“Doubts” by Brittain Duckworth

This is a great song for the times.

Published on Feb 25, 2013 by Brittain Duckworth

Original song and view point about the state of the nation.

The things I think while I lie awake and contemplate at night
Are wearing me out

Maybe tomorrow the world will wake and get it right
But I have my doubts

So during the day I design machines of war
That scream through the sky
Because I for one, I like to go to bed free at night
Under these Stars and Stripes

And I have my doubts
That we’re coming out
Yes I have my doubts
And I have my doubts
That we’ll make it back out
Yes I have my doubts

But they’ll wind you up and pull the cord until your spun right out
And I don’t understand
So roll the dice and raise the price to feed the machines mouth
Call it the progress of man.

And I have my doubts
That we’re coming out
Yes I have my doubts
And I have my doubts
That we’ll make it back out
I have my doubts

So i’ll drink my stuff and raise some hell and shoot my guns
Until the end of my time

You can have the booze and go to hell and take the guns
But I know they won’t be mine

And I have my doubts
That we’re coming out
Yes I have my doubts
And I have my doubts
That we’ll make it back out
I have my doubts

So we’re all messed up and out of touch
Let’s text someone
Who’s in the other room

So don’t wonder why we don’t say hi
Or know anyone
I might as well move to the moon

So maybe I’m wrong
Well I hope that I’m wrong
So maybe I’m wrong
Well I hope that I’m wrong

The things I think while I lie awake and contemplate at night
Are wearing me out

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