NBC News

The Treasury Department will ask Congress for $500 billion in direct payouts for taxpayers as part of a $1 trillion stimulus package to combat the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a proposal obtained by NBC News.

The two rounds of direct payments to taxpayers, each totaling $250 billion, would be sent on April 6 and on May 18, according to the proposal. They would be tiered payments, with the amounts based on income level and family size, the proposal says. Both payments would be for the same amount.  Continue reading “Americans would get two checks under Treasury Department proposal”

Off Guardian – by Catte Black

The only certainty about the ‘novel’ virus is that a great deal of nonsense is being talked about it by people who really ought to know better, and a great deal of opportunism is being displayed.

From Netanyahu grabbing the chance to postpone his corruption trial to Hollywood starlets claiming they have ‘tested positive’ (surely not a sad and cynical attempt to up their profile), this bandwagon is seething and teeming with those trying to seize their moment of fame or get rich or stay out of jail or just join in the mayhem  Continue reading “Panic Pandemic – Why are people who should know better buying the Covid19 hype?”

Summit News – by Paul Joseph Watson

62 per cent of Americans believe that the media has exaggerated the threat of coronavirus, according to a new Pew Research poll.

The results of the survey found that 63 per cent of Americans believe the CDC and public health officials have got the risk of COID-19 about right, with just 21 per cent believing they have exaggerated the risks.  Continue reading “Pew Poll: 62 Per Cent of Americans Believe Media Has Exaggerated Coronavirus Risk”

Yahoo News

Lithium is one of the foundational elements of our modern world, and a billionaire-backed startup is trying to dig it up from beneath the dead Salton Sea. Could this new company finally beat the odds in California’s “graveyard for lithium extraction”?

That’s how founder David Snydacker characterizes the Imperial Valley, directly east of San Diego along the very southern edge of California. Snydacker’s group Lilac Solutions just received $20 million in funding from a venture capital firm specializing in energy, with marquee investors Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, and Bill Gates. Continue reading “Why Bill Gates and Mike Bloomberg Want to Dig Up Lithium from This Dead Sea”

Breitbart – by John Binder

Ford, General Motors (GM), and Fiat Chrysler announced plans on Wednesday to close all factories in the United States to protect workers from possible coronavirus infection.

Ford executives said their U.S. plants will shut down from March 19 to March 30 while GM executives said their U.S. plants would close at least through March 30.  said it will begin a “systematic orderly suspension” of production through at least March 30. Continue reading “Coronavirus: Ford, GM, Fiat Chrysler Shutting Down U.S. Factories”

The Hill – by Jordain Carney

The Senate passed the House’s coronavirus aid package on Wednesday, sending it to President Trump, who is expected to sign it.

Senators voted 90-8 on the bill that passed the House in a middle-of-the-night Saturday vote but needed dozens of pages of corrections and changes, which cleared the chamber on Monday. Continue reading “Senate passes House’s coronavirus aid bill, sending it to Trump”

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Breitbart – by John Hayward

Chinese state media on Tuesday rather unsubtly decided this would be a good time to chat with a panel of “experts” about the possibility of using an electromagnetic pulse weapon (EMP) against American ships that enter portions of the South China Sea illegally claimed by Beijing.

The timing suggests it was a bit of saber-rattling by a Communist Party nervous about its power and prestige after the Wuhan virus disaster, but some degree of escalation in the South China Sea has long been a concern for the U.S. Navy and ships from across the free world. Continue reading “China Threatens EMP Attack in South China Sea”

Breitbart – by Neil Munro

The U.S. association of pork suppliers is asking for more foreign visa workers despite the huge loss of American jobs during the coronavirus epidemic.

The federation’s March 10 letter to Congress said: Continue reading “U.S. Pork Processors Ask for More Foreign H-2 Visa Workers”

Big League Politics

Alex Jones, the popular conspiracy theorist who founded Infowars, is preparing a lawsuit against the Trump administration in order to stop a possible interstate travel ban, as the U.S. inches toward martial law.

Although President Trump has not announced an interstate travel ban yet, he has said that it could be in the works if he feels it is necessary to stop coronavirus. Jones, who is one of Trump’s most prominent backers, feels this would be crossing the line. Continue reading “Alex Jones Prepares Lawsuit Against Trump Administration to Stop Potential Interstate Travel Ban”


The various emergency orders being adopted by governments across the United States to respond to the threat of COVID-19 grant officials a wide range of extreme power, sometimes including the options to stop the sale of alcohol, stop the sale of gasoline, stop the sale of guns, ration food and other commodities, and even confiscate property. Continue reading “Guns, gasoline, access to water all targeted in emergency orders”

Investment Watch – by Ambrosius Theophilus

In a week to two weeks time, when all the business have been forced to close down; when kids have been home from school without any recourse to daycare; when nobody ventures outside due to fear and uncertainty; when all the industries that cater to hospitality, service, and travel are forced to lay off their work force because no one is patronizing them any more… Continue reading “This is End Game’s Long Range Goal–You Heard It Here First”

Fox 5

It’s likely “few if any” California schools will reopen before summer break, Gov. Gavin Newsom said Tuesday as he provided a stark assessment of the implications from the spreading coronavirus that threatens to overwhelm the state’s hospitals and drain its spending reserves. Continue reading “California preparing for worst case scenarios”

Yahoo News

President Trump on Wednesday invoked the Defense Production Act to mobilize the private sector to manufacture goods needed to fight the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic.

The legislation allows the president to require production and orders from certain industries to prioritize the response to a national emergency. Originally passed in 1950, the legislation was first used in the Korean War and has been activated in response to various crises since that time. Continue reading “Trump Invokes Defense Production Act to Fight Wuhan Coronavirus Pandemic”

New York Post – by Ben Cost

It’s a new kind of dinner roll.

This week, the coronavirus pandemic prompted nationwide business closures, leading to panic-fueled mass buying binges. However, an enterprising California Mexican restaurant has developed a novel way to both service customers’ shopping needs and help keep themselves afloat — by selling a $150 emergency taco kit, complete with four rolls of toilet paper. Continue reading “Mexican restaurant serves ‘emergency taco kits’ with side of toilet paper”

2nd Amendment Foundation

The Second Amendment Foundation today warned New Orleans Mayor Latoya Cantrell against suspending or limiting the sale of firearms and ammunition under her recently proclaimed State of Emergency due to Covid-19.

Under provisions of her proclamation, the “Emergency Authority” is empowered, if necessary, “to suspend or limit the sale, dispensing or transporting alcoholic beverages, firearms, explosives, and combustibles.” Continue reading “SAF to N.O. Mayor Cantrell: ‘We Sued City Once, We’ll Do It Again’”

Blue Lives Matter – by Holly Matkin

Cleveland, OH – Up to 300 inmates will be released from the Cuyahoga County Jail over the course of the next several weeks due to concerns about the potential spread of COVID-19.

“It’s not a matter of if this virus hits, it’s when this virus hits our jail,” Cuyahoga Administrative Judge Brendan Sheehan told WEWS. Continue reading “Jail Releasing Hundreds Of Inmates In Anticipation Of Virus”