A year after the largest methane leak in U.S. history was sealed in Porter Ranch, California, residents are continuing to experience significant adverse health consequences. As SoCalGas — the company responsible for the blowout — uses fabricated gas shortages to justify reopening the Aliso Canyon gas storage facility, which has been shut down indefinitely since the leak occurred, a local doctor is now speaking out. Continue reading “Mystery Illness Plagues Residents One Year After Historic US Gas Leak”
Month: February 2017
Washington Post – by Radley Balko
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit just issued a decision involving the use of flashbang grenades during a “dynamic entry” drug raid. Here are the facts:
On July 19, 2010, a special agent with the Narcotics Unit of Clayton County, Georgia, obtained a warrant to search Jason Ward’s apartment. The application for the warrant stated that a confidential informant had observed a “small quantity of a green leafy substance suspected to be marijuana” in the possession of Ward. Continue reading “11th Circuit: Cops weren’t given enough notice that police tactics used for decades are unconstitutional”
Activist Post – by Catherine Frompovich
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) utility Smart Meters for electric, natural gas and water are being forced onto Pennsylvania utility customers by utility companies backed up by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission’s (PA PUC) implementation rules and regulations, i.e., AMI SMs are “mandatory,” which are in total contradiction to the Legislative History, intent, enactment, and what was published in official public state records declaring AMI Smart Meters are not mandated! Basically, the bill SB2200, as passed by the PA Legislature, is/was an “opt IN bill”! Refer to HB2200 §2807(f)7(2)(i)! Continue reading “AMI Smart Meters ILLEGALLY Forced On Pennsylvania Consumers; Act 129 States “Not Mandatory””
WASHINGTON (AP) — A top executive at the company building the controversial Dakota Access pipeline on Wednesday compared pipeline opponents to terrorists.
Joey Mahmoud, executive vice president of Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners, said protesters have “assaulted numerous pipeline personnel,” destroyed millions of dollars’ worth of construction equipment and even fired a pistol at law enforcement during months of demonstrations against the 1,200-mile pipeline, which will carry North Dakota oil to an Illinois terminal. Continue reading “Pipeline exec compares Dakota protesters to terrorists”
New York Times – by LIZETTE ALVAREZ
MIAMI — A federal appeals court cleared the way on Thursday for Florida doctors to talk to their patients about gun safety, overturning a 2011 law that pitted medical providers against the state’s powerful gun lobby.
In its 10-to-1 ruling, the full panel of the United States Circuit Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit concluded that doctors could not be threatened with losing their license for asking patients if they owned guns and for discussing gun safety because to do so would violate their free speech. Continue reading “Florida Doctors May Discuss Guns With Patients, Court Rules”
Spillway repairs at the troubled Oroville Dam will get their first major test this weekend, as meteorologists have revised their forecast and are now predicting a much wetter and warmer storm outlook.
Light to moderate rain began falling across Northern California early Thursday and will likely continue for several days, according to the National Weather Service.
However, the situation will change substantially Sunday when a larger storm arrives at Oroville and the Feather River basin. Continue reading “10 Inches of Rain Headed for Oroville Dam Area, Revised Storm Forecast Warns”
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How much difference does a single line on a tax form make? For Obamacare’s individual mandate, the answer might be quite a lot.
Following President Donald Trump’s executive order instructing agencies to provide relief from the health law, the Internal Revenue Service appears to be taking a more lax approach to the coverage requirement. Continue reading “Major Blow to Obamacare Mandate: IRS Won’t Reject Tax Returns That Don’t Answer Health Insurance Question”
LiveLeak by Euronews Added: 2 days ago
No bag, no keys, no wallet and no ID. A move of the hand simply opens doors.
Welcome to the future, or what is the present for a group of employees at NewFusion near Brussels.
Staff members at the marketing and technology company voluntarily agreed to have Radio Frequency Identification chips placed inside their hands. Continue reading “Chips in the hand to identify who we are”
For those Christians who still feel the need to cater and support the Zionist Jews, I was reading up on a few things about them and here is how some of them feel about Jesus, Others and You. You know, the JOY acronym that Christians are taught to spread.
