Evidence Shows Kurds Have Received MANPADS and TOWs

According to Al-Masdar, Kurdish YPG have received a shipment of MANPADS and TOWs from the United States to counter Turkish aircraft and armored vehicles if the situation deteriorates as part of a bargain on 15 January 2018.

Obtaining intelligence data on the forthcoming Turkish offensive the U.S. Special Operation Forces (USSOF) well in advance delivered these weapons in Afrin and handed it over to the Syrian Kurds.  

This has been witnessed and reported by Turkish president Erdogan. While addressing the audience in Elâzığ Province, he stressed that the Pentagon had sent weapons including MANPADS for further use against the Turkish AF and military hardware.

A number of independent Twitter activists have already confirmed the information. İbrahim Haskoloğlu has published information on weapons captured from Kurds in the cantonment of Afrin.

Another Kurdish Internet activist and witness, Ahmad Masih, twitted Kurds are really equipped with about 100 MANPADS and TOWs and are ready to use it against the Turkish armed forces at any moment.

Besides, a geopolitical and security analyst on MENA, Michael A. Horowitz, published footage of YPG’s attack with the perfect use of a guided missile to target a Turkish tank. As a result, the vehicle was destroyed.

The news about Kurds supplied with MANPADS and TOWs regularly appeared before. For instance, some field units closely linked with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK, so hated by Erdogan) published some footage showing a downed Turkish helicopter.

Massive usage of MANPADS and TOW by Kurds hasn’t been recorded yet. Possibly it is due to US SOF hasn’t trained enough specialists. Instead, initiating the Operation Olive Branch and invading the Kurdish-controlled territory, Ankara just pre-empted the US.

4 thoughts on “Evidence Shows Kurds Have Received MANPADS and TOWs

  1. A long time ago, well before any of this became news, I’ve said the U.S. was gonna use Isis like they did al qaeda (which is the purpose of these boogeymen terrorists) to destabilize the region then “fight and destroy them”. I’ve also said the U.S. was gonna equip the kurds, who want to carve a piece of Syria for themselves. Which only goes in line with the Israeli plan being carried out by western puppet nations. They will continue to arm and support any group or faction that coincides with the oded yinon plan. This also seems to be a back door attack on Turkey which is supposed to be a NATO ally. Not that Turkey is innocent in this game itself. As the saying goes, the writing is on the wall. If you can’t see by now what this is all about and by who and who it serves, you’re either too far gone or wilfully ignorant. By the way, I thought ol’ Donald dump wasn’t in favor of supplying these groups and against nation building, was against imposing our will and regime change? Yet rex tillerson said we’re gonna have an indefinite presence in Syria until they “we get Assad out and HELP Syria”. Oh say it ain’t so. Have we been duped again? Are we towing the line set decades ago by Israel firsters?

    1. That’s throwing a lot of haze on the simple reason we have taken out several nations in this century.

      Look at the ones that have/had no Rothschild controlled central bank.
      Iraq, Lybia, Sudan, Cuba, North Korea, Syria and Iran.

      This was never about land or natural resources and certainly not about the BS story free the people from an oppressive leader.

    1. No problem.
      Get a scrap of cardboard, then write “I’m gender neutral”. Hold up sign while hitchin’ a ride. A SJW is sure to pick you up.

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