Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Ever since legalized recreational marijuana has become a reality in America, the powers that be have been brainstorming new ways in which to prosecute the legal marijuana user. Obviously, driving stoned is high on the list of no-nos, but the police state will exponentially increase now that cops will soon have marijuana breathalyzers. Continue reading “Get Ready for Weed Checkpoints: The Marijuana Breathalyzer is Now a Reality”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

On Monday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) asked President Trump to provide “political cover” for Republicans who will not otherwise support gun control.

He said this during a press conference in which he announced that he and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) sent a letter to Trump regarding gun control. Continue reading “Schumer asks President Trump to Give GOP ‘Political Cover’ on Gun Control”

Discuss – by Meko Haze

At least a handful of arrests were made on Monday at the California State Capitol in Sacramento as people stood in protest of Senate Bill 276 and companion bill, SB 714, which were created to combat alleged fake medical exemptions from vaccines.  Continue reading “California Governor Gavin Newsom Signs SB 276 And SB 714 Into Law”

Breaking Israeli News – by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz

On September 25, the 5,780th anniversary of the day on which Jewish tradition holds the world was created, the Sanhedrin is holding a conference for the emerging Organization of 70 Nations. The conference will culminate in an animal sacrifice made by representatives of the nations on the Mount of Olives in which they will renew the covenant made by Noah upon leaving the Ark.  Continue reading “Nations Invited for Animal Sacrifice on Mount of Olives Renewing Noah’s Covenant”


Our worst fears about automatic license plate readers (ALPR) are much worse than we could have imagined.

Two months ago, I warned everyone that police in Arizona were using ALPR’s to “grid” entire neighborhoods. But this story brings public surveillance to a whole new level.  Continue reading “Massive 30 State, Real-Time ALPR Database Revealed”

The Baltimore Sun

The State Highway Administration removed four signs for “Negro Mountain” from Western Maryland roads in April over concerns about racial sensitivity, an agency spokeswoman confirmed Sunday.

Two of the signs had stood along Interstate 68, and the other pair had stood on U.S. Alternate Route 40, according to the Cumberland Times-News, which first reported the news of their removal.

Continue reading “‘Negro Mountain’ signs removed by Maryland State Highway Administration”

Of Two Minds – by Charles Hugh Smith

Either we root out every last source of rot by investigating, indicting and jailing every wrong-doer and everyone who conspired to protect the guilty in the Epstein case, or America will have sealed its final fall.

When you discover rot in an apparently sound structure, the first question is: how far has the rot penetrated? If the rot has reached the foundation and turned it to mush, the structure is one wind-storm from collapse.  Continue reading “How Deep Is the Rot in America’s Institutions?”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Paul Craig Roberts has brought a new focus to 911, the involvement of former FBI Director Robert Mueller in the coverup. Dr Roberts also highlighted the recently released four year study on the collapse of WTC Tower 7. It was a 47 story building that was never hit by a plane, yet fell down in 6.5 seconds. University of Alaska and Nanjing scholars concluded that Tower 7 could only have been taken down by a controlled demolition.

The only persons with access to Towers 1, 2 and 7 was Larry Silverstein who had Bibi Netanyahu on speed dial in his cell phone.  Continue reading “Deep State: 18 Years After 911”

Breitbart – by Joel B Pollak

Pressure is mounting on Congress to “do something” in response to recent mass shootings in Texas and Ohio. A poll released Monday confirms what has been true for years: namely, that Americans support new gun regulations.

As the Washington Post put it, Americans “overwhelmingly support expanded background checks for gun buyers and allowing law enforcement to temporarily seize weapons from troubled individuals.” That includes “at least 8 in 10 Republicans, white evangelical Christians, members of gun-owning households.”  Continue reading “Pollak: Trade Universal Background Checks for Universal Concealed Carry”

Ammoland – by Greg Camp

Fayetteville, AR -( The siren call for gun control has once again lured The Washington Post onto the rocks.

In an opinion piece published on-line on the 3rd of September, the Editorial Board calls on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to end his “inertia on gun safety” and do something about what they believe to be daily mass shootings.  Continue reading “Do Something, Or The Gun Grabbers Will Do It For Us”


According to the Hebrew Bible, the First Temple was constructed under King Solomon in the 10th century BCE and destroyed by a Babylonian king in 586 BC; it was then replaced by the Second Temple, which stood from 516 BC until its destruction by the Romans in 70 AD.

A Palestinian academic has claimed that there is no archaeological evidence to back up the Biblical account of ancient Jewish sanctuaries on the Temple Mount. Continue reading “Palestinian Scholar Denies Biblical Account of Jewish Shrines on Temple Mount as ‘Lies of Zionists’”

Natural News – by JD Heyes

For the better part of Western existence, most people have understood one basic principle of statehood: That countries are sovereign, and as such, they have a right and even a duty to protect the integrity of their borders.

That means if necessary, they can and should build barriers, pass laws against illegal entry, and enforce those laws against anyone caught breaking them.  Continue reading “What the…? The UN head of global communications says America has no right to protect its own borders and that migrants should be permitted to cross if they want”

LifeSiteNews – by Lianne Laurence

SAN FRANCISCO, September 6, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — The CEO of StemExpress essentially admitted in court Thursday that her biotech company supplies beating fetal hearts and intact fetal heads to medical researchers.

She also admitted at the preliminary hearing of David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt of the Center for Medical Progress that the baby’s head could be procured attached to the baby’s body or “could be torn away.”  Continue reading “StemExpress CEO admits selling beating baby hearts, intact baby heads in Daleiden hearing”

The Mind Unleashed – by Elias Marat

From the world’s highest peaks to the deepest depths of the ocean floor, there isn’t a single place on the planet that’s safe from the scourge of plastic pollution.

But the inundation of plastic debris doesn’t come in the form of plastic bags, bottles and straws alone—according to a new study published in Science of The Total Environment, plastic is now taking the form and shape of pebbles that look exactly like the real thing. Continue reading “Scientists Discover New Form of Plastic Pollution That Looks Exactly Like Rocks”


Iran was clandestinely developing nuclear weapons but destroyed a secret site after Israel discovered it, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu alleged on Monday.

Iran quickly refuted the Israeli leader’s accusation.

Tehran had been developing atomic arms at a facility in Abadeh, south of Iranian city of Isfahan, said Netanyahu.  Continue reading “Netanyahu accuses Iran of dismantling secret nuclear weapons site”

Global Research – by Stephen Lendman

On April 9, Israeli Knesset elections were held, 61 coalition seats needed for majority rule.

New elections were called after Netanyahu failed to cobble together enough support for reelection as prime minister. He remains interim PM.

On September 17, Israelis go to the polls again to elect a prime minister and Knesset members.  Continue reading “Netanyahu Fighting for His Political Life”