Due to popular demand, I’m posting the extended cut of my interview with public defender Stephanie Mueller. The transgender attorney is representing one of the far-left activists charged with disrupting a council meeting in February.

5 thoughts on “Due to popular demand, I’m posting the extended cut of my interview with public defender Stephanie Mueller. The transgender attorney is representing one of the far-left activists charged with disrupting a council meeting in February.

  1. This is “officialdom” mocking us, trying to get us to believe we are nothing. But thinking minds ain’t buyin’ it. No bizarre ritual strutting the grotesque can cut us off from our honor and dignity.

    Always just one more war to fight.


  2. Their program is well in place reflected in some of these quotes below. Their program is well in place; unplace it.

    “A perversion must be baptized and patronized.”
    ― Philippe Lejeune

    “Moreover, the Beast 666 adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act lest falsehood fog, and mystery stupefy, their minds…”
    ― Aleister Crowley

    “Perversion is just another form of art. It’s like painting or drawing or sculpting. Except instead of paint, us perverts use sex as our medium. ”
    ― C.M. Stunich, Losing Me, Finding Yo

    “That’s what keeps me alive, perversion and star quality.”
    ― Russell Brand


    1. “Your love for beauty has been perverted, repressed and savaged by hateful and controlling elements in the world.”
      ― Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders

      Would that the whole world was about the business of identifying those “hateful and controlling elements” and delivering justice to them. The Palestinians know.


  3. “When misguided public opinion honors what is despicable and despises what is honorable, punishes virtue and rewards vice, encourages what is harmful and discourages what is useful, applauds falsehood and smothers truth under indifference or insult, a nation turns its back on progress and can be restored only by the terrible lessons of catastrophe.”
    — Frederick Bastiat


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