5 thoughts on “Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Alive? Spotted at a Atlantic City Casino on Friday Night?

  1. Close but no cigar….. look at the hairline as it sweeps forward to a side-peak..

    On Paddock, that side-peak is significantly higher than his eyebrows, by about an inch or more.. and it sweeps back again toward the ears quickly leaving lots of skin exposed…

    on the look-alike, that side-peak is just barely higher than his eyebrows…… and the sweep to the ears is more down than back making him more hair-covered…

    Look alikes are a mathematically possible event, so this is not that unbelievably simply a look-alike coincidence… bet the guy wishes he wasn’t being stared at so constantly….. rotfl

  2. Not the same people IMO. The pic of Paddock shows a bad scar on left side of his chin from left corner of mouth. The other guy doesn’t have that. He does look like Ned Beatty though….Squeeeel like a pig boy!!!

  3. Damn close though, jowls are different,but damn close. Plastic surgery and he’s the guy! Noses are are almost identical….

    Paddock has got that casino haggard face, one too many pulls with no wins.

    1. Well, considering that an alleged gun runner for some unwholesome operations has a need to launder his illegal income, the stints at the gambling games are just the only safe/legal way to launder that illgotten income, so the price of the casino’s bias is just the cost of doing business of laundering, more safely than other methods at bankers-buddies schemes…

      And since NO ONE has stepped forward and claimed to be living in or managing any sort of REAL ESTATE AT ALL in Paddocks pocket, the gun running piloting seems more and more likely with casinos as a pleasant place to get your bills exchanged for chips and then new bills.. all the while surrounded by luxury…. not too bad, but 64 does wear on most people doing that much travelling and ‘watching’ over your shoulder….. ttyl

  4. Okay i would like to know if anyone has gotten a close look at his neck. In one of the pictures he has a #13 on his neck, this is the picture next to the photo showing him dead in the Las Vegas hotel and it clearly shows that #13 on his neck, the dead guy has no #13. I cannot tell in the video if he has that number or not.

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