17 thoughts on “FBI Investigates 80 Page Letter Sent To U.S. Governors

  1. Yes the balls of some people for thinking that they live in a sovereign country now,they have to be crazy huh? They need to be kissing the ass’s of their glorious leaders and be happy for being groped and molested at the airports and other venues.All the armored vehicles and the militant cops should give them all a great feeling of freedom along with the military drones overhead watching them.Then we have that NSA thing listening to everything that they say on the phone and on line.And should I dare even mention that we are the most incarcerated country in the world ,as we go all over the world invading other sovereign countries to promote robbing them blind,Op’s I meant to say freedom. Does anyone really feel represented by Washington ,District of Criminals and Traitors now? Only a fool can still believe that this is ever going to be corrected at the ballot box or the corrupt courts that are there to protect the traitors and their minions!

  2. The time for negotiating with tinpot-treasonous dictators and meatpuppet minions has been over for quite some time. this may just be a cover plot for co-intel-pro to give the police state another excuse to ramp up their police state agenda. who wastes time on an 80 page manifesto?
    nobody but a govt stooge-troll. i call b.s on this group and its message.

    1. Have to agree. Wolf Blitzer; CNN, and a “Homeland Security Correspondent”. Since when do any of these have any credibility? They seem to be the go-to sources for spreading dis-info.

    1. There are both good, as well as bad, factions to the same entity. Hard to tell at this point which faction is operating.
      . . .

    1. Yes katie, I hear ya, but atleast it was posted eh. I never would have known this if it was not posted here. 😉 I am glad Cathleen posted it

  3. Notice how Talmud Vision Media calls them “EXTREMIST” groups..
    They are completely right that our country is dying from within. Either people are ignorant useful idiots or fully aware and complicit.. There are no other excuses for allowing our country to be hijacked.

    The 50yr old book The Naked Communist should be mandatory reading for all Americans.

    When peaceful protest becomes impossible violence becomes inevitable.

  4. Did anyone notice the experts interviewed for this propaganda? if it wasn’t so serious an affront to our liberties I would be laughing at their angst

  5. Firstly I would strongly suggest all here read the following on line articles which are a expose of all that is happening and who are the forces behind today’s events in government and religion.

    1. “The Hidden Tyranny – Part 1” : A 1976 interview with Mr. Harold Rosenthal then personal assistant to Senator Jacob K. Javits. Mr. Rosenthal’s death was arranged for giving this arrogant and shocking interview. A must read.

    2. The Jewish Question in Europe: La Civilta Cattolica, 1890, (Oct, Nov, Dec). : This is a more detailed expose and warning given near 100 years previous to Mr. Rosenthal’s interview

    3. “The Plot Against the Church” written under the pen name of Maurice Pinay by 12 Vatican Theologian/Historians in 1962 with the co-operation of several Cardinals and Bishops. When the hierarchy discovered the existence of this book they attempted to stop its publication – however it had already been published without approval and was on the shelves.

    In The Plot Against the Church: Among so much more – you will read how these dozen priests, while studying documents in the Vatican Archives, in the original languages, discovered the largest conspiracy in history ongoing to this very day. What they found was documented evidence and testimony of an attempt to establish a One World Satanic Judeo-Freemasonic Dictatorship, how thousands of Jews faked conversion to the Catholic Church, how they became Cardinals, Bishops, possibly even “popes”, Muslim Clerics, Pagan Priests, Protestant Ministers, etc, and infiltrated all governments, social institutions, military’s, etc., all in their quest to establish their satanic dictatorship. All what is happening today in the economy, political parties, governments, etc is all intrinsically connected to this conspiracy.

    “Marranos” or “Crypto-Jews” , which are false converts to other faiths, especially to the Catholic priesthood as even Cardinals and Bishops, who while feigning devotion to another religion, secretly practice Judaism and the dictates of both the Talmud and Kabbala. John Kerry, Madaline Albright, General Wesley Clark, have all been outed as crypto-Jews, geez I didn’t know my whole family were Jewish for generation and centuries past they all stated.
    Supreme Court Justice Sotomayer, Nancy Pelosi and her husband, all three are Latin American and Argentinian Jews for generations and generations back in their families; these are just the few known.

    Who have been behind legislation to legalize or promote abortion, homosexuality, pornography, contraception, drugs, illegal immigration, anti-gun laws, feminism, etc, etc; none other than Jewish lawyers, legal firms, associations, committee’s etc. Who are behind all the above and now stealing the wealth of our nation, none other than the Jewish banksters. Who has been advising the government on who are potential terrorists, such as Catholics, Christians, those that believe in the Constitution, Tea Party members, pro-gun peoples, those that don’t like large goverment, anti-homosexuals, etc, – none other than the Jewish ACLU, SPLC and ADL.

    Kagan, Meyers, Ginsburg, Summers, Lew, Geithner, Greenspan, Volcker, Yellen, Axelrod, Vallery Jarret (Obama’s handler – who is an Iranian Jew), Emanuel, Orzag, Lautenburg, Feinstein, Schumer, Wasserman, Franks, Levin, Boxer, etc, etc, so many names and more.

    In 1917, the 502 highest offices in the First Soviet Socialist Government of Russia consisted of 467 Jews. Alexandr Solzenitzyn writes in his last book on the history of Russia how the Jews murdered over 66 million Russians. Jewish writers, historians, publications, rabbi’s, all brag that they are the originators of Communism. What is in store for us after you read #1 above and have your eyes opened. Who are behind all that is happening in our nation and the world. Rep. Maxine Walters stated just two years ago that all Congressional leaders had to “sign” an “oath” of allegence to Israel, who are the banksters, who own Hollywood, 95% of all major media, all seven major movie company’s, near all publishers of books and papers, etc. Of the 33-38 official Czar’s of Obama – 98% are Jews.

    The Koran teaches that all must convert or die.
    The Talmud teaches all must die or become slaves (no conversion allowed)

    Both Judaism and Islam are mortal enemies of not only Christianity, of the Western world, but all the world, one is more objective and physical, in your face, Islam, the other is more sinister and hidden, Judaism.

    There is no more a two party system – just look at all the results after we are given a lot of theatre and phony opposition here and there. Open your eyes people and prepare for the final attempt of the Obama Administration to establish a Marxist Dictatorship in America and then turn our country over to the Russians and Chinese where “Jewish” interests and money have already deeply established themselves.

    The NSA is run by Israel, 9/11, Boston, President Kennedy’s Assassination, among others were all carried out by the MOSSAD.

    Too funny.
    Shows militia, states that its a right wing movement and implies racial tension over the president being black.

  7. This is old news, from 1.5 years ago I think? One of the sites I used to frequent, one of the “usuals” told us about it weeks before the letters were sent. The guy sounded a little fruity in his other posts, so I assume he’s harmless, and just pissed and confused. Nothing seriouse to get excited over, unfortunately.

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