RT News Residents of Anaheim have clashed yet again with police following the weekend shootings that killed two men. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in the center tossing rocks and bottles at police and ignoring warnings to disperse.
Police stepped up their presence on the streets of Anaheim – home of Disneyland – outside City Hall, forming skirmish lines and firing pepper balls into the swelling crowds.
Residents protested against police brutality and decried the murder of 25-year-old Manuel Diaz, who was unarmed when police shot him over the weekend.
Officers arrested at least two people in clashes and had to shut down the local petrol station when protesters were spotted filling cans with gas. A group of demonstrators also hurled chairs through the windows of a local Starbucks.

Starbucks Coffee employee assess the damage to the windows broken by demonstrators with chairs as police officers from Orange County move protesters away from Anaheim City Hall (REUTERS / Alex Gallardo)

Patrons huddle for cover as windows are broken by demonstrators with chairs (REUTERS / Alex Gallardo)
Chief of Anaheim police John Welter said that his officers had exercised “great restraint” amid protester violence.
“I respect the people’s right to demonstrate, but I wish that they weren’t demonstrating in a violent manner,” Welter said.
Riots and protests have gripped the town for the past four days after the deaths of Manuel Diaz on Saturday and Joel Acevedo on Sunday at the hands of police officers.
Police were in pursuit of Manuel Diaz along with two other men that they suspected were gang members on Saturday. Officers then confronted Diaz in front of an apartment block where he was shot. He later died of his wounds in hospital.
Anaheim’s police have not yet cited a reason as to why they opened fire on Diaz.
The victim’s family filed a lawsuit for $50 million on Tuesday against the city of Anaheim and its police department, claiming that Diaz was shot while fleeing from police.
“The reason for the shooting is still under investigation by the district attorney and we have no influence, no control or input into that investigation, so we just merely provide scene protection making sure that any evidence or any other information or detail is not disrupted in the crime scene,” Welter said.

Protesters clash with police at Anaheim City Hall to show their outrage for the shooting death of Manuel Angel Diaz (AFP Photo / Jonathan Gibby)
The shooting sparked an immediate response from residents who stormed the streets of Anaheim in protest of the killing. Police reacted firing beanbag rounds into crowds that included women and children. Officers were also caught on tape releasing a police dog on protesters which took down one man and bit his arm.
Anaheim police killed the second man, Joel Acevedo on Sunday night after he allegedly opened fire on officers.
City officials voted on Tuesday to ask the US attorney’s office to come and assist in the investigations of the weekend’s shootings.

A line of police officers protect Anaheim City Hall during demonstrations to show outrage for the fatal shooting of Manuel Angel Diaz, 25, at Anaheim City Hall. (AFP Photo / Jonathan Gibby)

Protesters walk by the smashed windows of a Starbucks after violence erupted between police officers and protesters after demonstrations to show outrage for the fatal shooting of Manuel Angel Diaz, 25, at Anaheim City Hall. (AFP Photo / Jonathan Gibby)

A protester kicks a passing police car during a demonstration to show outrage for the shooting death of Manuel Angel Diaz, 25, at Anaheim City Hall. (AFP Photo / Jonathan Gibby)

An injured pedestrian cries out to end the destruction of local properties after violence erupted between police officers and protesters during demonstrations to show outrage for the fatal shooting of Manuel Angel Diaz, 25, at Anaheim City Hall.(AFP Photo / Jonathan Gibby)

REUTERS / Alex Gallardo

A scrimmage line of police officers protect the streets surrounding Anaheim City Hall during a demonstration to show outrage for the fatal shooting of Manuel Angel Diaz, 25, at Anaheim City Hall.(AFP Photo / Jonathan Gibby)

A protester is taken into custody during a demonstration to show outrage for the fatal shooting of Manuel Angel Diaz, 25, at Anaheim City Hall.(AFP Photo / Jonathan Gibby)

