“Fifth-Generation Warfare is…focused on psychological manipulation—psychological warfare, deception, social engineering…it is about changing the societal order in a massive way. So it is about the destruction of the state and the creation of a totally new social order.”

By Sense Receptor

Assistant Professor and Director of the Security Studies Program at East Carolina University Dr. Armin Krishnan describes for Sarah Westall the basics of “Fifth-Generation Warfare,” or warfare that is conducted primarily through non-kinetic military action.

“Fifth-Generation Warfare is very different from Clausewitzian warfare,” Krishnan tells Westall. (Military Strategy Magazine notes that Clausewitzian warfare, as described by Prussian General and military theorist Carl von Clausewitz, “occurs when states seek goals that clash with the goals of other states and choose to pursue them through violent means.)

“So the objective is no longer political, it’s no longer focused on the kinetic aspect of war, so it’s very much focused on psychological manipulation—psychological warfare, deception, social engineering, and these days, also what is called ‘cognitive warfare,'” Krishnan says. “So that also involves the manipulation of the brain, as well as the manipulation of culture. So you could affect the culture of a society by changing the composition of the society. So that would all fall into Fifth-Generation Warfare, which is fought in the human domain.”

Krishnan goes on to say:

“That is the domain of social relationships, of narratives, and of culture and values. So that’s where the main hostilities take place. And the objective is not to destroy the enemy armed forces, that’s no longer important. The military is no longer very important to Fifth Generation Warfare. What matters, really, is affecting the population in a way that is conducive to the goals of the belligerents. And what is very interesting about Fifth-Generation Warfare is that it is not apparent to many people that it’s actually happening. So that is a very big problem in terms of studying Fifth-Generation Warfare, because people are not aware that there is a war, and if they are aware that there is a war and they are under attack, they don’t know where the attack is coming from [or] who is responsible for it, and what is the ultimate goal of it.”

The Security Studies Director adds that Fifth-Generation Warfare “is about changing the societal order in a massive way. So it is about the destruction of the state and the creation of a totally new social order. And that order would no longer be political. So, it would be something that has been called ‘technocracy’ or ‘scientific dictatorship.’ So that would be a very radical change, and that would also mean that governments would no longer matter. So we would be moving towards a world government and some sort of federation of private interests and institutions that exercise control over populations.”

9 thoughts on ““Fifth-Generation Warfare is…focused on psychological manipulation—psychological warfare, deception, social engineering…it is about changing the societal order in a massive way. So it is about the destruction of the state and the creation of a totally new social order.”

  1. Oh, so that’s why they’ve emasculated the military rendering it impotent. So much more understandable now.

    And wow, this little talk here is what so many of us have known/sensed for years, but never have I seen it so well articulated. Brilliant and precise. A chilling warning of what is to come if we don’t stop it. Actually, what is already here.

    We knew they wanted our minds. Some surrendered them willingly, being under a mass hypnosis, some say mass psychosis. We tried to pull them out but they refused or were unable to see what is happening. May each who sees and understands work harder to protect his or her healthy mind and fight-to-the-finish any who advance to tamper with it.

    So many reasons to fight: Freedom of Body, Freedom of Mind, Freedom of Heart and Soul, just to name a few.


    1. My friend had some disagreement with this vid and gave me a broader perspective: “Forget jewish politics and weapons?!! It’s actually quite political from the standpoint of the nation of the jewish people. They require a world of their own and need to punish all the other polities with a big, kinetic MAD WWIII … America and Israel have their subs all over the world ready to launch nukes.”

      So true. And myself, I see it as both military AND mind-fk.


      1. some knowledge I gained over the weekend from the Arab/Islamic perspective is that because the Jews were banned from society in the earlier history that pre-dates the current banking empire they created, the only 2 ways they were able to weasel their way around was by picking through garbage to find metals that they could sell, which evolved into metal smithing and jewellry-making, and to delve into the sciences. They became very crafty in the wizardry of science, metals and money and because they hate all of normal society for banning them from participating in the established order for a free and healthy society, they have been scheming and conniving against the goyim ever since, with their fakery which they call science and their ponzi schemes which they call money. Factor in all the wars as well, financed on all sides by them. Because they have always had a psychotic hatred for the rest of us, they have used every form of psychological warfare their spiteful, hateful, evil, supremacist minds have been able to conjure up.

  2. As I stated in another article, it is becoming even more apparent from this article:

    “What we Americans need to be are people so psychologically strong that no child porn or deep state discrediting (fake or real) will ever phase or detracts us from hunting down and exterminating this evil. We need to stop cowering, get rid of any fearful mindset of ourselves and make peace with it if we are to have any chance of fighting, pushing forward and winning against them.”

      1. What I actually mean is we need to stop letting them control our thoughts and feelings in the past or present whether it be dark, negative or positive and have our focus be on the larger goal of eradicating this evil. Otherwise, we will be forever wallowing in our own past guilt and afflictions and we will never be able to move on in this so called “war for your mind” situation as they will repeatedly try and use this to stop and imprison us in our own heads through fear and manipulation.

        In terms of the Walking Dead scenario, we got too many Negans trying to build fake sanctuaries by psychologically manipulating people and not enough Rick Grimes trying to overcome guys like him to build a better world.

  3. NC, I hear you. It is a balancing act to be able to both prepare/be ready to fight and to also stay informed so as to study and understand the enemy and not get broadsided. As for not letting them control my feelings… Well, that’s a tough one. Feelings are often invalidated and judged as weakness, not born of intelligence and logic. But they play such an important role in alerting us when things are wrong. So your words prompt me to recognize my feelings and use them as a stepping stone to do more rather than letting the enemy control me. I know I needed this reminder today as the devastation I saw out of Rafah was some of the most horrible I’ve ever witnessed. And this was supposed to be a safe place for those people. So what do we get? Innocent people (mostly children) blown to bits. Some burned and still alive. No room at the hospitals. Epic suffering throughout. I did not control my feelings today. I cried in my husband’s arms.


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