Florida: Jewish Man Shoots Two Israelis ‘After Mistaking Them for Palestinians’

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

A Jewish man in Miami on Sunday shot two Israelis after “mistaking them for Palestinians” and yet the media is reporting on the incident as an “anti-Semitic attack.”




From NBC Miami, “Man faces attempted murder charges after shooting 2 in Miami Beach: Police”:

A man accused of shooting two people in Miami Beach was arrested on Sunday, police said.

Mordechai Brafman, 27, was charged with two counts of attempted second-degree murder.

Police said on Saturday, surveillance video in the 4800 block of Pine Tree captured Brafman’s car going southbound on Pine Road and then making a U-turn at 48th Street where a vehicle with two victims was stopped.

The arrest report said that Brafman drove past them and stopped directly in front of them.

Brafman then got out of his car, stayed near the driver’s side and started shooting the vehicle as it drove past him, the report said.

The victims’ vehicle, the report said, was shot 17 times and struck both people inside.

They buried the lede — this is the last line of the article:

While Brafman was in the interview view room with detectives, the report said, he spontaneously told them that he was driving his truck, saw two Palestinians and shot and killed both.

No doubt the ADL will add this to their tally of “anti-Semitic” attacks.

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