5 thoughts on “FREE FALLIN’ starring BUILDING 7

  1. Why didn’t I think of that.? If this Las Vegas shooting doesn’t wake people up to what conspiracy theorists have been saying all along about past terrorist events and set up Patsys as recently as Jerry Drake Varnell I don’t know what will. Operation Northwoods has been declassified and yes demicide ( murder by the government state ) has always always been the number one killer of our civilizations going back eons of recorded history. Anders Bering Breivik ….was he alone in 2 seperate incidences in Norway? Yes there is acoustic deflecton technology today and the government is always years ahead of us for control and profit…profit always being the banks.

  2. Read the book, “Solving 9-11” by Christopher Bollyn. It may not prove anything, beyond a shadow of a doubt, but it will positively leave one with more questions.

    While the question of who did what is important, the bigger question: Was this government complicit, in any way, of being involved with the crime or the coverup?

  3. The free-fall of Building 7 – This will never not be stunning. Awesome in its truth-revealing visual. And the raw truth of it keeps getting stepped on and discounted. How much more truth can be delivered before the majority sees? A family member of mine: “Our government would never do that!” and “Israel is our greatest ally.” I rest my case. “It’s a long day, livin’ in Reseta.”


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