Florida State University Police Shot Attorney Myron May, Struck Nine Times in Hail of Gunfire

james tracyGlobal Research – by  Prof. James F. Tracy

Police and forensic reports released this week to MHB by the Tallahassee City Attorney’s Office indicate that five Florida State University and two Tallahassee police officers fired their .40 caliber handguns a total 34 times at 31-year-old FSU alum and Texas attorney Myron May on November 20, 2014. May, whose videotaped suicide note indicates he took up the mantle of mass shooter to draw attention to the plight of “targeted individuals”, was struck nine times, with five of the officers’ bullets hitting him in the rear of his pelvic area and lower extremities.  

Additional documents exhibit some witnesses attesting that officers were within several feet of May, opening fire after he refused to drop his .380 caliber Lorcin pistol. Responding Tallahassee and FSU police were both equipped with loaded Taser weapons, yet instead chose to dispatch May in a hail of gunfire.

All seven officers were exonerated by a Grand Jury in mid-December.

“The cops kept telling him to lay down to which the man made no moves,” the signed testimony of one bystander reveals.

He kept his hands by his head, either scratching or resting them. I could not see if he still had his weapon draw[n] but upon the fifth request the cops unloaded about 15 round into him.

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The Florida State University administration–overseen by powerful Florida GOP politico John Thrasher who was sworn in as FSU’s president less than two weeks before the shooting–has repeatedly refused to release its police reports and related documentation of the incident. “We will be happy to provide records once they become public,” Associate General Counsel Robyn Blank Jackson wrote in a January 9, 2015 email to MHB. “It is not possible to provide an exact date.”[1]

The Tallahassee Police Department’s forensic report indicates that May fired his .38 caliber handgun at least three times at bystanders inside and just outside the entrance of the FSU Strozier Library, injuring three. One victim, 21-year old FSU student Farham “Ronny” Ahmed, was paralyzed after a bullet hit his spine.[2] Police also recovered boxes of.22 caliber ammunition, a “Berretta” style BB gun, and a shotgun from May’s 2010 Chevrolet Equinox.

Three videos produced by May totaling over 100 minutes were also released by Tallahassee police, who worked closely with federal authorities in the case. In the videotaped statements May calmly explains his plight to the camera. “See, I am a victim of covert harassment, electronic harassment, and gang stalking. I am what’s called a targeted individual … You can find out more about what a targeted individual is simply by Googling or YouTubing the words ‘targeted individual’ or ‘gang stalking’ and you’ll see the videos and postings and articles and stuff like that, about what a targeted individual is.”

May goes on to describe in detail the various forms of aggravation and electronic harassment he had endured over the course of several months, encouraging viewers to read Harvard-educated applied science researcher Robert Duncan’s 2010 book, Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed. In this book Duncan explains the similarities between hacking into computers and individual human minds individual minds.

After explaining the technologies and techniques of electronic harassment and gang stalking, May steadily addresses and gives parting words to specific family members and friends.

May received his undergraduate degree from Florida State University in 2005 and his law degree from Texas Tech University thereafter. He was licensed to practice law by the State of Texas in 2009.

The videos and other materials May sent to several parties before his final acts were intercepted and confiscated by Postal Inspectors and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Federal intelligence and government funded agencies and contractors—including many of America’s most prestigious universities—comprise a long history of mind control research that dates to World War Two. “These kinds of electromagnetic and acoustic weapons are well-described going back to the [CIA mind control] MK-ULTRA documents—very primitive like early forms of them,” psychiatrist and author of The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations by American Psychiatrists Colin A. Ross explains.

They’re described in Defense Electronics magazine. They’re described in US News and World Report. There was an article a little over a decade ago describing the specific electromagnetic weapon, what the specs of the weapon were, the aircraft it was being tested in by the Air Force, the altitude of the aircraft, how far into the skin the electromagnetic energy would penetrate, who the contractor was—mainly Sandia Labs.

Ross continues,

You can find pictures of these weapons on Wikipedia easily. So they definitely exist. When you look at the documented history of CIA-military testing of hypnosis, LSD, biological weapons, chemical weapons, other interrogation chemicals on unwitting civilians massively for decades, why would we think, “Oh, it’s impossible that these weapons are being tested on unwitting civilians.”

“It’s not sensible to reach that conclusion, given the prior history of testing *all kinds* of other weapons on unwitting civilians—including radiation experiments. So, I would say that it’s perfectly realistic, possible, maybe even likely that these weird electromagnetic weapons are being beamed at civilians without their knowledge or permission. And then the people who are experiencing the effects are of course just completely written off as being nuts, completely discredited, nobody buys it, so that’s perfect cover. Now does that mean everybody’s story’s real? No way. But I don’t think zero is real either.[3]

Along these lines, rather than researching and reporting May’s case and other human rights abuses involving the potential use of such technologies, corporate media outlets have repeatedly chosen to look the other way, attributing such events to mental breakdowns and calling for gun control heightened mental health measures to curb the frequency of these and similar incidents.


[1] Robyn Blank Jackson to James Tracy, January 9, 2015.

[2] Jeff Berlew, “FSU Student Left Paralyzed in Campus Shooting,” Tallahassee Democrat/USA Today, November 25, 2014.

[3] Colin A. Ross interview, Real Politik, Truth Frequency Radio, January 18, 2015.


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6 thoughts on “Florida State University Police Shot Attorney Myron May, Struck Nine Times in Hail of Gunfire

  1. “… five Florida State University and two Tallahassee police officers fired their .40 caliber handguns a total 34 times…”

    “…he took up the mantle of mass shooter to draw attention to the plight of “targeted individuals”, was struck nine times,…”

    And the other 25 rounds…?

    1. i was thinking that,
      they must be using “the force” instead of the fixed sights.
      what is the backstop though, a thin wall with a classroom behind it?

      maybe they should be issued with powder&ball pistols.
      then they will have to actually aim before they fire the (one) shot!

  2. Just tells me how bad a shot they are
    And that makes me smile , because when they decide to take arms up against us in mass , it will be like catching fish in a barrel , or some phrase like that
    Don’t let your steel rust

  3. this happens on a larger and smaller scale than people even realize. if its not the government and their abc agencies, its your local pd, local gangs etc…

    whether it be advanced technology or the less advanced on down to actual people doing the stalking, this does exist.

    how better to control whole populations. from what I’ve learned, this was put into use before I was even born.

  4. Electronic harassment is zionist technology, which in ancient times was called ‘demonology’, where they use a supercomputer artificial intelligence (which isn’t that smart btw, to harass you via infrasound/ELF/microwaves and brainwash you, especially via hypnosis). This technology was part of a previously advanced civilisation and the use of cell phone towers which have an ELF/scalar component, is kept hidden from the public for obvious reasons, so they can be manipulated without their knowledge. Zionist bankers fund this project, which is 50 years ahead of the admitted current level of knowledge, and this is used on a global scale to manipulate populations towards their desired end, to be as God.

    God does exist and we should not accept this abuse of technology.

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