Year: 2020
WiFi runs our life. In fact, according to a survey carried out by Direct Line by Opinium Research online, it is the number one thing that their respondents couldn’t live without. But no matter where you are in the world, you’ve probably experienced internet connectivity problems at one point or another.
Enter LiFi, a type of wireless connection that can be up to 100 times faster than WiFi. Continue reading “What exactly is LiFi?”
In almost every oil cycle, the market is confronted with the problem of “missing barrels”, or the gap between the change in inventory implied by global supply-demand balances on the one hand and the observed change in inventory levels by commercial and government entities (adjusted for floating storage and oil in transit) on the other hand.
As the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies writes in a report published today, based on IEA global oil balances, the surplus during the first three quarters of 2020 averaged around 4.4 mb/d, with the surplus in the first half of 2020 reaching a record level of 7.6 mb/d due to the severity of the demand shock and the break-up of the OPEC+ agreement in March. This implies an inventory increase in H1 2020 of 1,390 million barrels (mbbls), before declining by 194.2 mbbls in Q3. Continue reading ““This Is Astounding”: China Is Snapping Up Most Of The World’s “Missing” Barrels Of Oil”
As phase III trials of covid-19 vaccines reach their target enrolments, officials have been trying to project calm. The US coronavirus czar Anthony Fauci and the Food and Drug Administration leadership have offered public assurances that established procedures will be followed.1234 Only a “safe and effective” vaccine will be approved, they say, and nine vaccine manufacturers issued a rare joint statement pledging not to prematurely seek regulatory review.5
But what will it mean exactly when a vaccine is declared “effective”? To the public this seems fairly obvious. “The primary goal of a covid-19 vaccine is to keep people from getting very sick and dying,” a National Public Radio broadcast said bluntly.6 Continue reading “Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us”
Children’s Health Defense – by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
“If the American people knew some of the things that went on at the FDA, they’d never take anything but Bayer aspirin.” — Len Lutwalk, FDA scientist
“The FDA, by spinelessly knuckling under to every whim of the drug companies, has thrown away its high reputation, and in doing so, forfeited our trust.” — Drummond Rennie, deputy editor of JAMA
Continue reading “Sausage Making at FDA: How Human Cancer Cells Got Into Vaccines”
US is slaughtering Yemeni civilians to ‘keep weapons factories running,’ senior Houthi leader claims
A high-ranking Houthi leader has accused the US of participating in the killing of Yemeni civilians to ensure the longevity of its defense industry, adding that Washington is the “source” of violence in the country.
Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, the cousin of the leader of the Houthi movement and the chairman of Yemen’s Supreme Revolutionary Committee, issued a scathing condemnation of US support for the Saudi-led invasion of Yemen of five and a half years ago. Continue reading “US is slaughtering Yemeni civilians to ‘keep weapons factories running,’ senior Houthi leader claims”
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the a COVID-19 vaccine could be ready and available in the state as soon as this weekend.
During a Wednesday COVID-19 briefing, the governor explained that it will be an uphill battle to dispel existing skepticism of the vaccine. Continue reading “Cuomo: Uphill battle to convince skeptics to take COVID-19 vaccine”
While the COVID-19 vaccine will alleviate much of the need for physical distancing and masking long-term, it won’t immediately end public health measures, epidemiologists say.
Herd immunity, which refers to a large proportion of the community being immune to contracting the virus via vaccination, has to hit about 70 per cent in order for COVID-19 to be manageable, said Dr. Robyn Lee, an infectious disease expert and adjunct professor at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health. Continue reading “Yes, the mask stays on after you get vaccinated. Here’s why”
Unz Review – by Philip Giraldi
The story of the deceased pedophile and presumed Israeli spy Jeffrey Epstein continues to enthrall because so little of the truth regarding it has been revealed in spite of claims by the government that a thorough follow-up investigation has been initiated. The case is reportedly still open and it is to be presumed that Justice Department investigators have been able to examine certain aspects of what occurred more intensively. A major part of the investigation has been a review of actions taken by the four government prosecutors who were most directly involved with the negotiations with Epstein and his lawyers in 2007-8. The 22 month-long review, carried out by the Justice Department’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR), finally produced a 350 page report which was released on November 12th.
Continue reading “The Maxwells: Mossad’s First Family of Spies”
President Donald Trump went on a tweet-storm Thursday morning, assailing the election results, threatening a forthcoming “dangerous moment,” and blasting President-elect Joe Biden and Georgia Governor Brian Kemp (R).
The spree began with a simple tweet promoting “wisdom” and “courage” before the threats and lambasting began: Continue reading “‘This is Going to Escalate Dramatically’: Trump Threatens a ‘Dangerous Moment’ in Twitter Spree Assailing Election”
One of the biggest voices in the fight to crush the COVID-19 pandemic is speaking out against vaccine nationalism.
“I am deeply concerned whenever I hear about vaccine nationalism. I think we have a moral responsibility to make sure everybody gets a vaccine,” Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation co-chair Melinda Gates told Yahoo Finance. “If there’s an estimate that says that if only high income countries get a vaccine first, we’re going to see twice as much death around the world. And we’re going to have a much, much slower recovery of all of our economies, not just the middle and low income, but even the high income countries.” Continue reading “Melinda Gates: We have a moral responsibility to make sure everybody gets COVID-19 vaccine”
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Archive: TWFTT 12-10-20
Vaccine Syndrome is a film produced by Oscar nominated filmmaker Scott Miller, and provides exclusive interviews with military personnel who have had experience with the controversial anthrax vaccine.
The film claims that over 35,000 soldiers have died from the anthrax vaccine, according to a “RAC-GWVI Government Report” published in 2008. Continue reading “35,000 Soldiers Died from the Experimental Anthrax Vaccine – More Than Those Who Died in Combat in Afghanistan and Iraq Combined”
A Democrat State Representative filed a bill this week to modify the Texas Castle Doctrine law. The bill would require homeowners to be “unable to safely retreat” before using deadly force.
State Representative Terry Meza (D-Irving) filed House Bill 196 to significantly modify the Texas Castle Doctrine Law. “What my bill would do if passed, would require a homeowner to exhaust the potential of safely retreating into their habitation before using deadly force in defense of themselves or their property,” Meza tweeted. Continue reading “State Rep. Files Bill to Gut Texas’ Castle Doctrine”