5 thoughts on “Eddie Griffin on The War On The Unvaccinated

  1. Dear Vaxxinated

    The Unvaccinated did not take your freedom, your government did
    the Unvaccinated are not holding your freedoms at ransom , the government is
    If the vaccinated are a danger to you , then the false vaccine doesn’t work
    If it does work , then you should already have back the freedoms your government stole
    Its your government that’s lied to you..not the unvaccinated

    1. Got a couple of words spelled wrong here, brother.
      It’s not spelled y-o-u-r. It is spelled u-n-l-a-w-f-u-l.
      And it is not spelled g-o-v-e-r-n-m-e-n-t. It’s spelled c-o-r-p-o-r-a-t-i-o-n.
      Other than that, dead on.

  2. I passed this one onto my “vaccinated” ex who believes I’m a sexist neo-nazi white supremacist racist bigot who wants to kill 6 gorillion jews! 😀

  3. Why I love that an ICON Like Griffith would come out like this….

    What I can only trust is, that he is utilizing his wealth to have already and currently preparing for the War that is coming……..we all in fact have a side to choose, we know it is the Bill of rights ONLY….

    is Griffith there? Hopefully!!

    Is Mel Gibson? Hopefully!

    as Public as they are, it is kind of hard for them in some ways, but their wealth CAN help with the underground resistance that is going to be going on… If they have Not done so or they do not do so, then they are traitors, regardless of their verbose sentiments…

    And this UG Financed Help, had best go to those actually doing the fighting and dying, not the already fat on the hog, logistically well endowed Militias either….

    Are they supporting any true activist or venues that are putting out Real Truth and knowledge? (Ie, the Trenches)… These Guys need to step up and find the Real Hard core, born of this earth without silver spoons men & Women and Support them and assist them and that is how these types can contribute…

    As I recall, Mel Gibson’s wealth is fairly obscene compared to many….This f!@k had better be doing some amazing underground shit in preparations and support for a reclamation of our nation and restoration of our people’s laws, or he will get the rope too…..

    These types, like Organized Militia’s have an Obligation before them……… We will remember if they have fulfilled such or not as we approach our own destinies.

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