A protester is arrested by police officers from Orange County as protesters try to occupy the intersection of Anaheim Blvd. and Broadway to demonstrate against recent police shooting in Anaheim.(REUTERS / Alex Gallardo)
It’s funny how the MSM still hides this from being on the cover of the main page of their news outlets. You actually have to do a search and then there is only a small article about it.
It’s also funny how you know when something like this is planned by our government and when it is not planned. If it is planned by our government, the MSM covers it, but when it is not planned, they either censor it or give it a small paragraph so they don’t look bad. I guess this riot was not planned. I guess they had to let the “Ministry of Truth” know beforehand. Pathetic.
As everyone says, “The Revolution will not be televised.” This just proves their point.
…wait until “the people” really begin to riot…let’s see how brave those cops are when 100,000.00 people rally in the streets…and you know..all the protective, ballistic shields and what-not will not help you once you are soaked in gasoline…so good luck to the cops who think they are “doing their job”…
…and BTW…I’m not too sure this isn’t being done on purpose…they need the country tp boil over so they can justify their martial law…
RJ O’Guillory
Webster Groves-The Life of an Insane Family
Soaking them in gasoline? Sounds like a good tactic. I’ll have to remember that. Molotov Cocktails, anyone?
Just to be clear to our “rulers” and “Leaders”, whom we are forced to “live under” and who have such respect for the Bill-of-Rights and the Constitution
….and to the fascist folks who are most likely monitoring this comment as I speak….
(I’ve been visited by the FBI already)
…I am neither promoting or endorsing the use of violence…or of using gasoline as a form of protest or a weapon…
…I am simply predicting the natural outcome of a nation that is being repressed, destroyed and made more hostile by the day…
RJ O’Guillory
Webster Groves-The Life of an Insane Family
Don`t forget to add a little oil to make it burn hotter and a little dish soap to make that gas stick. Informational use only and not recomemded to use.
Dig, since you know so much, I’m going to make you my “all-purpose cleaner” when it comes time to clean the streets of its filth. LOL
By the way, if you use dish soap, make it the lemon scented ones. It always goes good with alcohol and a barbeque. lol
You guys forgot about good old balloons filled with gasoline. Throw some at a few pigs and as they smell it and realize what it is throw a lite and watch them roast.
Interesting….I have to write this stuff down. You guys have good ideas. lol
My Fellow Americans,
This is most likely how the 2nd American Revolution will start:
Some small incident, which in this case was the Anaheim police killing another innocent American,.. then trying to cover that up as they kill ANOTHER innocent American, .. if this “incident” does not spin up,.. it will most likely be something very similiar to this.
When the police show up in force, and begin brutalizing Americans,.. they will reach a point where, We The People, will say we have had enough,… time to fight back,.. with lethal force.
As per comments above,.. I agree, the Ministry-Of-Propoganda will NOT televise the 2nd American Revolution,.. until it is impossible to ignore any longer,.. and as Mr Guillory suggests,.. this may be nothing more than an attempt to incite unrest and riots simply as justification to execute Martial Law.
As a matter of historical perspective:
The formula for revolution that history has shown time and again:
When these 4 elements exist simultanously in abudance,… there is only one outcome – revolution:
1) Despair
2) Hopelessness
3) Hunger
4) Anger
Despair: When people are wholly depressed by their reduced state, and can not change their current circumstances.
Hopelessness: When people do not see any possible way to change their circumstances or current state of affairs, now, or in the future.
Hunger: When people are having extreme trouble just trying to find enough to eat, for themselves, and/or their loved ones.
Anger: When the effects of the first three combine and people realize it is failure of the present system that have created these conditions.
When any three of these exist,.. there is potential unrest, hence why the gov’t is freely handing out the Obama Coupon (food stamps).
When all four elements are present,.. all that is needed is a trigger event to ignite peoples passions, and desperation for change.
Yeah,.. Obama promised change,.. but, We The People,.. are going to be the ones that bring it about!
JD – US Marines – Hoping Americans realize there is ONLY one way out of this,.. it is time to abolish our treasonous US Fed Gov’t and ALL its criminal agencies to the last,.. and REPLACE it with a Constitutional Gov’t, which we have not had for many decades now.
Obama’s food stamp program will work about as much as his gun control program. Only a temporary hiccup before the Revolution starts.
The day I take food stamps is the day I stamp them on Michelle Obama’s fat ass and say, “SNAP!” I don’t take government handouts. Never have and never will. They can take their slave stamps and shove it up their asses. I prefer to work an honest day’s job for my food. (Notice how I said, “honest” job. Can’t find too many of those around anymore)
Will someone PLEASE post another story on this site about ANYTHING the NYCPD had to have done lately in an effort to not be outdone by L.A. area cops? (Sorry Angel, nothing personal)
And what were those people thinking, attacking Starbuck’s, unless it happens to be Anaheim P.D.’s favorite hangout?
Love the guy in the “V” mask by the way, it happens to be one of my favorite movies.
LOL, no offense taken.
Considering what started the riots, I think the city should pay for the damage.
If the city pays for the damages then they take more money from taxpayers. It makes no difference. Either way, the taxpayers of the city are screwed.