Facebook blocks our ability to post to our Facebook page Right after we called BS on the South Caroline False Flag

Brasscheck TV

As soon as we posted our reaction to the false flag operation in South Carolina, Facebook disabled our ability to post to our Facebook page.

This shows three things:

1. They’re watching
2. They didn’t like what we had to say
3. They have the ability to turn on “technical difficulties” with the flip of the switch.

What did we say that offended major Democratic fund raiser Sheryl Sandberg (the political COO of Facebook whose husband died under highly mysterious circumstances a few weeks ago)?   

We proposed that the South Carolina shooting was a false flag operation and that in the hysteria that is sure to follow, intelligent people should remember that anti-gun ownership laws were originally created to suppress black people in the US.

The idea that law abiding blacks would be made safer by gun confiscation and draconian anti-gun owner laws is something that only Obama could sell – and sell it he will. Just wait.

But hey Facebook: 95% of our subscribers get their info from us via e-mail, not your scam web site so all you’ve succeeded in doing is calling attention to your own slimy, anti-freedom agenda which has been obvious to all with eyes to see for years.

Brasscheck subscribers: If you believe in what we’re doing, help us keep the reporting and analysis up on this story. It takes time and work and we need your help. Thanks. Donate here

How do we know this story is BS?

1. Because 99% of these events are. The media always distorts the facts massively.

2. The surviving victims “remember” that the shooter was wearing Timberland boots. Are you kidding me? They’re being shot at and they had the time not only see his boots but also look at them closely enough to figure out what brand they were?

3. The shooter was yet another in a long line pf nut job “super soldier.s” One gun. One shooter. Nine people, not just shot, but dead. Ask a combat veteran how likely that is.

4. The narrative is fishy as hell…

Here’s the story from Fox:

He started shooting and reloaded five times, she said.

When a man pleaded with him to stop, the shooter replied, “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go,” she said.

A law enforcement official says witnesses told authorities the gunman stood up and said he was there “to shoot black people.”

He stopped to reload FIVE TIMES and no one could clock him with a chair, punch his lights out or at least wrestle with him for the UNLOADED gun???

What was he, the world’s fastest reloader? It takes SIGNIFICANT TIME to reload a gun under the best of circumstances and under combat stress, it’s not an any easy task.

Five reloads and no jams. Really?

I call BULLSHIT on the story as it is being told.

Here’s the history of gun control in America. Every step of the way, black people have been its VICTIMS.



When we discovered that the wife of one of the “Boston Bombers” was the granddaughter of a Skull and Bones member and the descendent of one of its founders, it went viral on Facbook – and not one single “alternative” news outlet picked up on this completely documented fact.

That put us on Facebook’s radar and this time they did a pre-emptive strike.

Brasscheck subscribers: If you believe in what we’re doing, help us keep the reporting and analysis up on this story. It takes time and work and we need your help. Thanks. Donate here

P.S. The disinformation police have written me the following:

This later post is suggesting the victims would have been cowardly to an unrealistic extent for not making a grab for the gun

I would suggest you please weigh however badly you might have felt against the distress you might have caused a victim’s family member on even the 1 percent chance you end up being wrong.

Of course, I did not suggest that the victims were cowards.

Just the opposite

I don’t believe these people would have been cowards and therefore I don’t believe the BS story that the shooter had the EPIC LEISURE to properly reload his handgun FIVE times in the midst of this shooting.

I can’t help the abysmal ignorance people have about the reality of operating fire arms. It is one of the biggest problems in dealing with anti-gun ownership hysteria and the suspect narratives that surround just about every single one of these mass shootings.

Brasscheck subscribers: If you believe in what we’re doing, help us keep the reporting and analysis up on this story. It takes time and work and we need your help. Thanks. Donate here

Racist nut jobs and the federal government

– See more at: http://www.brasschecktv.com/videos/psy-ops/facebook-blocks-our-ability-to-post-to-our-facebook-page.html#sthash.fVXisI1i.dpuf

28 thoughts on “Facebook blocks our ability to post to our Facebook page Right after we called BS on the South Caroline False Flag

  1. I think it was fishy too…there was another shooting at another church the same night — but no one was there to be a victim….and Obomber mainly used it as a way to threaten gun control

    1. When they shot JFK, they had several places (Chicago was another one besides Dallas), several patsies, etc…and they “go live” with one of them.

  2. A lot of good points in this article. Anti-gunners don’t know anything about reloading because in movies they never have to. I never use Facebook, don’t have an account, don’t go there. You guys keep up the good work and I’m going to spend more time on your site.

  3. “…intelligent people should remember that anti-gun ownership laws were originally created to suppress black people in the US.


