Evangelicals Unwittingly Pushing America Toward Atheism And Paganism

Chuck Balwin

The influence of America’s evangelical churches has been in steep decline ever since the two administrations of professed evangelical Christian President George W. Bush at the beginning of this century. Again and again on my radio talk show and in this column, I tried to warn Christians about the way the Bush presidency was distorting Christ’s teaching and how millions of our countrymen were being turned off to Christianity as a result. For the most part, of course, my appeals fell on deaf ears. But I Pollyannaishly thought we had seen the worst of it with Bush. Boy was I wrong! Donald Trump has taken up where Bush left off—in spades.  

Christian Post interview with former Trump White House aid Cliff Sims explores how the adoration heaped upon President Donald Trump by evangelical pastors is pushing millions of Americans into a repudiation of Christianity and causing mass acceptance of atheism and paganism (which are now at all-time highs in this country—and growing).

RawStory has the review:

Former Trump White House aide Cliff Sims has told the Christian Post that he fears Trump-loving evangelical leaders are turning an entire generation away from Christianity thanks to their embrace of an amoral president

Read the rest here: https://chuckbaldwinlive.com/Articles/tabid/109/ID/3848/Evangelicals-Unwittingly-Pushing-America-Toward-Atheism-And-Paganism.aspx

4 thoughts on “Evangelicals Unwittingly Pushing America Toward Atheism And Paganism

  1. Galen I get Baldwin’s newsletters by email and I am so glad you posted this. This might be one of Baldwin’s best articles. Because if I wasn’t already committed to Christ (not religion) I might have been one of those “pushed” toward…well, away from Christ anyway (since I was once an atheist already and involved with the occult).

    1. ” I was once an atheist already and involved with the occult).”

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