Dozens of birds have fallen from the sky above Boston and died, leaving health inspectors scratching their heads.
City health officials are investigating what caused a total of 47 birds, 12 of which were saved by animal rescuers, to become ill and die suddenly.
The Animal Rescue League of Boston says it went to Bakersfield Street in Dorchester on Thursday after reports the birds – mostly grackles – were dying.

It was not just birds that were impacted by the mysterious illness, with one cat also becoming sick and having to be euthanized.
Investigators are looking at all potential possibilities, including a fast-acting virus, environmental poisoning or whether the birds could have been killed deliberately, according to NECN.
People in the area have been advised to keep their pets inside and stop them from eating anything off the street, until the cause of death is known.
Boston Public Health Commission spokeswoman Julia Gunn said, ‘there’s no indication that this is posing a threat to humans,’ according to WCVB.
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“Investigators are looking at all potential possibilities, including a fast-acting virus,…”
And I’m sure chem-trails nor Zika spraying had anything to do with it, right? 🙄