Florida Couple Fined, Threatened with Jail for Feeding Homeless

Image: Debbie and Chico Jimenez, who run a ministry to help people in povertyNBC News – by Bill Briggs

A Florida couple who retired from their management jobs to care for the poor vowed Monday to wage a tenacious legal fight days after being fined more than $300 each for violating a local law.

Debbie and Chico Jimenez openly admit committing the act that earned them two citations apiece: feeding more than 100 people who are homeless in Daytona Beach.

Police in Daytona Beach also threatened them with arrest and incarceration, if they offer any more of their home-cooked meals at Manatee Island Park, a gathering the Jimenezes say they’ve hosted every Wednesday for the past year.  

“The worst thing is, these are people we have grown to love, they’ve become like family to us, and now we’re not allowed to go down and do that anymore. It’s just heartbreaking. I have cried and cried and cried,” said Debbie Jimenez, 52, a retired auto parts store manager. She and her husband, 60, a retired construction manager, operate New Smyrna Beach-based ministry called “Spreading the Word Without Saying a Word.”

“One of our (homeless) friends said that Wednesday is just not going to be Wednesday anymore,” Debbie Jimenez added. “We were given 10 days to either pay the fine or tell them we’re going to court. We’re going to court. The police don’t like it. But how can we turn our backs on the hungry? We can’t.”

In all, police officers ticketed six people, including four volunteers who helped the Jimenezes on Wednesday – one of them, a man in a wheelchair who recently escaped homelessness and participated “to pay it forward,” Debbie Jimenez said. The fines levied by authorities total $2,238.

But Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood said the Jimenezes had been warned one week earlier to stop their weekly feeding sessions after local residents complained that some homeless people gathering in the park were defecating and urinating on the grounds, and that some were showing up drunk at dawn.

“We as a city have spent millions of dollars to turn that park into a place for families, kids and dog lovers,” Chitwood said. “We have an ordinance that says when people want to perform acts of kindness or charity that they must coordinate with our local social service agencies.

“They were told (the previous Wednesday) that if they come back there, they would be cited and they could risk going to jail,” Chitwood said. “There is a segment of the homeless population that is homeless by choice. I don’t want to impugn them all. But some are homeless because they are sex offenders, substance abusers and bank robbers. That’s why we ask (Good Samaritans) to coordinate with our social service agencies, because they know who needs to be served.”

The big-buck investments made by Daytona Beach to rebuild Manatee Island Park include boat docks, kayak-launching sites and spots to view families of manatees – plus playgrounds, picnic areas and a dog area, Chitwood said.

The Jimenezes contend they never were warned to stay away.

“We’ve been down there a year, and the police have been around and not one of them has ever said one word,” Chico Jimenez said. “This time, the police said we are creating more homeless people by feeding them in the park, that we are enabling them by giving them one meal in a week. Does that make sense to you? It’s so crazy.”

Daytona Beach is not alone among cities that formally and legally restrict non-governmental individuals who seek to share food with homeless people in public or private spaces.

According to a report co-released by the National Coalition for the Homeless and the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty, during the past seven years Gainesville, Fla., began “enforcing a rule limiting the number of meals that soup kitchens may serve to 130 people in one day;” Phoenix, Ariz., “used zoning laws to stop a local church from serving breakfast to community members, including many homeless people, outside a local church;” and Myrtle Beach, S.C., “adopted an ordinance that restricts food sharing with homeless people in public parks.”

The Jimenezes videotaped their final feeding event, and their interactions with police officers. During one portion of the tape, Chico Jimenez pans the long line of people waiting for a plate of chicken patties topped with cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and onion, plus green beans with sausage, macaroni and cheese, pasta salad, chips, and sodas. He captures several of the volunteer food servers. And he shows police officers using a cruiser hood to write down the volunteers’ identifications.

One notable moment captures a Daytona Beach police officer telling Jimenez, “You’ve got to have permits,” as a woman plating food immediately widens her eyes.

