Florida deputies came to the rescue of someone apparently screaming for help. It was a parrot


Turns out, things aren’t always what they seem … or what they sound like.

That’s the lesson Florida police officers learned earlier this week after they responded to a call that turned out to be much different than what they thought.

Deputies in Lake Worth Beach arrived at a home to help “someone screaming for help,” the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office said on Facebook. 

“Hilarity ensued,” the sheriff’s office said on Facebook.

In a video police shared, a man is seeing working on his car when about four officers arrive in his driveway.

He looks toward what appears to be a back yard, and yells ‘Rambo.’

“I’ll bring out the screamer to you,” he says.

As they wait, the man steps away and comes back with a friend — his pet parrot.

The green bird greets the officers who seem to share a laugh about the incident and bids them goodbye.


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