Doomed to repeat history…. Poll: Americans, 4 to 1, want WAR with ISIS

Deadline Live

Was watching C-Span Sunday AM …. 65% in favor of WAR with Imitation enemy? DOOM!

GOP…. Obama soft on War? MSM view:

Washington Examiner

On U.S. policy toward terrorists in Syria dubbed ISIS, President Obama is being handed rare American support for a military attack against the terrorists, according to a new poll.  

In its latest survey, finds that the nation has done a 180 in just a year, and now supports military action by nearly four to one.

Some 63 percent of Americans back a Pentagon strike against the terrorists to 16 percent who don’t. A year ago, those numbers were reversed when Americans were asked about striking Syrian troops commanded by President Bashar Assad, with 60 percent opposing military action and 20 percent supporting it.

The flip-flop comes as television news is filled with stories of horrific murders of those captured by ISIS, and reports of American airstrikes against the militants.

It also comes as Obama fights with his national security team and Hill Democrats calling for action. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who heads the Senate Intelligence Committee, today backed military action while on “Meet the Press.”

The YouGov poll revealed a rare change of heart for Americans, many war-weary with the U.S. actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What’s more, the support for military action was spread among political opposites. Some 60 percent of Democrats, 60 percent of independents and 76 percent of Republicans support military action against the terrorists.

Said the poll analysis:

The latest research from YouGov shows that attitudes towards the use of military force in Syria have changed significantly over the past year. In September 2013, when a deal to disarm Syria’s chemical weapons was agreed, 62% of Americans opposed the use of military force while only 20% supported it. Today when asked whether they support the use of military force against ISIS militants in Syria, the situation is reversed. 63% of Americans now support the use of military force in Syria, compared to only 16% who oppose it…

Support for military action has increased significantly despite the fact that expectations of deeper US involvement remain the same. In research conducted at the beginning of September 2013 when the US was considering launching air strikes against Syria, 45% of Americans said that strikes would be the first step towards having US troops in Syria. 31% expected any potential campaign to be limited to air strikes. Today Americans still tend to expect any air strikes in Syria to lead to a US military presence, with 40% saying it would be a first step and 31% saying that action would be limited to air strikes.

9 thoughts on “Doomed to repeat history…. Poll: Americans, 4 to 1, want WAR with ISIS

  1. Like i said before.
    If true, I agree. We are doomed.
    But, I think this poll is BS propaganda.
    I don’t believe it’s even close to the truth.

    1. I agree CaptainObvious. I know that 50% Amerikans are stupid, but that’s really a stretch. I would also say that almost 50% of Americans are awake, while the rest are trying to catch up. So the most these idiot polls could show is half. Plus without seeing the poll, it’s hard to figure out exactly what they were asked. Like “If ISIS attacked Boston would you agree that we need to go to war”.

  2. What a steaming crock of shite. I think Americans, 4 to 1, would rather go to war with the White House.

    The nation “flip-flopped”? They can flip and flop like a fish out of water, but they’re still not dumb enough to believe this.

    But it’s news from Zion, so I guess no one’s really expecting anything close to the truth.

    1. lol!!!
      as for people not dumb enough to fall for this crock of shit
      trust me there are
      one who should know better
      and the other a relative.

  3. “The flip-flop comes as television news is filled with stories of horrific murders of those captured by ISIS, and reports of American airstrikes against the militants.”

    You mean brainwashed by television news and that’s even if I believe his argument which I don’t.

  4. “We’re an Empire now and so we can make our own reality….and the rest of the world will just watch what we do…” (quote from some PNAC neo-con to reporter Ron Suskind in 2002 before the invasion of Iraq)

    And part of that reality making is creating phony “push-polls” that allow the pollsters to fudge the numbers for their dog-and-pony-show.

    A few weeks ago I ran into someone I knew had Christian Zionist leanings and he said he’d support war against ISIS. So I told him (he does not have a computer let alone internet, so he gets most of his news from FOX and those idiot Christian Zionist “Christian” networks like Daystar (John Hagee) and TBN) this: “Well I guess you haven’t seen the videos all over the internet of John McCain meeting with the heads of ISIS and the al-Nusra front…” I even told him I would prove it if he came into the office I work in (I work alone) and I would show him some You Tube vids with McCain and ISIS leaders, but he declined. Since he trusts my opinions and knows I’m a believer in Christ, that shut him up!

    If folks who appear asleep know that you speak the truth, they can then reconsider their opinions.

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