Egypt Protests: 7 Dead, 600 Injured as Millions Take to the Streets Demanding Morsi’s Resignation

Egypt ProtestsWorld Events and the Bible

Huge crowds have gathered across Egypt to demand the resignation of President Mohammed Morsi on the first anniversary of his inauguration. But Morsi loyalists are staging counter-demonstrations, saying they will defend the leader with all means available.

Seven people have been killed and over 600 injured on Sunday as millions took to the streets. Five dead were shot in Nile Valley towns south of Cairo and two were killed in violence outside the Muslim Brotherhood’s headquarters in the capital.  

“It is the biggest protest in Egypt’s history,” a military source told AFP on condition of anonymity.

Egypt Burns

From early on Sunday, throngs streamed towards Tahrir Square in Cairo – the birthplace of the protests that displaced former president Hosni Mubarak in 2011 – under the rallying cry of “Leave, Morsi! Leave!”. The organizers, an activist movement called Tamarod, or Rebellion, asked demonstrators – who include pro-democratic secularists, religious minorities, and those suffering in Egypt’s stuttering economy – to leave their party allegiances at home, and bring only national flags to the rally.

“Morsi you have split the people!” chanted the crowd, with some holding placards saying “Freedom to Egypt!”. On the edges of the square banners declared “No Muslim Brotherhood members allowed beyond this point”.

Although, the organized demonstration was scheduled for the evening, even by mid-afternoon, several hundred thousand people squeezed into the increasingly tight space.Tamarod says it is expecting up to 7 million people to eventually join the long-planned protest, with large demonstrations scheduled in every significant population center.

Egyptian Mob

Tamarod says that since April it has gathered more than 22 million signatures demanding Morsi’s resignation, far more than the 13 million votes the long-time Muslim Brotherhood member received in his narrow run-off victory a year ago. Organizers say the president must quit immediately and dissolve the Islamist-dominated Shura Council, the upper chamber of parliament that has been in charge of lawmaking for the past year. – Full Read: RT: 7 dead, scores injured as millions take to the streets in Egypt to demand Morsi resignation

Protesters attack Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Egypt

A small crowd attacked the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo this evening as elsewhere in the capital large crowds called peacefully for President Mohamed Morsi, a former Brotherhood leader, to step down.

A crowd made up largely of young men threw Molotov cocktails and rocks at the headquarters, a new villa that had been a major upgrade from the Brotherhood’s pre-revolution digs in a dingy Cairo apartment. The petrol bombs burned parts of the building, though did not catch the entire structure on fire. – Full Read: Christian Science Monitor: Protesters attack Muslim Brotherhood headquarters in Egypt

Return of the revolution? Egypt’s Tahrir Square is packed to capacity again as thousands protest against hated president

‘Today, the people will triumph over fascism,’ prominent pro-democracy campaigner and bestselling novelist Alaa al-Aswany wrote on his Twitter account.

Police have seized firearms, explosives and even artillery shells around the country in an attempt to prevent violence.

In an interview published on Sunday in The Guardian, Morsi – who has three years left in term – said he had no plans to meet the protesters’ demand for an early presidential election.

‘If we changed someone in office who (was elected) according to constitutional legitimacy – well, there will (be) people or opponents opposing the new president too, and a week or a month later, they will ask him to step down,’ said Morsi.

‘There is no room for any talk against this constitutional legitimacy,’ he said. – Full Read:DailyMail: Return of the revolution? Egypt’s Tahrir Square is packed to capacity again as thousands protest against hated president

WEB Notes: The majority of Egyptians do not want the Muslim Brotherhood in power, yet the United States continues to support the Brotherhood. John Kerry made a pledge to Egyptian President Morsi to provide his government with $250,000,000 in financial aid, F-15s have been given to this government as well. In addition it was recently announced United States troops will be used for riot control in Egypt

United States President Barack Obama has also sent financial aid and weapons to the organ eating rebels in Syria. Even though the people of this country support their leader Basher Assad by an overwhelming 70%!

It is abundantly clear the United States President is acting in an effort to reshape the middle east. He is doing exactly what his masters have told him to do. These regime changes and strife in the middle east and globally for that matter will only continue to get worse.

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