DEI: California Senators passed SB 553 which would make stopping shoplifters a crime. The bill has made its way to the Assembly where it under consideration by the Labor & Employment Committee. Too many retailers and citizens are intervening as the police ignore the problem.

One thought on “DEI: California Senators passed SB 553 which would make stopping shoplifters a crime. The bill has made its way to the Assembly where it under consideration by the Labor & Employment Committee. Too many retailers and citizens are intervening as the police ignore the problem.

  1. WTF?! A “law” to stop people protecting the livelihood that puts food on their tables?! Again, WTF?!! We know the BIG chain stores can absorb the loss or claim insurance but this isn’t aimed at them is it now? Way too many f*cking “laws” written down on bits of paper. Way past time it was all stopped DEAD in its tracks!

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