Moscow will pay off the balance of the debt inherited from the Soviet Union this year, Izvestia daily reports, quoting sources in the Russian Ministry of Finance.

Last week, the Finance Ministry said it had cleared the $60.6 million debt to Macedonia. This means that the last debt of the Soviet Union is $125.2 million to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Both countries were formed after the breakup of Yugoslavia and won the right to reclaim part of the Soviet debt.   Continue reading “Russia to clear entire Soviet debt by year-end”

ABC 7 NY – by Jim Dolan

A state trooper attempting to make a traffic stop was dragged and injured by a driver on Long Island Wednesday afternoon, and cellphone video shows some of the dramatic moments unfolding.

It happened on the westbound Southern State Parkway in Hempstead around 3 p.m.   Continue reading “State Trooper Dragged, Struggles With Suspect During Traffic Stop On Long Island”

New York Times – by Jennifer Medina

LOS ANGELES — First came the anxious calls in the days after the election of President Trump. Now, people begin lining up before 8 a.m. and crowd the waiting rooms inside the Mexican Consulate here.

Mexican citizens come to renew passports that have been unused for more than a decade. They desperately ask lawyers if they can do anything to help them stay in the United States. They register their children for Mexican citizenship, just in case they are sent back and decide to move their whole family with them.   Continue reading “Mexican Consulates Flooded With Fearful Immigrants”

Yahoo News

The Trump administration considered a proposal to mobilize as many as 100,000 National Guard troops to round up unauthorized immigrants, including millions living nowhere near the Mexico border, according to a draft memo obtained by The Associated Press.

Staffers in the Department of Homeland Security said the proposal had been discussed as recently as Friday.   Continue reading “DHS weighed Nat Guard for immigration roundups”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

After nearly a year since the first protest camp sprung up in opposition to the Dakota Access Pipeline, it looks as if the Governor of North Dakota, Doug Burgum, has finally had enough and has signed an executive order demanding that protesters evacuate by February 22nd.   Continue reading “North Dakota Governor Signs Executive Order Evicting Dakota Access Pipeline Protesters”

Seattle Times – by Daniel Beekman

King County may allocate $750,000 to help immigrants become U.S. citizens, fight deportation and educate them about their rights.

County Executive Dow Constantine plans to propose legislation to make the money available. Metropolitan King County Council Chair Joe McDermott plans to sponsor it.    Continue reading “King County seeks to allocate $750,000 to help immigrants”

Guns America – by S.H. Blannelberry

Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shame on me. Fool me a third time? WTF?

In one month, Curtis Jamal Deal was arrested three times on a gun or drug-related charge. Three times!   Continue reading “Baltimore Bodycam Footage Shows Shooting Death of 18-Year-Old”

Jon Rappoport

The US intelligence community continues its war to kick Donald Trump to the curb and destroy his presidency.

Obviously, the NSA, the CIA, and their silent partners want to continue to run this country.

So they spy and leak, spy and leak.   Continue reading “Is the NSA the real president of the United States?”


TransCanada Corp filed an application with Nebraska authorities on Thursday to route its Keystone XL pipeline through the state, saying it expected a decision this year for this crucial leg of the $8 billion project that had been stymied by environmental groups and other opponents.

U.S. President Donald Trump cleared the way for the project at the federal level last month, reversing an earlier decision by former President Barack Obama, who had blocked it over environmental concerns.   Continue reading “TransCanada files Keystone XL route application in Nebraska”

Patch – by Jonah Meadows

CHICAGO, IL — Department of Homeland Security agents searched bags at the Addison Red line station on the CTA Tuesday morning.

DHS officers, along with Chicago Police, “were conducting random bag checks at CTA Addison Red Line station today,” according to an emailed statement from Chicago Police, which went on to say that such checks occur at random places around the city multiple times a week as officers swab bags for explosives.   Continue reading “DHS Checking Train Commuters Bags in Chicago”

SoftPedia – by Laura Sinpetru, Feb 20, 2015

The reason we humans – well, some of us – excel at abstract thinking and can solve complex math equations is that, while hard at work evolving, we took care of growing seriously big brains for ourselves.

The thing is that, thanks to Duke University scientists, it could happen that, one day, other creatures will too get to enjoy the perks of having a huge brain. That’s right, we’re talking super brainy mice, cats, dogs and whatnot.   Continue reading “Human DNA Used to Grow Mice with Abnormally Large Brains (2015)”

Abel Danger – by Dick Eastman

You have been taught to worship “tree trade” as the greatest blessing for the wealth of nations. Let me show you how greatly deceived you have been.

The United States and other countries has people capable of producing most of the goods and services, the food, clothing, housing, furniture, appliances, schools, literature, art, infrastructure, machines and so forth that it needs. People are willing to work, to acquire the skills, to invent, to add to scientific knowledge, to teach, to manage, to extract resources from nature, to build, and to contribute the entrepreneurship which fits production to demand.
Continue reading “The All-Borrowed Money Supply and International Trade Rothschild-Style — Curses We Must Eliminate”

OPB – by Dave Blanchard

Ammon Bundy’s former lawyer Marcus Mumford was in court in Portland Wednesday, where he faces misdemeanor charges for failing to comply with and impeding federal police last fall.

U.S. marshals tackled and used a stun gun on Mumford at the conclusion of the first Malheur occupation trial.   Continue reading “Bundy Lawyer Mumford Seeks Charge Dismissal, Jury Trial”


Research from Harvard University is exciting some scientists about the prospects of being able to recreate the long extinct woolly mammoth. The ice age mammal’s DNA could potentially be spliced with an Asian elephant to create a hybrid.

Harvard Geneticist Professor, George Church, briefed the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) about the progress his team has made in the past two years of trying to “de-extinct” the mammoth.   Continue reading “Scientists want to ‘de-extinct’ the woolly mammoth”

The Hill – by Devin Henry

President Trump on Thursday signed legislation ending a key Obama administration coal mining rule.

The bill quashes the Office of Surface Mining’s Stream Protection Rule, a regulation to protect waterways from coal mining waste that officials finalized in December.

The legislation is the second Trump has signed into law ending an Obama-era environmental regulation. On Tuesday, he signed a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution undoing a financial disclosure requirement for energy companies.   Continue reading “Trump signs bill undoing Obama coal mining rule”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

In a move that is sure to unleash a fresh firestorm of accusations that Russia is interfering in the upcoming French elections, Wikileaks has has released three classified CIA “tasking orders” revealing details of a seven-month long spying campaign and involvement by the agency ahead of the 2012 French presidential election.   Continue reading “Wikileaks Exposes CIA Involvement In French 2012 Presidential Election”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

One of the least talked about war crimes committed by the United States is the use of depleted uranium — a highly controversial radioactive waste that’s been dumped into Iraq by the ton. In spite of multiple international watchdog groups and health organizations pointing out the dangers of using DU, and in spite of the Pentagon claiming they wouldn’t use it, the United States just admitted to using it in Syria.

For those that aren’t familiar with the radioactive waste that is DU, it is the byproduct of the production of enriched uranium for use as fuel in nuclear reactors and in the manufacture of nuclear weapons. It is also the US military’s preferred material to use for armor plating and armor-piercing projectiles.   Continue reading “US Admits Using Radioactive Weapons in Syria that Left Thousands of Iraqi Babies Deformed”