Doctor Kicked Off United Flight Is Felon Who Traded Oxycontin For Gay Sex With Patient

Liberation Nation – by Chris Menahan

It turns out “Dr David Dao” isn’t such a good boy after all.

From The Daily Mail:

The troubled past of the doctor who was dragged off United Airlines in an incident which has plunged the company into crisis is revealed – including his felony conviction and need for ‘anger management’.

Dr David Dao has past of illicit gay sex with a patient, and tested positive for drugs, official documents reveal.

…The father of five, who has won sympathy globally over the incident, was given a suspended jail sentence for illegally obtaining and trafficking controlled substances by fraud and deceit.

He was also found to have in engaged in sex with a male patient- Brian Case, who he knew from the church they both attended – and then supplied him with drugs, including Oxycontin, in exchange for sexual favors.

The sexual liaisons, which happened motel rooms, were recorded by undercover agents. He paid $200 in cash each time he met Case.

Case said he believed that Dr. Dao wanted to hook him on drugs so he would keep meeting him for gay sex.

Dr. Dao was arrested when Case agreed to go undercover. Even when he was caught with his shirt off and pants unbuckled, he denied he was there for gay sex with Case.

The secret sex and drugs life of the doctor first came to light in in July 2003 when police alerted the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure of the allegations against him.

In October 2003 he was indicted by a Jefferson County Grand Jury for ‘criminal acts of trafficking in a controlled substance, obtaining drugs by fraud and deceit, and unauthorized prescribing, dispensing or administering of controlled substances’.

His medical license was suspended later that month.

A psychiatrist who examined Dr. Dao “as far back as April 2002” said “he would unilaterally chose to do his own thing.”

This doesn’t excuse the behavior of the thug cops, but it sure makes the story a lot more interesting.

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7 thoughts on “Doctor Kicked Off United Flight Is Felon Who Traded Oxycontin For Gay Sex With Patient

  1. So he got an ass whooping and then he was let back on the flight?
    “This doesn’t excuse the behavior of the thug cops, but it sure makes the story a lot more interesting.”

    Another who didn’t pay their overlords?

  2. Is he here legally was all I could think of when I saw the video earlier. His accent was extremely strong for having been born here ( if he does live in this country).

    Whatever, if the allegations are accurate, he is a worthless punk.

  3. Dr…DOA….
    Thank god he wasn’t a proctologist.
    He might have gotten away with it.
    But now after knowing a few more facts.
    I really feel Dr. Doa was more upset he was dragged off the plane instead of ” beat off ”
    the plane.

    I think I have a new add marketing slogan for United.

    Fly United Airlines.
    We may drag you off.
    But …, we’ll never beat you off.

  4. *** This doesn’t excuse the behavior of the thug cops, but it sure makes the story a lot more interesting. ***

    That’s how I look at it. It really doesn’t matter what kind of person the United passenger in this story happens to be. He was just a “placeholder” in the story who could have just as easily been any other passenger. The airline still handled the situation poorly, and the pigs still acted like pigs.

  5. Something about this whole situation stinks, the more I look at it. And then some politicians claim they already have a bill ready to passed to make sure things like this don’t happen again? Seriously? When do you ever expect to have an incident like this? Never.

    Were they expecting to have an incident like this? Maybe.

    False flag? Maybe.

    We all know that you don’t just create a bill in an hour. It takes days, if not weeks. So to say that you have a bill to protect us from things like this already ready to be passed makes me smell a rat somewhere.

    Is this guy a false flag actor or patsy. Especially with all of this info. on him. Is it real or are the police trying to discredit him?

    As I said, it all sounds too phishy to me, the more this story plays out.

  6. hahhahah so now United Airlines is going to be funding a Felon and a Pharmaceutical pusher .. how quaint ..a million dollar windfall for this guy

    wonder how much trouble he will get into with all that money.. maybe the Clintons will invite him to Epstein’s Island for a little pokey strokie Pedo action
    sick bastards

    cant wait to watch this clown implode

    same with the clown at the CEO of UA..maybe these two can do a circle jerk on each other

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