    So the jews are only out to get black people?

    wow… THAT’S a relief! (for non-blacks, that is)

  4. Why would anyone use FaceBook or Twitter in the first place?

    You’re putting money in the pockets of people that hate you and your freedoms. And, while they archive your pages so that the Govt can use them against you if the opportunity ever arises.


    1. Nolan, I don’t want to piss you off here but, what makes you think that FB and Twitter are the only ones archiving things to be used against you? Do you think for one minute that Gov’t does watch what gets said on this site? They most certainly do and I’m sure Henry’s hosting service helps out to a degree. Do you listen to TWFTT broadcast? Henry and JD talk on a regular basis about how this gets watched.

      FB and Twitter are two more mediums to be used to try and wake people up. And it don’t cost me anything to post on FB so I don’t see where you think I’m giving them money.

  5. They pumped this kid full of drugs then put him in front of the cameras. Same script, different day.

    They’re using our white kids to light this shit off.

    1. You’re right, and it’s coming down fast to us or them.
      When this goes hot I hope the entire rothschild clan is wiped out along with their goy enablers.

      Sick and tired, nope angry and ready.

      So many are angry and have had enough, if only this coalesced into one mind concerning the vermin khazar ‘jews’ and the s%it they cause the entire planet.


  6. Most of the the MSM pushes are lies. Most “journalists” are mere paid whores for the NWO. Facebag is just another tool of the NWO, and most of it’s remaining users are fools.

  7. It’s obvious that Storm Roof dropped his timberland boot proof of purchase receipt at the scene of the shooting and the witness saw it fall out of his pocket during the shooting and while he was reloading the witness managed to pick it up and cleverly stuff the receipt under his tongue and yelled “Please stommmph shmmotmmmmggg!” and then turned the soggy receipt over to the pigs when they arrived on the scene.
    The witness then fainted due to the blood loss from the paper cut on the underside of his tongue and was whisked away to Beth Israel Hospice and Theatre Production Hospital where she was treated for her tongue injury.
    I hope that clears things up.

  8. Where the f×=k is that tool Sharpton? The SOB disappears when the curtain goes down on the bad scripts.

          1. Well i’ll be damned . The mouth from the south actually showed up. Probably kept his jet idling on the tarmac while he made his 20 minute speech.

  9. Did anyone see his car parked at the front door of the church.
    There was a group in the church but the best parking spot was open and the one next to it. ((So there is a Nice photo of his car and him)) people at church park as close to the door as they can. So why was the best spot open? Made for great photo of shooter and his car?
    Photo is the one where he is going in the door his car is right behind him.

    1. Interesting observation.
      It’s very important that these ‘events’ are picked apart
      by people and exposed.


    2. Many churches designate and label the parking spots closest to the entrance as guest or visitor parking.

      1. That visitor spot is across from the door. The handicap spot next to him was open to.
        Parking spot that he used is the south side of lot right where the camera could get a shot of him and the car.
        The main door for the church is on the front side of Calhoun street. There is no parking out there it is all on the side or back of church.
        And there is one door open for back parking lot the one he used on the south side. Or you could park in back and walk all the way around to Calhoun Street to get in.

  10. It’s an obvious false flag. Sadly, I believe the majority of people are falling for this because I’ve tried to tell various and sundry people that “our own government is doing this and creating this chaos” and I get the ” tin foil hat on head” look most of the time. Most folks can’t or are unable to wrap their heads around this possibility of a commi/taking away of our freedoms government. One day they’ll wake up , or maybe tomorrow……only when the s… hits the fan….will they open their eyes.

  11. Why are people still using Facebook after all the shit it has done to people? I just don’t get it. How hard is it to stop using it? And Twitter, too. Go back to keeping in contact with your friends and relatives by phone or text messaging. Better yet, invite them to a REAL place or event and actually TALK to them for once without pressing a button. For cryin’ out loud, come back to reality!

    1. NC,agree to not using facebook,need good alternatives,meeting folks in person a great thing also,that said,sites like this and 1000’s of others allow folks to connect/pass good info. back and forth,ect.I will say do both,just as I said in the AK/AR article,own both!Morpheas had offered me the blue or red pill,I would have taken both!

    2. As Mark Koernke says, “Use it as a tool to defeat the enemy.”
      Just don’t put anything personal on it, but do what can be done to expose situations. Pretty simple imo.

  12. General Benjamin Partin’s analysis regarding what went down that fateful day in Oklahoma was correct and just like 911, the Oklahoma City was an inside job….not Timothy McVeigh or Elohim City.

  13. Buy more arms and ammo! It is all we can do at this point and they have no answer to the thought of 3M blades of grass. This will continue on a weekly basis. Funny how no msm covered the passing of tpp, I only learned of it on this site. Made me fing sick again.
    Purchase and practice.

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