Dr Erickson Interviews Dr Wittkowski #ReopenUSA

May 10, 2020
World-renowned epidemiologist Dr. Knut Wittkowski and urgent-care physician Dr. Daniel Erickson discuss the science behind pandemics, why the lockdown is worse than the GUVID-19 virus, and why it’s time to reopen America.

One thought on “Dr Erickson Interviews Dr Wittkowski #ReopenUSA

  1. I watched this a few days ago. Dr. Erickson mentions ‘testing’ a few times. I would ask him exactly what it is he is testing for as the FDA stated there is no approved test.
    David Icke’s (banned ) interview with LondonReal is excellent in explaining the fraud of the testing and the vaccine agenda as well as 5G………the mention of the ‘virus’ along with 5G is what got the interview banned

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