Dr. David E. Martin, American Biological Threat Consultant spoke at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. At the hearing to discuss the World Health Organization.

2 thoughts on “Dr. David E. Martin, American Biological Threat Consultant spoke at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France. At the hearing to discuss the World Health Organization.

  1. “We did not have a pandemic. We had a genocide. Let’s call it what it is.”
    The truth David Martin brings forth in this presentation can be supported by the history of the current western medical establishment written about and made into a 6 hour audiobook by Eustace Mullins, “Murder by Injection.” I guarantee this is certainly no conspiracy theory. Although over the past 2 years that I have been aware of, David Martin has been shedding light on the patent holders while working within the framework of the fraud, pointing out violations within the fraud being Constitution, he is at least bringing the truth to bear for the people who are willing to uphold the law, to take it on. Where it all goes from here is up to We, the People, to figure out for ourselves. I know of at least one individual who knows how to deal with it, and that would be through a Common Law Court under the procedural due process as outlined in the Bill of Rights. If I were an American, I would volunteer to be a member of the jury. I already know who the judge could be…

    1. Thinking more deeply about what I said, “If I were an American, I would volunteer to be a member of the jury…” I can still serve in my own individual capacity in the Common Law as a free individual whose rights are being violated as an original act of treason against the American Bill of Rights, because that crime came into my life where I live. If I thoroughly know and understand the Common Law as outlined in the original law of the land, ratified by the People on December 15, 1791, I can stand in my own rights and point to the violations of the law of the land where that crime originated. Although we are separated by international borders, the law should still apply where each and every individual stands, but that can only happen if the people actually know the law, how it was violated, and how it works.

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