Fox News quietly settles with former host over O’Reilly sexual harassment claims

Raw Story

A former Fox News anchor has quietly reached a settlement after threatening a sexual harassment suit against the network over the actions of star Fox personality Bill O’Reilly and Jack Abernethy, who was recently named co-President of the news division.

According to an exclusive at Lawnewz, former Fox News host Juliet Huddy has agreed to the settlement according to three separate sources, including a former Fox News executive. 

Huddy previously served as a host on the network’s Fox & Friends weekend edition, before moving to The O’Reilly Factor as a regular. Huddy eventually left the network to work for Fox 5 New York, which she departed in 2016, citing, “20 challenging years” with Fox.

According to her attorney’s letter to the network, she left O’Reilly’s show and the cable network after “rebuffing Mr. O’Reilly’s advances.”

In the letter to the network, Huddy claims O’Reilly propositioned her multiple times and tried to force himself on her when she visited his home. She also states O’Reilly made inappropriate phone calls to her and that there was an incident at a New York hotel when she attempted to return a room key to him.

The former host said she was forced off O’Reilly’s show despite her popularity before transferring to Fox New York where she was relegated to anchoring a 4:30 a.m. spot.

Huddy also stated Abernethy sexually harassed her by “constantly calling her at the office and asking her to come by his office,” when he was CEO of Fox Television Stations.

No details of the settlement have been released, with spokespeople for both O’Reilly and Abernethy denying the accusations.

7 thoughts on “Fox News quietly settles with former host over O’Reilly sexual harassment claims

  1. “Pay her whatever she wants, and pray that she keeps her mouth shut about the pedophile parties”. — Murdock

  2. Du du du duh..
    Da du da da duh.
    He’s a superfreak!
    He’s super freakin..
    Ye owe..

    He’s not the guy you take home to mother.

  3. Face down in the mud is where he belongs.. does this woman have any MEN in her family?

    if so WTF are they doing ?

  4. When I worked at an office in the 80’s; that’s the way the men were. Women had to get smart fast to survive not being molested or raped. I see nothing has changed and am glad I run my own business now.

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