to act. What she failed to put at the forefront was acting with regard to illegal aliens.

“Last week, in San Francisco, our city suffered our own senseless act of gun violence with the killing of Kathryn Steinle, and our thoughts and prayers are very much with her family,” she said. “Today, we must do more as a nation to prevent dangerous people from getting easy access to guns. And Congress has a moral responsibility to act. What is so unclear? What do they not understand about that?   Continue reading “Pelosi: Congress Has a Moral Authority to Act on Gun Control – But Not on Illegal Aliens”

The Captain’s Journal

Via WRSA, Robert Gore posts this piece.  Robert’s place should be a regular stop through your daily or weekly reads, and I normally like the stuff that Gore writes, but I have to disagree on this, and profoundly so.  The problem is more than just missing the point.  Missing the point just happens to be missing a very important point, one that needs to be made.

The Greeks blame not just the banker cartel, but the Jew banker cartel for their state of affairs.  And to be fair, the global banker cartel is responsible for much of the financial woes we face now, even if indirectly.  But that’s the important point to be made.   Continue reading “Why Is Greece Collapsing?”

The Fresno Bee – by Rory Appleton

A new technology hub for the Fresno Police Department that will control a variety of high-tech gadgets and software was revealed Tuesday by Police Chief Jerry Dyer.

Real Time Crime Center is a privately funded computer system designed to monitor the network of cameras and sensors throughout Fresno. The center will field all 911 calls, and it gives officers access to any city camera — including police body and dash cameras and new traffic cameras. It officially went into 24-hour use on Tuesday.   Continue reading “Fresno police unveil state-of-the-art crime tracking system”

Our Confederate monuments are symbolic of our Southern heritage. To remove Confederate monuments is to erase our history. The monument is a reminder of the citizen-soldiers who fought for the Confederacy; soldiers who personified the best qualities of America. The preservation of liberty and freedom was the motivating factor in the South’s decision to fight the Second American Revolution. The tenacity with which Confederate soldiers fought underscored their belief in the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. These attributes are the underpinning of our democratic society and represent the foundation on which this nation was built.   Continue reading “Preserve the General Nathan Bedford Forrest Statue and Remains”

MLive – by Theresa Ghiloni

UPDATE: Owner of garbage service terminates employee who shot and killed dog

JACKSON, MI – A dog was shot and killed by a garbage collector on Euclid Street on Monday night, police said.

Jackson police Deputy Chief John Holda said officers were dispatched to the 100 block of Euclid Street for the shooting at 5:44 p.m. July 6.   Continue reading “Dog fatally shot three times in head by garbage collector”

Collective Evolution – by Arjun Walia

How often are parents aware of the ingredients contained in the multivitamin that they feed their children? We often believe what we hear without ever questioning what mass marketing and media has to say about a product. In this case they have led thousands of parents to purchase multivitamins because they believe it has significant nutritional value. But do these vitamins truly provide nutritional benefit? If so, at what cost?   Continue reading “Top Children’s Vitamins Full of Aspartame, GMOs & Harmful Chemicals”

Shark Tank – by Nicole Sanders

On Wednesday, a federal judge ordered the cancellation of the Washington Redskins federal trademark registrations. It is the biggest blow to the NFL team thus far.

The cancellation is seen as a “huge victory” by the activists but according to the Washington Post, it does not go into effect until the team has exhausted the appeals process.   Continue reading “Federal Judge Orders Cancellation of Redskins’ Trademark Registration”

The Patriot Post – by Allyne Caan

Having spent years perfecting the art of inciting race warfare, Barack Obama and his administration released new housing rules that will define, qualify and categorize every community across the country by race, with the aim of forcing every neighborhood to comply with government race quotas.

It sounds ominous because it is. But it’s hardly surprising from the narcissist who pledged to “fundamentally transform” America.   Continue reading “Welcome to Mr. Obama’s Neighborhood”

VacTruth – by Shawn Siegel

The graph is from the Ratner report (1), the transcript of a 1960 panel sponsored by the Illinois Medical Society, on which sat three PhD statisticians and an MD, met to discuss the problems with the ongoing polio vaccination campaign.   Continue reading “The CDC Made These Two Radical Changes and 30,000 Diagnoses of Polio Instantly Disappeared”

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llinois –-(  The following was released today by the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA):

“A pathetic and cynical slap at the civil rights movement” is how the ISRA is describing a lawsuit filed yesterday by a group of plaintiffs that includes renegade priest Michael Pfleger.   Continue reading “Crazy Father Pfleger Lawsuit: ‘2nd Amendment Violates The Civil Rights Of Blacks’”

Atlas Obscura

Standing in the middle of Bern, Switzerland, is the Kindlifresser, or “Child Eater.”

The fountain sculpture towers above the ground, a baby half stuffed into the giant’s mouth, and a sack full of three alarmed tots slung over his shoulder presumably for later snacking. The unsettling sculpture is no modern work of art; built in 1546, it is one of the oldest fountains in the city of Bern.   Continue reading “The Child Eater of Bern”

My Northwest – by Kipp Robertson

If adopted, ideas being considered by a Seattle housing committee would be devastating to the city’s appeal, KIRO Radio’s Dori Monson said.

Get rid of single-family zoning in Seattle. That’s the big message in a draft report being worked on by Mayor Ed Murray’s housing committee, obtained by The Seattle Times.   Continue reading “Is Seattle doing away with single-family homes?”

Opposing Views – by Emily Smith

A Georgia father claimed his daughter was put into a restraining device without his consent during a visit to a dentist.

The device, known as a “papoose board,” was allegedly used at the Smiles-R-Us in Carrollton, Georgia. A representative for the Georgia Board of Dentistry said there are no rules, laws or regulations regarding when dentists can and cannot use such restraints.   Continue reading “Georgia Father Shocked After Dentist Used Restraints On His Daughter”