Maurice Samuel in 1924 wrote, “We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build. Beyond all temporary alliances with this or that faction lies the ultimate split in nature and destiny, the enmity between the Game and God. But those of us who fail to understand that truth will always be found in alliance with your rebellious factions, until disillusionment comes. The wretched fate which scattered us through your midst has thrust this unwelcome role upon us.” Continue reading “For Those Christians Who Still Feel The Need To Cater And Support The Zionist Jews And Their Puppets In Government Like Trump, Cruz, Mccain, Etc…..”
Less than a month ago I warned that a ‘color revolution ‘ was taking place in the USA. My first element of proof was the so-called “investigation” which the CIA, FBI, NSA and others were conducting against President Trump’s candidate to become National Security Advisor, General Flynn. Tonight, the plot to get rid of Flynn has finally succeeded and General Flynn had to offer his resignation. Trump accepted it. Continue reading “The Neocons and the “deep state” have neutered the Trump Presidency, it’s over folks!”
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Continue reading “Object among chemtrails”
The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s student government is demanding free tuition for black students.
The Associated Students Of Madison adopted a resolution Wednesday saying blacks were legally barred from education during slavery and that the flagship school remains out of reach for students of color. The resolution demands free access, tuition and housing for all black people, including former inmates. Continue reading “Wisconsin students demand free tuition for black students”
February 11, 2017 – Sargento Foods Inc. is closely monitoring and gathering information prompted by the Deutsch Kase Haus, LLC Longhorn Colby cheese recall. The supplier, based in Middlebury, Ind., notified Sargento Foods Inc. that a specialty Longhorn Colby cheese it supplied to Sargento must be recalled due to a potential contamination of Listeria monocytogenes. There are no confirmed illnesses.
Our valued consumers have been contacting us with their questions and concerns. We will continue to respond to our consumers and activate reimbursements. Please call 1-800-CHEESES (1-800-243-3737) or email us via the “Contact Us” page on Sargento.com. Phone calls will be answered from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Central Time); emails should get a response within 24 hours. Continue reading “ALERT: America’s Most POPULAR Cheese Recalled- THROW IT AWAY IMMEDIATELY, It Can KILL Your Family”
A photographer from SuperStation95 grabbed this photo of Bill and Hillary Clinton the other day. There’s clearly trouble in paradise. Hillary appears to have taken solace in food after losing the election and gained about thirty pounds. She’s deathly, sickly, pale. Bill looks as though his face is . . .melting. Continue reading “Hillary Obviously Taking Solace in FOOD; Bill Looks Like his face is melting!”
Gateway Pundit – by Ryan Saavedra
According to a report from the Washington Times, California Governor Jerry Brown has been spending $25 billion a year supporting illegal immigrants while neglecting the failing Oroville dam.
From The Washington Times:
The flood danger from the Oroville Dam receded Monday, but California was hit by a wave of criticism for failing to heed warnings about risks to the spillway at a time when the state spent generously on illegal immigrants and high-speed rail.
Continue reading “California Governor Spends $25 Billion Per Year On Illegals, Officials Warned Dam Failing 12 Years Ago”
Natural Blaze – by Catherine J Frompovich
February 15, 2017 is a day that should live in infamy! Why? Because that’s the date independent vaccine safety advocate, Robert F Kennedy Jr., Esq., offered a $100,000 reward to any journalist who “can find a peer-reviewed scientific study demonstrating that thimerosal is safe in the amounts contained in vaccines currently being administered to American children and pregnant women.”
How’s that for raising the bar on vaccine science research? And, it had to be done by a consumer and parent rather than the vaccine industry, Big Pharma or the CDC/FDA who lack the intestinal fortitude to admit their science not only is wrong and misleading, but damaging innocent infants, toddlers, children and fetuses. Continue reading “The $100,000 Challenge: Proving Mercury (EHg) In Vaccines Is Safe”
Earth has a concealed continent called ‘Zealandia’ hidden in the Pacific Ocean and attached to New Zealand, according to newly published research.
A team of 11 researchers found that New Zealand and New Caledonia are actually part of a huge 4.9 million sq km (1.89 million square-mile) single slab of continental crust that is separate from Australia. Continue reading “Zealandia: Study confirms Earth has hidden continent”