4 thoughts on “Democrats say no to Trans-Pacific Partnership

  1. Then there is the pen and the phone so don’t get excited. But then Congress has to approve any and all treaties how will he get past that?

    1. Hahaha! I know, Susan. I have this pen and this phone and screw Congress, so saith wannabe King Barry.

      This is but a minor delay or hiccup for the elite. Kinda trying to make you think they are doing something when in actuality they are doing nothing, like they always do because if they were actually doing something, Barry and his White House goons would have been arrested already for sedition and hung for treason.

  2. I hope the Demorats aren’t just posturing, pretending they are standing
    up for the sovereignty of these United States because TPP is a
    global scam as was NAFTA.

  3. Sounds more like..”Uh oh, the dumbed down masses are starting to figure out our TPP scam. Well, we can’t deny it exists so what we have to do is shine them on into thinking that we won’t vote for it and then go ahead and vote for it when they aren’t looking.”
    Then they all break out in evil, maniacal, demonic laughter.

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