Fusion Center Locations in the U.S.

Future Tools

When fusion centers and their allied federal partners are pinpointed on these United States, it looks less like “We’re here to help you” and more like a military occupation.

Dozens of documents and databases were scrubbed to elicit the actual location of these nefarious centers. You could say these GPS positions are a “fusion” of many sources! 

GPS Points of Interest files for fusion centers and their partners can be downloaded below:

Google Earth: Pox Americana.kml

Garmin: Pox Americana.gpx

GPS Comma-separated-values: Pox Americana.csv

Addresses: Fusion Centers.csv

All Files: Fusion.zip

You can use Extra POI Editor to convert to other file formats like TomTom or Magellan.



9 thoughts on “Fusion Center Locations in the U.S.

  1. My God, I went to wikipedia and punched in “Fusion Center” (I wasn’t too clear on exactly what they were) – It was interesting reading to say the least – one part was about how they were [intentionally] set up to take advantage of the differences [gaps] in authority [Fed, State, FBI. CIA, DHS, etc. etc.] so that they weren’t really answerable to anybody?? Go figure
    Wow, thanks for the heads up, Paul – it never ceases to amaze me the interesting stuff that comes in on this site

  2. My Fellow Patriots:

    These “Fusion Centers” are the American version of the Gestapo-Operation-Centers.

    The Gestapo were orginally for “Internal” threat assesment, and of course “Detainment” operations.

    The Gestapo morphed (aka: Mission Creep) into something even more sinister and abusive later on (the “Gestapo” everyone thinks of),. as will these Fusion-Centers, which WILL eventually form a direct co-operative basis with DHS to form the new and expanded version of an American-Gestapo Force,… with full “Detainment”, “Questioning”,.. and “Enhanced Interrogation” (torture) powers.

    In fact,… the’re only one step away from that now.

    The US Fed Gov’t IS an Enemy-Force-In-Occupation,… utilizing the public faces of Amerians as it’s employees to reduce awarness of its real function,.. but none the less,.. there is no way to fix this,… except with direct refusal of cooperation, confrontation, elimination of them,… their owners,… and the people ultimately behind all of it,… which are the same ones behind every war since our own Revolutionary War,… which is the International Bankersters,… from the Rothchilds on down.

    Until we rid the world of their existence,… we will NEVER have a peaceful,… productive,…. life of liberty and freedom,.. period.

    JD – US Marines – The US Fed Gov’t is now nothing more than the American Branch of the International Terrorist Network of the International Bankers,.. bar none.


    1. Wow, JD – you’ve got it – great comment! – it appears to be the exact same thing as the original Gestapo (or the “AVO” in Hungary, etc.) –
      and your reference to “mission creep” as to how it came about – the more I thought about this last night, the more I came to the very same conclusion

      STFB, Draftee, Reluctant Vietnam Vet, & Linguistic sniper – ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ

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