U.S. Armed Forces Dropped 388,000 Tons Of Napalm On Vietnam. Napalm Is A CHEMICAL WEAPON

Ingenious Press

As a psychotic lobby within the U.S. government is willing to thrust our nation into a potential World War III, through fabricated evidence of a small-time chemical weapons attack from the ‘Syrian Regime’, they seem to forget about America’s past use of chemical weapons on a much more grand scale. The liberal usage of the chemical weapon Napalm during the Vietnam War was particularly notorious and caused indescribable suffering.

Napalm was developed in 1943, in a secret laboratory at Harvard University, by a team led by chemist Louis Fieser. It was first used in the later years of World War II, then later during the Korean War and most extensively during the Vietnam conflict, where an incredible 388,000 tons of the ordinance was dropped on the country. Even U.S. soldiers were occasionally victims of misfired bombs, due to the large damage area of nearly 2,500 square yards and firestorms with self-perpetuating winds of over 100 km/h.

One of the main anti-personnel features of napalm is that it sticks to human skin, with no practical method for removal of the burning substance. “Napalm is the most terrible pain you can imagine,” said Kim Phúc, a napalm bombing survivor known from a famous Vietnam War photograph. “Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius (212°F). Napalm generates temperatures of 800 to 1,200 degrees Celsius (1,500-2,200°F).”

This post first appeared on Ingenious Press. Follow us on our Facebook and Twitter Pages.

– See more at: http://www.ingeniouspress.com/2013/09/06/u-s-armed-forces-dropped-388000-tons-of-napalm-on-vietnam-napalm-is-a-chemical-weapon/#sthash.dl2sl63y.dpuf

3 thoughts on “U.S. Armed Forces Dropped 388,000 Tons Of Napalm On Vietnam. Napalm Is A CHEMICAL WEAPON

  1. At least napalm quickly stops burning (not to excuse its use). Nerve gas disperses in a few days. Agent Orange is still causing birth defects and cancers decades later, but it will probably wash away in a few centuries. The salt that the Romans used to poison the fields around Carthage eventually dissolved out; this may be the first historical use of a chemical weapon. But the US has set a new record for chemical weapon longevity with depleted uranium, which will still be causing cancers and the most grotesque birth defects ever seen for hundreds of thousands of years. The fact that it was delivered in the form of a kinetic round to create immediate physical damage to structures and flesh makes it no less of a chemical weapon.

    Depleted uranium rounds were designed and manufactured for their performance against armored vehicles. But after the quick initial defeat of Iraq’s armored forces in 2003, there was never a legitimate reason to use DU again. Yet we continued with this blatant war crime because we had the weapon and could get away with it. Shame on the UN for not calling us out on it, and holding the person/s who gave the orders and pulled the triggers personally responsible.

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