“Each week, we celebrate somebody’s birthday. We have over 100 people every week – it’s always somebody’s birthday,” Chico Jimenez said. “On the tape, you can hear us singing ‘Happy Birthday’ as a group.”

On that videotape, the same police officer accuses the Jimenezes of staging “a permanent birthday party,” adding: “You can’t just call it a birthday party.”


10 thoughts on “Florida Couple Fined, Threatened with Jail for Feeding Homeless

  1. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report this is not the budget of a city, county or state but the second set of books not released to the public.

    I looked up the CAFR for Lake Mary a small town north of Orlando and we have over 60 million dollars in our secret books. For a small town that is incredible. We have a five million dollar police station, a beautiful city hall that spralls a park, a community center and a wow fire department. We have the most modern police cars to boot. When I moved here there was….
    police station…an old tiny house with spongy floors due to termite infestation, a old two story house for city hall that is now a museum, no community center, and a volunteer fire department. Where did all this money come from in a very short time????

    Cities, counties and states have enough money to make this problem go away easily without hurting anyone. Look up your CAFR for your city. Put in your city and state and ask for the CAFR. Orlando has billions!!!!

    CAFR Daytona Beach

    Page 27 gives totals.

    Thank you for your attention.

  2. I already tried this.
    don’t elect fools who won’t audit cafr.

    But sheeple watch TV still.

  3. CAFR audit? – cafr1.com
    Jury duty ? – fija.org
    Agenda 21 Iclei member?

    It ain’t enough for the sheep to solve the problem

    Here’s why, even if we could audit cafr, how would this fix goin to jail for feeding the homeless? It won’t. cause that’s a BAD law; e.g. fija.

    1. My point it never gets that far because the money available would take care of the homeless with ease. Where there is a will there is a way. Problem is no will.

  4. Also, the CAFR files are in PDF cause the bankster sub-minions love to use scanned TIFF’s so you can not search for text.

    Also they like to give the files cryptic names.

    Glitchy websites.

    Glitchy searches.

    Directory structure without indexing.

    Directory names random.

    Yeah in the .gov this problem infests all the way to the electronic vote tabulation device.

  5. But sheeple watch TV still.
    and the sheep choices on the ballot match the TV!
    the POTUS controls the FCC board.
    FCC Controls the networks the sheep watch.

    It’s electronic warfare. Some senators won’t let you email them without a matching zip code!!!

    Other senators, like feinstein just use email as a SEND platform for bulletined propaganda. No feedback loop. Just talking points and documents (MIME PDF ATTACHMENTS) which say this is how it’s going to go.

    These f-ing idiots (e.g. the Senate) MOST haven’t even had pgp keys for very long, if ever. Most these retards don’t even have keys or know what encryption is.

  6. The cops should invite the homeless to come into the police cafeteria to be served and to use their shower facilities, weight room equipment, WiFi, and toilets. They never will, though, because they ‘have made it’.

  7. So tptb like to make suffering. They use the homeless(because nobody cares) and do a “soft” tyranny while EVERYONE (except trenchers) looks away in discuss.
    Meanwhile the cops get to act tuff and make money for the coffers(that in one story is a lot of money they need to raise and another story the feds pay for it and give them military surplus and it is awesome). Quotas met and the judges and lawyers getting to molest the freedoms of everyone at 1200/hr. The news papers speak of creating homeless if you hand too many strangers free food (unless with a permit where they can get you into a contract of tyranny).
    There should be a quote by someone that goes like this
    “When it becomes outlaw to give food to strangers in public, one should try hangings in private.”

  8. Jesus was turned away by the Jewish Sanhedrin of His day. Now the police act as Romans…clearing the feast prior to crucifying all people He came for.
    Woah to those who might hand a man or woman a stone when he/she asks for bread. Your 401Ks will not get you through or eternally past the day of reckoning (accountability). As Jesus was harvested, so shall he/she be who has turned his/her backs on the least of My brothers and My sisters. It would have been better if he/she would never have been born.

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