Dr. Tony Martin – Jewish Tactics In The Controversy Over Jewish Involvement in The Slave Trade


Published on Sep 9, 2012

The late Dr. Tony Martin diligent research had been provoked by several events with faculty members in the educational institutions where he taught. The tactics they tried using, to silence the focus of his lessons only motivated him even more.


3 thoughts on “Dr. Tony Martin – Jewish Tactics In The Controversy Over Jewish Involvement in The Slave Trade

  1. For years I wondered how the “Hamitic” nonsense came about and honestly thought Noah’s curse on “Ham” (when it was really on Canaan) in the Book of Genesis was a huge reason for apologetics over racism and the “inferiority” of blacks and excused slavery and persecution of blacks–now I KNOW it was the EVIL TALMUD that promoted this nonsense!

    And BTW, the curse was on Canaan, and it relates to the Israelite takeover of the land of Canaan under Moses/Joshua, not the excuse to enslave Africans, who, BTW, have virtually nothing to do with a genetic line that goes back to Ham (Mizraim is Egypt, Phut is Libya, Cush is Sudan and other parts of the Middle East under Nimrod his son, and Canaan is present-day Israel. No where does the Bible state that Africans are descended from Ham! Not black Africans anyway. I guess the Talmud made that up as well.

    Thanks for posting this video.

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